onation ci' Cane.diani Red Crcýs£s n heakdthe bey, "Hie fidn't anneounce an!y sta- ýOn; he- just put hlis head i h oor and snecezed' "GePt the buudles t- ee ucky"said Gads."Tis l. >shkeh."-hrisiuu erald, Tf' 1e editor of a local sawpprasked is readel-s :e send in remnarkcs on 'the subvject, "Booka that haE Lèlped me.7e One of the c- jplies war: "M"y tmother's -oOkz 'book and miy father's check- Tho muchprocuid use- E>r wnlked ie ,the mbrer ehep eod sut in harnx t o mYan whoIC was huviag ier hir bo-hbed. '4arupeas"e,"odered the Ëueonier. "Ceraial," aid thebaer «PBut would yei n dtunof ecur hat f irs?" The ma hurriedl-y renivedhi bat.,Vîn sory," he aooie as he looked around ; I didu' rel- ýýzc- therîe wus a ladype'nt" -e- Heostess (uhnl)<Yo knFow, l've heard a great ea about yOu." Poelitician (a b Senln "Porsibly, but you itcan't poeanything." Wht's the mte? se h emlyras the sentimental yocuïig juni1 1camle into the office(eoin raVise,!wr dejected, "f hardly 1kno1W hew -teteil! ~you)t," rýeplied the young man un- zteadily. 1--haepropjosed t bast - und have been turned down." "Oh, thut wH iL ta ('ut a'à rîght," repflied thee s-m plo y er eiheerfuly. "A womun's <n' etten menus 'yes'. "P'erha,-ps it dee," was the cor ù,- rotlreply, "-but this oa din' ay rne; She1just IUughed1." The tenant of the new bocuse was compnlaining to c -x,, lird about its condition. Iîtl's isgracefuil!" ho zatornsed. WLy there's grass cmnup through the f lcvr boards in theý drawing room 1" "Oh, we'ill fix Lhaýt," said theladiod."Pll snd ea ma 'rond stba lawn mwr In-nît arljo C Ûease'2 Consrucion orkStops -Fer The Dur&ationi AilE bh-iglwa"y cntrcio il tougbeut Vie province o! uat i1a-.ý ceasedcaryngeutreme Heupburu's drection ibat aIl goeri- meuct sen iag durlng tIte wrme be nttea iile. No alors cou rctfo Iliwaýy conjstruction ar Ae te i Mtfodte war's duratonm t Miniter ! Hgbwae, on. T. B. MeQestn.said le-ist week due-t tnise pliy o!cutîngail govem spedig e m nimum. C Eiizabetli WayIbetwceen Buington- and Niagura Falîs, Betweea ,0 and 1,500 men lad been emp4oyedcý een t"liis ork, while erNot a nntkdbur Ilýýy a fuIher 7 00empo-. r1X HGWYNo, 3 TR P Ifste woret higlway corner bu Questen inveerilng tt 1 rte etagru of DEllilcitiene, againet ee.»st nt ece it twie _n bira SOof o! el ion Highway No. W,'0hle titese protestag tlitewr 'eontended cie <ost le $190oo0, sMr c.iese xplainle(dthe ata WLt o. .B el]netËt, inhairmanof the Can, dilian R1ed CossSorjety in Englandf, ï isso enre aniddress durîi,g thiecrmn in which thne receni y completed ,00000 Canad!ian Redi( CroFss hos was j,ýïý form i "anded over" to Mon, Vincent Mase, 'LEFT aainhg omsinr SUIN STROKE VIGTIMS, Dur1inýg very bot we-atber, most o! us try Ite kee.p out o! thi e sun le- cause we ihto avoid sunstroke, but we lity to 1-rmemjber also that h1eat exhaustion or heaCït pros- tration niay oc1ur lu the ýhom11e, wliere we ar1,eShieldied from ite raý'if ! thesuni. Sun strokie and h eat mneute and equireeemeat dit- fereat1Étre-atastci 'uhui trkeyou maiy feel tired anid, dzzy before ýthe ularsymp- toms e ocurnThese are beadache, a feelig o oppresio, somnretimesa tiglrî1tes lathe('c!Libet, great tirst restiessse, frequ1ent desir e To, pase inhe, biot skia,ý a "sickýy" feig flusli3ed, face andhghtmeau, finaly urunsciousnessý. Treatment la eunrtroke 1le tovla ,1the ptient ila-acool, siady pae o4ff Tit' roniif poseibile-orIon the greund on nwspap1rniorCultiug if ne benel or table is available. ;Mld sousare tbeuappliedttu e bao! nckfae, ndclist clth igrem1ov, bod!))