ORONO. ONT., TH-U RSDAY, HeIp In Any Wa Midland Regiment Will Commence Recruiting For Active Service -Four -Counties Wil Send Recruits To Regiment Start To-day Wfi th autborization r-eceived for ~mbiiztinof thie Midiland Reimlenit _as 'an acetive ser,ývice uni, rcutn if the lst Battal*ýin MiçllandRei , ment, CuSF ~esnder iýwav todavý -tnd Halijburtoni. nuceetto ~this effeè('t is madle by Luiet-Gol. A. H. Boun-sall, E. D. Officer Oommnanding. Arrang-ements for recruiting- throughout the four couinties have -aow been comrpleted and enrolmenit of C.A.S.F. volnteers begins today in five centres. Victoria and Hialiburton Counties have been inceluded in the -recruiting area of the battalion' for 4EA.S.F. ptirposes and a second N.P. A.M. Battalion is also being recruited1 LIEUT.4COL. A. Hl. BOUNSALL, at the samre trne in the caunties Of E.D., Officer Commianding the Mid- INorthum~berland anrd Durhain. land Reg-lt(imet, now o-dered tu mobil- Recýruitinig offices bave h(eun estab- ize for- active service. Recruiting of ihied at Cobour-g, Camlp'bellford, Port the lst Battalion., Midland Regimient, Hlope anidBom vie and, to oh- CASF begins to-day. (Aug. lst) in vtedelay lu enist1nentsý, iVieical he couinties of Notubrad IBoards wvill eual be convenced at Durham, 'Vichtoria alnd Hliburlton-. Re- 'oorC pelfrBowmnanville cruiiîiug coutiniue,ý ini Nortbum-lbejrnd1 ndlLinday. anid Durha for, the 2nd Bl attalion, Recruitngoffices -,il! be o'pen idlndRgtiPAM. ow -also thro ugbout t h dy and evenlingnn aihoizd ýa nfinimflniof dlyis foesenin ---------- _______ ý-licats will be inter Viewed, exal ni- r U E THUGS' ctd and attested as rpdyas possible fsind, first inifatry battalion tuo be A TRICKIE'S CORNER raised in thlese counities silice oUt- break-of war,ý the unit wil1, it is felt, Wilreunghoefo or ýui:kIy be r5cruited to str'eng-tb. from thIe Goodyear plant at Bowmian- With miobilizaion of the Middland ille o ria ngt aVNlon Regimient, the counities of Nor-th-uml-ICuirwa ed1pbtobads berland, Durhami, Victoria and Hali- at rie' s Corner, ythree mdiles ~burton are niow% for the first turne tTi1i(' Cric, 1re mls given thbe opportunity for elistient so0uth of 0Oronlo. in a purely local C.A.S.F. battalion As Nelson was approach-in-g the rand, because of this, recruiLtinfg of- corner lie noticed a stalled car so flces in the are-a are expected to be stopped to do the g-ood saniaritai- act Jiai'd pressed to handie thie numiber of asking if t'hey were in trouble,l of recruits wbo will present thein- we one of ýthe men- poked a re- selves for enlistirient. Doubt is feit volver into bis ribs and ordered humi that more thani a fraction of hs men ifto bis own car and told im iito tdrive 'wbo desire to enlist for active service down the 3r-d linse, followed by the ean b-e inehided in the C.A.S.F. unit. otheýr car. After traveling a short One of the first units to be called d1istance fromn the pavement Nelson apon for guard duty just prior o the was ordered to stopped whýen they ~outbreak of war, hes M'idlanid Tegi- rfled bi"s pockets. They took thec ~nient was recently authorized to re- 4keys out of bis car and wben tlhey cruit Vo full war strength as a N.P. tarted awaythe tekysbc AM. unit. A week ago authorization onito the roýad, making their g-eta- was received to proceed witb mobil - aa y.