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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1940, p. 1

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URSDAY, AU( B1ring In Your Donations -.Now And Don't Wait For Canvass To Startl Society Has Already Bought $900 Worth 0f Yarn For Knitting- On September 23rd. the lied Cr-oss; ire going to put 0on a eaImpign t Taise $2,500.00 (wnyfv udc -dollars) to carryý on its- war work. This money will be raised amugthe Aftfeen hundred people living nlorth ,cf the fourth concession i the Towni- ~ship ofCare So far sinice the war started the -contributions to the lied Cross in this dÉlstrict have been pretty shabb)1y and ,every red-blooded Caniadian living in this commnnunity; should feel thorou- ly ashamied of themselves. Duriing the last war- the people in this district hought over one hunidredl thousand dollars worth of govern- mient bonds each year during the war. ýOrono and viinity boulght the miost ~bonds of anv district its samne size lu C)anada. So this is a rich commtuntity. in villag-es »in Saskatchiewan about -the samne size as Ovono, whiere t-hey Lad flot ha>d a crop for nine years up unitil last yeav, these villages contrib- jted twelvýe to fourteeýn hundred dol- lava- to thIe Red Cross as agaî the fouir hundred aind thirtoeen dofllars sud eighity-flve cent.iis co)ntribujted, in the Orono-Claicke distict, The Ried Cr-oss hiereý have contract- ~ed frnine hundrcd dollars wo-tb of2 an o 1be paid for bY Nov. l si-, They wýill nicedl fifteen hunidred &l- Lasswrh or.This ýyarn is iused týo knit socks, sweaters indcl flr for the soiiers at no cost f0 the tax_"- -payer. The lied Cross is the mos-t nuimanitLarian ognztino his ~earth, not on-ly in wsar time, blit -aIl timtes. Tf a major catastrophie shouild ~occur in this district the lied cross -would help us untüil wve coufld hielp our- iSelves. Yor donation to the lied Cro)ss ýCampaignï of Sept., 19410, miay be left -with aniy of the followinIg: Leskard district, Havry Davey; Sth Line, Mrs. Elmner Fowler; 7th LUne <ýEat of 35>, N. Porter; 6th anid 7th Line (west of 35), MNrs. Forrester; 5th and th (enst of 3ý5), Mrs. Lo-1 gan,; No. 9 district, Mr;,.MW. E. A/%rm-1 strýong; Kendal district, Mrs. Bill Mercer; Sfarkaille district, Normna -Hallowell; Ca-wanville district, Mrs. IBrooks Ce-aan; Orono, N. Porfer's or the Timnes office. DIRDAND REGIMENT NOW UP TO STRENCTH The Milndlegiment, C.AS.,, -are uow up to ful strenigth and stop- ped recruitinug on Saturday ast after ijalling -for troops just Utn days ago,. 'The Headquarter-s Compauiy is sta- tioned at Lindsay, wiitb the o)ther ýompansles at Cobourg, Port Hope, Bowmanivile a-nd Milbrook. A few[ special technicians are niee'ded to rouind out the battalion, but tiheseI, will soon b[ý e eredd later on the 1 <omtpaies wlll join tougethier and de-j part for onue of the traiing ca ,-mps, ilu Ontario. Capt. Ly'ceft reports that they are a fine lot of men who wijl give a good account of themiselves wheu tbey hit tihe firiug lhue. FALL FAIR DATES Ameliasulrg ........ Oct. l2th Brgio.........,......... Sept. 1lîth ..mpbe................S 3ePt. 91,24,2 Coe H-il!i......... .............. Sept. 18, 19- Ce.r..ll................ __Sept. G, 7 Marmor-a......................._Oct. 10, il Napanee .............. Sept. 19, 20, 21 Odessa . ............ ......Sept. '26C, 27 Oro)no..............._ > Sept. 17, 18 OshLawa «-. .......... Sept. 9, 10, Il Picton ....... ..................I Sept. 26, 27 Port Hope......... .......... Se-pt. 27, 28 Ros eneath ................... 