Post Office Superintenôenit Telî 1s House of Commoirc.ns ShUld Balance Self in iv Years bhou - C s c 1g, upe- nd0 mail sr re,( -oltis the Paymaat te Trans-Canada Air Liiecsansd 28 ethar air services cf $225,00lst yacar and! anusim Ad paylmt of $4,500,00 fWu yer, Mn, Heug atfnibu e tia nce to naua xaso c h ser- ~vcces If tise volume of mail C"ret! ,wena doubled, iswee, haestimat- Eod fitlafive years if wold psy for itaîf.Uc oiitaeut thtivol pine had Wincase var a penot!ý d Hu"ne yemasas fnm 9,000 lus. lhreUgh 450,000 Msa. te 740,000 lbs, last year. "We nevmn go bacho,"ho polo. tauedaout a possibe lowaning' e! fM atWe now cisae or air mniM.nigaii5thetisa r tws tfxd up ta exaf Dcemben 31sf, whln,îbsad uentish iae h- êwlen iarevenll ulad expýe]-ses cf TCAha wavs hp ii lh be rediucet!. The minister sait.tie eeat oxpua f toiseailine would Sec paid more, and more hy passenigers, ple hopet! mat tfisc .sf cf tise mail, now 60 cents e pouat!a mie, M-wt be n-duccA! nexf yaar fte'50 cns :und Native îted KTIed ;Cer2 William G e of OwNen Sud ost ieWar e ir squaýdron, i's n beau killat! la lu Englsnd, ,etçh F - A [Jte Sates to gffenOt fo -Manitebe ud rtenu ma ftiseeut!of tisewar, tsui s- small%! strtelrniis n 'este-ru O tanlo are wo ig ways, eltiser eue cf a cemplated woult! con- finai rend huis betweea [umbis aud Nova Sco- star, R . MSih adis WRME ECO NOMy omies easase!capital x tiatvuf isenwol, on tfis toswul!nsume was 'df- I T H EWARWEEK-o enaynCuîtEes Brita in SonsHtirPeaizce; "De Ca stD e Clares.3erln Adoif Utersfailure iast weamk to induce Bitin t ecet is "final" 5>peace ofrleff hisimwh buOun ltaie - 10o makeý goiod bis tirent te euhiae E alud t wiatve st te Gtr mauy. Buýt as tlise zero heur apocs cd, in tisher'sforty-fiftis wvek,ý- if was stiUamtter cf ge, wokhowý Hitler wouid go about br igtise power of Bîan Would ise attemipt ifthog a wholesale invaýsinon f tise Bnitisis Isies? Orý wold ise tryte nn tise couuitry Lte ifs kuces by pil- veizgifwitis ma'iss air atui et tishe time impesing aeur- vantion blockadle by dîestrLuctIino Bnitisisshipping DOUBLEHEADE ASSALT Would tise ettack on Bienb ceupled witisî imultaneous blowý iu t1ise Mediterreniean? Many ex-_ perts let wek expeet! htisr belief. Tise Battie ofBiai coult! not be a simyqple, tegt forward a 'ffeai r. 'ie -c0onfl"'i(ef would bave Wolbe divided into tw intereckig phses-ic drect Gerimen asseit on Enigiend, et tise Bettie 0ftie1 edtaraen <Musolin'Uffir) - for fromci tie Ans staupoin, Britan's ho% o)n tise Meiterraîneeni would hiave to -be br01okeji befoleevictorycel beeciivd One _ýfactor dnîgtise week wssecu as likely fo postpone is ulew Germenn offensive for tise time bcing, eudt thet wvastise st uation lu tiseBaksRsi' a finger into tise RZumanian p)olitical pot et a mic- mnent So iniopportunie tc ewrauy mrigist bc caiusîng Hitlerseiu worry and giving hin ccaio for pause. TUE ANSWER BRITAIN: 1Bnifain's iaaswer te Hilns"lest chance" peece pro- posai aiepromptl)ýy, ili tised s 'C'f Britisis air forces blasting, a-new et German Ltares lai tise sýteggeing a'ew war budget whiclh demnandedt! iat Britein give p elucrf 70 per vet f tlise nation- al income te finance tlise wari; nd lu tise words of Viscu,nt Ulfx BrtssForeign MinIiter, e - affirmsug tise will te fjîht on. Durnugtise weck, fict ove u ment announced ifs formel ne- confOn f tise C2zccis-Slovaïk NaiulCommIittee in Ex ile,ý5 hcadcd hy frmrCzec,ùisPresýi- dent Dr. Eduardl Belles, asfisc legal geverment of tiseGem - hednation »-F. rimie Mnse Cisurcblil told tise lieuse cf (Com - meus tisfise di'd nfrot ev i tise exodus cf ciildren te Can- ada and tise tUitcd States; l'e thoeugIit tise movemieafenir unuwaraed . , tise Admirely ennounca th ie loss of tise famous submaine "Saomon" (w h i uch- sigistedth ie "reen lst DeC(- emn-ber) . . GermIan airatcs covcred practically