- Hie wasý unable to get the ization for active service witb the lcne' ubraste bdte C.A.S.F. Authorization -was grantedl,i covered over. ït is felt, as a direct consequence of ________________ the mnarked rapidýity with which the Northwest Rebe11îon. Re-org-aniizeýd -unit was brougilht up Vo wnir strengtb n13loicudh otubr as a N.P.A.M. unit.n13 oicueth \o-hiiý.: Possessed of ani enviables, bistory, land and Durham Regimients, the the Midlanid Regimient dates bauk to unit perpoetuates thie 39th,13t and 1866 andi, as early as 1885,acutd 9t C.E.F. Battalions, witb their itsself witb marked distiixction inl the long, lis;t of battis bonors. u rono Girls Club Will Demoristrate At Peterboro Fairl ORONO 24; KIRBY 17 Tbree Vanis are iefV in the play- offs of Orono Softball 1Club, Orono, Forestry and Kir.by, Oshawa having d1roppsd out earlier in the season., Oronio and irhby played the first gamne of tbe plaiy-off s on Monday nighit with Orono taking this gaine bythe score of 294 Vo 17 before a very nsall numnber of fans.Kib started off o)n thce wro-ng- foot, givingl- Orono ten runls in he first lhaîf of Vhse first in1nings. The Oroýno batters were bit- inig >àfelyv, getti-ng ýten it.!-is off Dick Mor-ton foi, the ten us. Outside of this innings the ;gamevnwas well played as Vhse Kirby team settled dowý\n~ and froml thaot timi-e on botb teuamis w-erc' oni even footing.): There mers somie surprýiseýs in this gm.Here we set- Witheridge at bat six timies wýitb live bits to bis. credit and ws, are sure we ,Sco-ed Vths bits cor-rectlyv; also we see, Lyal Lowery on1- the score sheet with three bits ort of four turnes at bat. These toenerg'etic hall pîrayers have at last found there battinwg eye, sither that or we went to sleep in m-arking tbe score set Jimi Powers mas the heavy hitter of the evening with two hoýme runs; AU. WestV with one; TJohn Lowery one <GonItinuedi on page five) Freed ivict Help Ted Iof Ju Son, of Mll Antioch, nc M a ry,1 l"7 S trE who wvill cý Midland IR service. years wit Senlior Wa Lod>ge. He ing n Oro Have vu Fudgle, INM the thres ýt thlat ex,ý these hree t whiere the )t there is Or ono Loses Public Onle of Orn'swlknw edical but evenl iiieni passed a (yionF iday,- July - 26, puttinig t1 in the person of Dr. Neil ColvilIe, af- effort wa ter anilIsseenigor a couple Hes toobý of weeks. Cmui Tlhe late Dr. Colville -,as born in wh tart! Clarke Township at Lot 85.. Conces- niing, wbiu ,ion 7, on April 22nid, 1867 , the yearii the beailt, of onedraton l1e was onle of a, served on f'amily of sevcn childreni, being, a ception ri- son of the late r.Jamles Colville deatb, ahw and the laVe Janet Smiit. dren so tl H1e receiv.ed bis early ed1uiationi at plIlace Vo Pl Clarke Union, folwe y a year at sres Bownianvi'lle Higb SebIool, mhere lhe teretLU toOk[ý four y'ears ,ork in one and pas- Was anl Px ed bis exariniatio(ns. fn 1889 lbe ton and te entered hes Model Scýhooi aV Port 1bne playedl Hope where hie obtained bis certifi- Ilu frate cate, and( taug-ht at Dals scbool for a Master of yea, he rturnled Vo tbe farm i witb he4, car' bis father. Orono Lo After working- on the fari for five in the sarl yeasie decided Vto enter the Univer- Vry1rea sity and 1graduated witb honors witb- ~ 1~ out a failuire, in a sing-le examinatio, Dr. Col Ili 1902 hie returned Vo Clarke lice Magis Townsbip and settled in Vhse village be bandle of Orono, livingl with h late Mrs, appointed Adam Henry 'Wh10ocnucted a hatd-Couinties ingl bouse ilu hs residence wbere hai. be bias s1ince r Jesided, Ill 90'3 1ele he Was united in mrnige ife, and to Ednia Roydagbtr fVs ate-J a nies, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roy, of No. 9 Notheo, sehool section (Betbesda), just nortb n h of Bowma,ýnvlle. one sistei. The Dr. took an active initerest -il, owar hs affairsý of hs village. Hlle wsin- The fut str-urentail i acingths OronioAMois ,ý& Telephione Copnto týe excMeletOfSnd condition 1V is tdaof wih h 43 pm sysem i oe of hs, cbeapest and oled yt of-tbe ibst in h iion. 1e 1 ex- 1 ) a Cm an l ad several o0her sma1l]lr Jim Coîx sýysteme Sin Vths surr-oundn tit i lle Ers VlVozhlm dcirivf floml Ofwictes clubs; repipesent, will be giveni hs oppor.tunity V, o judge. Each club bad Vo set up a table ex- bibiV, preparedýc for t-wo, and a tbIrsE(- minute discussion mas given 1bya UGI1 Oshawa Youths 0f