'Se pt. 19, 20 Sh-annionville ý................ sept. 21 Belleville ............... Aug-. 29, 30, 1 'M ad1o c ..... ......... ........... O ct. 1, 2 REV. J. A. McKEEN PASSES AT PENTICTON On Auguat 3rd0 at the General Hos- ita1 l]in enticton, B,(C., thevle passeUd aw'ay the Rev. J. A, MCKe, -B.rA., hofrom 1 s,88to 1918wapstro the Orono Prcsby1terian Cuci For the palst tetytoyears Mr. McKen basmadehis hmjn ctc He is survivcd byhsw-idow anld two sn flnvtls nofPulitutn>and The Illen, around aîre ah busy witil Stanley Bal sud Fred Tri-,l have -a bounitiful berry crop) this yvesr. Wei are pleased to kuow Mrs. N. Skeldinug is -w1ll enoughi to be homne agatiin. We are sorry to hear M'.rs. Clar- ence Martin is lu the hospiýtal. We hope for a sp)eedly recovery. We are sorr-y to learn Mrs. George Patterson is in the hospital. We hople she v;il1 be arouud again- seon. Mv. E. B. Duvalhas install.ed ai frigidai,-,re lu bis store recently. Now we may brig-hten our tesa tablles with ice creain. Week-end visitors witb Mrs. J. SpryT weve, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewll1 snd family, of Bowmanville; Mr. sud Mrs. E. Spriay, Toronto, and Mr. W. W. Cori sh. Mr.W. W. Cornish bas Lorraine, bier grauddaughiter, stayiug with lier. Mrs,N Couvier is baîck at Lesksrd ooigafter Audvey Martin wbile their mother is 111. The we-edguests of M ansd Mrs. Mv. W. Corni-1ýh was the latter's mother, Mrs;. H. L Morgan, Toronto. Sund ay visitors, Mrs. Tley Su., Mr. sud MUr>a D. Tiley, also fromi Toronto. Week-end visitors -with Mr. sud Mr-s. J. R. liuddll mwere, lier nieces MissEmilyý and Clava Dunu from Trafalgar-, Miss Laura Cates, of North Long'Bancansd Mr. Van Al- leni, of Toronto. Also visiting were Mv. sudo Mrs. E. Sbanitz sud family, of Bethesda. Commons Told Vimny Memorial Appears Intact' Ottawa- The France lias net danmage that canb Prime Minister l nalunced lu thbe1 on Augtsst (GV. Hle read a brie British Air Minist Memiorial lunîmyRîdýe imemorial had been shat- red any war tered by German bombers. n. freýin the air, They, said they saw the.( wreckage mzie King an- of thbe memorial with its tw,ýiu shafts e'f Cmmous that towered 140 feet over the Plain of Douai. Tbey said also t'-hebo- ble frýOm the ers deliberately wrecked Canadiani, atiug thaf aui British and Frenchi cemeteries nepar- tlbe mon1-umlent b Y. not Show aény Walter S. Allwavd, Toronto seulp- forý, designed lie vasýt wvk stoiv onal Canvas Appointment Of Deputy The following- is a list of the Dep- uty liegistrars for the Townships of Clarke and Manvers and the villag-e of Nwate Thetritra unit adopted for this resignation -will be the polling division as fixed for the last Doni- inn General Electionl. Clarke Towniship Pollng ub-iviîonNo. 1--Mr. MevleJones, Mrs, Wm. Joies. Polling Sub-]Divisicon No. 2 Ms Walter Farrow, Miss nnbele ie- dry. Polling Sub-Division No. ?)- M. RuIsseil sboneMr. Roy Patton, Polling, Sub)Divisýion No. 44-M. AletHolland, -Mr. Ay\.lward Little. Poling1- Sub-Division No. S - Mrs. Clara iHarýrison, 'Mv. RusseÏilRosbor- oughI. Polling- Sub-Division No. 6 -- Mrs. H1artwell Lowery, -Mr. Lor;ine Wannan.1 Polliug- Sub-Division No. 7 - Miss MajreLuxton, Mr. J. J. Mellor. 1 Canadab-sV School Children WilI Polliug- Sub-Divîsion No. 8 -~ Miss 0" Norma Hallowell, Mr. Thos. Turner. ] e ( u e Polinig Sub-Division No 9 - Miss Eileen Riddell, Mr. N. H.1 M. Smiith.ý Manvers Towîviship Pollîug Sub-Divisioui No, 1 - Mi> Wilbur Gayn r Mv ance Wilsoni. Poiliug Sub-Divisîon No. 2- lVIss Plan to Set Up "Soldier Gwen Gray, M.Afe icel the S"oîl» Commnittee in Polliug Suïb-Division No. 3- Miss EeyCut Doris WV"ilson, Mr. EwadYoulug- Ev 1y ountylolag insual. 