tise whole is- la D, ligingfroiniScothaud te Sa tet0 lise Irlis", a inrf aud lunitionis factoi e swre 0bio1mUhed , ra ilroads I datise"I .r Comlý l- m"un-li cations, iltroop Lonlcenltra- SPAIN: Brifîain's scn big- g:est worry etoft'ie week, lnext tef aculinvasion, xas tise Spanisi sýitualtion. G, leera Franlco )had ' justf fnishe! eclanig fiaf if wns bis duty te fuli tisadesire of Qucen Isabella and returu Gîb-- relar te Spain, and tsaMe ha hd an ary ef2,0005000 men îraady te heck up bis contention, If was entiated. Ctis A Wood make s move ageisaisc Ro j(ck, aided! by German 1guns across tise LBey frin Gibreltan (wiich ised beau tsersîca fei-isue cfÉtieSp- s, ViWar) . ,. Amnerï(ceu citiges returing en tise!mer "Manisata" reporta! era sedas overrurning Spain. SAIN AND TUE AXIS By lest' wek cveryisody kuew,ý fstGermanily was gcttinig cil sýup- plýies from -lteise western h ý,emi-_ spisee e Spain.Tishe~m appearet el ha eto c. dbaud wise Britain would have to clamp down riwitis a blookada Isregi wIllich Spiain woul ha parmiittcd ten receivacul sucisiipon'ts as' are nef lasifcdascotaud ;Suchis a ova, ucsaysince Bni- fiis vicfor'y dcpends te a geaf mxtent on tise ability tu prevent Gcrmany fnom receving essenti sutplies, fromisle Western woil, milit dlraw Spin into tie 1w11 Mntie sidle of tise Axis powars, FRANCE: Tise Fascist ragimaC( cf Me'rsisal Henni Pisilippe ý Peta-in, lesýt weeàk orderet! tis a rasfeu trial of formier Iigis Frencis Gev- cramjent laes nldn x remlier Edouard Dneirh- (c!ýeusaOf tisair roles la "ceclening and cenltinluing tise wari," ;aga-ins- Cermany. Tise trial will ha part et! e. new "domiestic morý,al ure of France by Petai's ew autis- finie ailFrencismqen icdugu Daum-ie, Who fIat!from ra ce aft'er Mey 10, wene orderet! de- pnivt! f ciizeship tieirpro'- perty4eut!fortunes te ha con- fisd. .cd POEN' FEAR GERMlýAN-Y RýUSSIA: Comifortig W o r d cae -ii from M 2oscow lest wek, Trogsdiplomatie cLinnels ,Jo-, sef' V. Stalin informyet! Greatý Britain ie si i llkeup eutt 'of tise Erpe a u!secs ne reasen te feer Gavnman doinpa- tion of Eujrope, relieblesore disclosed. Tise Russian, leaderws reportcl to have sait! that tis Poss--ibiity cf Genmian doiaionm cf urope prcscnted neo problam-ý focr Russie, beceuse haiefeused te belieaàltwuld coma about According to indicatinsls wcekRusse ws fclowug u tie 4 q4eaý e ood e~cJ4~~àie Po~~ ~ P824 TOWVARD THE AXIS BALKANS: A pro-Axis tren amoing te mllcunresc in inuqy qatrUas ek u- moeandmoe poNz fr soineimepastmoedtoconi stethe lretBiihclcm ias chief MMinS ~sto wcne i mecnt represenltves, opngte ganbeck t'he Dbuafo u mnawitb the besin f Uit- her get par Ta usylvannias from îRun'ie, Wou cLd,10Geirm-1an suek to "strcngtisen" ýýthe 1Baikansý 1b.y-apeeulsteennot C uriou isly e,-o0ughi, -the Coly countLry-wiihsee rayt support Rumnania iagaiiist theý da1imis of Hugay as Soviet Russe . . lu hi e RuMmnnca- ital, Russian quaOrters idctr thcy' feibthtie Soviet had z(ýbecomne a Balkan power sunce acquson,- of Buerbianad tiserefor e - pected t e beconsulted onJfutiser political nor econoic plJ'ansi- volvng Bikancountries; isl rumoers rau thIlatRssahden e nlote toRuai rein th desiabiityof a"oplr o ermn"at Bcaet CHIN-A WON'T QUIT FAR EAST: The closng Ycf ie Burmia Roe nd tise 1UougEKong route into Chinla leChiag-ai slisk's Cenr lChnese gGovera- Mmnith. but onehope of seu- ing supplies fromi the eutsid!e worl-ove theOld 511kRoad1 threadýiuig Lup through tishe iac sible, unknown Nrhetif Generalîssimio Chian.g dcae isat thle far'ateu.r ol niot be shortencd by ts loig off of tisose twoimorat rtr ies. "No thbird 1pOwer eau siaiçe Chin1a's deterination f0--çis un-til her territorial auld soVer.eign serted, In Jepan, tie mînister cf hoe affahinluthe ucw Konoye gov. erummut sai-iWe cannof doM& thatthe day soon ilcome wheanxi Japan can share