(Y spriaýkled wt wae.Theeads1lould be kept np1 igiand ptetfaned wii a to- patentle blete swallowsm coôol atrCoatlaliing a pnhe sasel oud lie given. y 8 ANNE ASHýL EY Q. ow rMu prevent My glass- esîoý frm ccigwhen ouin htjely W ntotem" A. Put -the glassesinoa a of hotiwater tA revrent thei cainThje par shoulh' a 'e shýallow eue, adthe uatrsuT- f icieutteroerthe lower thir etthe gas Q. 1How ca1Itreativposn u? A, A go eey a u thaà, ilsea sy o aplisa solu- tiJon et sodýium biarbnat -,J se wae.Appiy freely iai(letten te the pioudski.Ask yu dr-îuggist how te prepare thesou tion. otWn A. Souk the spots in a weak, solution et chieride etflime, Ap- ly cream of tarannd pamC'ei ý-he sui,.tcdry. Then laundiýer., Q. How cun 1 relieve exceëssive A. Sponge the afected area witheeteaspeon ret powdered aluni -te a quart et wat"er.Alo dustng ithtalcum, Q.How <'anIprevent the jice of berry piesfrom leakiug e? A. When makiug berry pies, cut the lower crust huau inm. larger than the top rrust aad fold it over like a hemi. Tie pevut the cjuice fro0111leaking eut. 1y a wýz,- ,wi!e th Railwvays Rvne The gross revenues of thecail- inclujsive CanladianNaioalRal ways for the week euding Jupe 2Y, 1940 were------$4907208 als C.ompared with _- 3,-- 8 foi: the correspontding week of 1939, an in- creaseo---------- ---,082 ELECTROCUTE ATH4LETE'Sý FOOT Sccsfleler,(tro cution of ath lete' footwas descr,,ibed lai Particles et copperatm a be driven deep int the body tlu- sites wthweak eeticurreuts-I, to destroy0ý the funguis grow;ýth ha cause ahee'foot and th skininfections. -o- part of the s'ttc hadi a ioe, receivers hlas been racdt thie -Milky Wywhere cthe bol castinig is done fby eectrons n hydrogeriatomns, This con1cluswin has been reached by Uuniverity of Chiiýiago sciertis, -o0- REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER New hope for hyfevervcrm - was hpeld eut last weekbya physiian's report that potassium glu'conute table1ts hadgie r- lif to seven of every ten paieun In tessnt the eehoolhospital Exprints conducted nih more than 100 patiensvcercan 18-month period indicated potas- sium.ï gluconate is a, "good fra of relief althoughit is"aunfer- tunately flot a cure"~ The tales scrved to corent " deiceny tpotasçsiumn"wîh had been noted in the tisasuw o allgerpr csens. BY ROBEIRTA LEE Is raellngto praise his nouie town or atydsrbn o iting? A, Yes._ A preno!god be AiU neyer do tiis. Q. Wdiaï heurs amr raly mvwn by a wedding broeakas? i I Proteci mneain Ille crmu a lc b,'e,4 i. Tl1,i s an o.fld Engpliei ter;n-' ap l-id To n) da:tI )le Jwed- ding Aecet. Q., onda aioedsutbesut abn, for a w ,onlmuIeowatle a lunbeeprty ii,- a liotel? Q. SnldaYoung girlli e cau- tions late sletOfe lirsso- ateq ? A. De1. msheoud f«oiw tce aci- vic 0fBisiepCeleridge, "ecaiu- neyer gpve your Company or your conidecete ersas e lise, Tiisupliste ounQlig Imen as wueýi wheureferingte friend o et ir ewn ae, <'Il tiem 1gilsaieo w"omïýen? Q. Sitoud eu.esowdowu aliit cd ciarte ua bah A.'Netunie("s l l i y etatl e veani wit th INsnl r tu om un cid-ao,, oIng ni fiom the broc oY Jupiter, FU RSRPIN Chamion mreloins - entirely ae tnad uge ecaueitithre enu kof ri resoequr- I in buildingtis sfor ac Itack peneds, nu The Cnaan WetBoard hm s fixed hential riceetNo.1 grade Optai% inter whent, basie Moatrel expert eight vrates, fer th crop-yearstai-ting Aug. 1(i:i at,0cnt, busliel, Tradle Minister Macinnea anuounced, Thsis je thesum)le price s ha whichexistdadring t'he currvent <'top yeaudinCg le July, . AF VOIS_ Aa !nu. igat ITI SEM El ~~OMîo pi-BET Okedestd ___T __r___ mu s -IOD BbRR Laesditi TWO cld LFE anlSH j.&j.TAYLI]P u m IT ioRoNTo SAFE WORKS 1IJ I'ront >i. E, T4proito o d T N 'h, DOES tast,, sood ý'ANDY 5E,ýL-TIGH "LOY-'TOP" PN