1Ever'y lbOyand girh fsho g Polling Subý-Divisýion No. 4 -- Mis. Ontairlo will be give'n ar poru H. rwakely, Mrs. HaLrolId Thornp-,ýsoni. to play, a part in Canada's wvar effo Pollîniýg Su.b-Division No. 5 - Urs. Piml'e Minmster M. F. Hlepl)u,.rn Wm. Morton, Mr. Gerald staffles., veal1ed this wee-k iat Queen's Par-,k.ý Beryl1 Poili Rioy 'M iOpportunity Work On Fa of SOLDIERS VISITOI. OnSaturday morninig ls tahetof special guards k5n iland Regiment who have it gurd dut at TrentonA niy Vhe nast eleven onh. a ns ilulg up za ')a - -i Un PoIling Su Fred Couch, Polling Sul Perey Have, A W.eekly lievi;ew of Developmuents Defeucý--EI on. the Homre Front fromn Augast 2ud' praecceur( to August th : Il So far Sumimary tish air pi 1. After aseio which opeed emorial rl Maiy l6tb, Parliament adjourined -onbones AUguýSs h to meet agalin Nvmbr12 By 0ý 5)th but Stands Lready to reassemble a foreigu c earier shouldcar needs requ&nnir.J n theActi adornn afher thniproogin nt reuire foowas thecourse Set àlaue~tveaseitcitie. parry. orîToîwespresenteu hm witb, a býo-uquert of roses, Ipi 2. CaaasSecond DiVisi'on gjîven 19oft he a sphlenJid welcomre as 7hymrhdMnse to cap"somiewh.ere lu Eiiglaîid,' adfb Majr-Gnerl Vcto Odumcon- governii miands the division, trationc 3. SeventY-os0 cnsrutincou1- aud undý tracts w-itb a value of moere than This $11,000,00G, awsrded by tLie Depart- appliest mient of Munitions and Supply dur- mraIe, ovr ing the past four weeks. This brings whether the total value of constructiona con- dates arv tractsawde by the Supply Depart-gitai mieut and its> predecessor bodies to t,, o 10p.î 29p, projects involving- a total expen- diÊture of màore than, $37,000,000 of Whe, which $28,000,000 is being sp.ent on, bers wil] Royal Cnda Air For-ce aud joint ,..,ss wi air training plan pvo jecfs. Speech1 4. The Britîsb- Ministry - of Food on the -A agreed to purchase $ 100,"00,000 b)ush- of ajoL. els of wheat dur,ýing t'he cereal year gation.1 July 1940 to 19411. This is the largestanwh purchai,-se of wheat ever recorded. 1nený' sesý 5DominÎ(-inGovernment vwar com-do es inot -mitments1 for the present fiscal year Sion. total $1,036,118,16S. 0f this,. the It was auî1ouunt recoverablýe foothe Britishmasr Gov-erument is e -iae at$9,0,Mise 00, leaving a total of Dmno budget if mitiments amouniting tO $4,1,6.000 6 laAdiÂPercy W.Nelles, 0000 chief o-f the Naval Staff, announcedi1a inti that a former jBritish etryr stocmitu be commissionin lto the Ro-yaý-l Can-yera adi-an Navy and will takýLe the namne 000 of H13M.C.S. Msaee repflacing ready ea H.M.C.S. Fraser, lost off Bo)rdeau-x. Nw- Survivinig crew memibers of the Fra-psd ser will f ormn part of Mrae' com- Major> plemnent. (a)j N 7 Separate de-fence comimandi es- ainA,, tablished for the c-Atlaniti, ares sud mjat en-a] a-Lonïg the approaches of thec St. Lawv- of flie E reuce. Mjrieea W. Hl. P. El- yo'unge kins, C.ýB.E., D.S.O., will bie officer be g iveî, comanin. is comimand will also ing sa y incelude Canada's tr,,oop)s On duty in Caniadial Newfounidland. (b) C, It will control coastal defencessuac throu7gh fortress sud ares coniman-eaig ders aud ahl mobile land forces which (c may be detailedj for operafional pur- bushlel g)- poses iu defeuce of the Atlantic wheat. Coast. bushiel i S Mayor Houde of -Motreal interu- (d) Bi ed unider the Defence of Canada Reg- of jaiý ulations. D-f ence 9 Eecsn for thie fiîr-t time its Resýoli -nower- to fi- urices for the ncsiisof Vwar 1 es muem-11 2te huai- vy ofi will lie enr, >ming thi - 1 -Il

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