the World iiti Germiany and,,tay. Bt eotiser- wiseie new regîmneaperdo ke proceeding cauticus,1y in adres to, thenaindcrd that the goveCrumeînt vwouldid- U,)osly kjeep open tise dons'for is closest re]ltions with Germany taly audRussýia buýt woud ne close if gis nyfinl overtures tihat miiighit b aeb the lu. S, and Britain, Mats drew the cnlso hti tie doeti ieldthrewol be a graduai intensifiatin cf thje trendtoadotitreim wîthiout any immediate drastic steps. TheJaaee ovnmu appcared to realize bthaf' in tisaý end, it willi stand r flionce, erlpublic opin1ion and iec wvill not folowblndl ay ine extree mliarst. On hing tise Governiclt knows witisout shadow cf doubt and tatis -that tise people want the China war stopped as soon as possible, and wUi connentrate every efortito, thaf end), NEW DEAL !S EDONANTI UNITED STAT'ES: Wîtslj tie acceptanCc hYPiednt os- Ve& of a tcourd-trnmton REG'LAÂRFELLERS--Zero IO C er Nir, ooseveittol ffci la his mnwo are lu inlpot- ïtnt nmeialJ poini adhi e~ic conivention andwil guidjMe tise elctLincampa,.,igiu, Those whbo Iotconitirolof tIre Party wer JmsA. Farîy, Vc-rsdn Gane ad cranSena'tors vwi-,h Netin int ere-t to t 1)e Aen- u public last xweek was the con- ference in Havana on Pan-An- ce Dfeseten ded by the Foi- eiuMsE ers of the 21 Ame- con republios (Canada eotnsily lemý1s on the agenda wr c om-e iend military dfneo h tnofEuropeani-owned Ne(w Wrdcolnes. Under fire even-ý beoethe conferencewee ev erlprop-sais, chefemnthn theIlS.-poned t-d-cro plnfor this wholehmspee an uasstroeng suggpestion rAt a an-Amicanparotectoratele establihed overailfoegnow ilnsoff Norýth orS0ut Alme iCa. Disruptive forces were :i wokat the cnfrec , sud touches of tise Nazi hand wuer speen iiinmore thari one ipmti manoeuvre on ise paýj rt cf th Latin-Amnerican republic, 1,S. CON"SCRIPTIO0N PROGRýAM, iu Wasýhfigton, the ýýU. S, 'Iu,_- icand ,State PDepartmen"tsan uounced changes inimmigration regultions tofciiae uryo -cLdigests" fom b1oï-d i iundr 16 Yeers . . . the Dcpartment cf, Justice ruled tisat United Statoes cit1izeu1s in Great Bnvitain coul!d enlist in tise RylArForce witisout loing tieir ctznhp providiug they did not take tise British oý-atis of ellegiance týhe Ntioal efe,,(ce Advisosy i Comm"-lission rerted thajt thie cuntry had obtained o wil e- tain 11l the sUppPies ne -sar Ifo Amierîi'a's ameenorogrrem tiSenete iltayComitte ap'pro'ved a revi-sed bipovidîngý- for rgistationof 4,000,000" mcor hom ii1,,500,000wouldý' bu dr-aft ed in tIre firsf yea., 1It asthse fhrat peace-timei coin- pusoy i1itery t, raining progrensý Ïin the h'toyof tIreUnied Stes . , . CA--NADA: The wa, unempnloy- ment Insurance, the grainpis ougis to ke is a oimn f canada gin fra hoesesin But la"st we -,tsei Cte I n moGst uncoMfortahle cf tisa sm- mIer, tise 1s a e a!wt Qp sit n t" tise ,pa.sng cf tise hin il1 providirg for unempîcymnt sin.vrance econt- ond edig(1rn resr ageinstit was applinlaspcel cemmT TOEe iy prsetativHe cf soitien. It asse extPItSd to beeopmased iseSpenabu leahrgrup wreai fr is mieeve e gr'AToTO DOeABOUW oEAT' swsThseee !cr e seatpools les livf ts- ntpee theag ce-T dmer's prairie gn isaxves handie Altise wheat; tisat semaC ancig wiseat toed ue nsefam; es ýare tooo, e ev eysr plus afte-rpangcurttxe edoectic pnice he setfer isee whiciscould re 'Cd tocmeet ai or a porticon ItieGc mn' loss onwietwentsfiaws less then 1tiseiiil 'ic Ari n-ry ssk~ptoo'k pýlace lie Dmninletwek whichI sawyougermcaplaccd latop) positions, Tise newkeymn cf e tie army lu Canada is nown ajr vics, nd onAugus L. iMec- donld mnsercfnationalde- fense (jfor nvlsriewr bet'. eddfC iewaIomte LIFES LIKE THAýT By Fred Neýher "l'l acdyfo yo fr o 'Kn, mrs, Pip, just fer tise Iaughs." By GENE BYRNES e I ê 1' ~ WEL. J5~POI<E YOUR I4AND A LIL: FUPT4ER BACK EN THE DRAWER AN' YOU'LL FiND iT JN TH-AT BOX LU'TFRCANMy