MTIe baDlboo 1free iss e fte wass-st Cuseïfl trees la i etr isI growe as muclas sixte-en âmes la twenty4fourhourvS, aniateis blght f more than oea hundreri îeet. Thse tree is ilow, but ateaho 4lemany joints the cavity Os los .d. Saw off eue conspiîeesection o!ý the hick stem adyen have a per- fetpail, or eooking vassal. Srnai- ket' sections- ferl aeaymaebet Bamiboo mnaies honsa building Wip4 le', Piestenare usd ed sCsea- 1<Ielig, wlls and iroof s CenUa b i] àiaefomit, sari Split secrtionýs târie fnomrs. Mamsafer ship nr ioaf-r fshrenae otha usas Perpie of the En ast jit f00,Thse grain A ebamn co Mriaereruderi iy the Chiass as a foor delacy, whiiathE Hîndus ix thonm wni *bhneiy te form asccletisLs. luaCh-inla the a cltivat- oropa.Introdu-1ced aEuoei 730W -'hoebamiboo la hardy varwhxel South ÀAfrica's DgDete-ctivees Thriling tonies Q eX theexplits ,41 police dogs la thea deteCtioneof crimne are givan ii lu taianl report of tira South Afnca Cm- deVlirs, ef Cape To, h i Inaùeacasea adog callari à"Eche3" tracheri down a th1ief whe subse- uetyadmitteri that ha hari wîrpped is feat lisnkngte e-- 'Cape deteetion, Iu anotAher in- stnea (dog foiled a tril Op Lad( al haîIf rmiles te a bud ýt lte mddle eofa cempnd eX 88(J buts wîth 185 ihhtnsadpitr eut thlentîa Idlentity Game Heeis an amIusïinggaeB- oatbhe tima eX laOf riv maieasi of paper 7fer eaCh guet Wite oneabsite cnm, Xa famonus ýparson!, an bs Wjithout lettîng the ,guast s ea 11e namap, pin the slip on bis bacirý, te-Iling hlm fite discovar wiic Iie is,ý by askiug auyoeeil the rTrm uny question ha likes wbichl ha thliukis will help hlm te îdentîiý baiM0sei" "Am alia ?""ns Ive nîn Eur~pa" "Am1 a singer, ac'hs, The HotWehe ïot, sticy ,veather induces, raidgowtb eXM Oîr, se keep braad auf cdkeboxaýýs spotless. lmma-ydiatedisposeeXany ck -er cbreaithat shows thasigts bit oeX moîrith1sald dws the box wih10LF;ot, opy at asand dyand ir booub aecssry Deamand For 1Hoges Mazy Not Inease Brit&in May Not Want in- Cre ased Quartity of Bacon When nrat .t Cnada T'Ise ritish mrJstry, X orilu ei sa tatth catac fhCan- nda for suppîyving ,0 ,) o-unris, o! bacon ïaad otha cr Pfi ut eek shoirimnethaexceeiHn J. G.Taggat, eairmra'n eX h a isadian bacon BoPCard, toiri tisIe Do- He xeseviewed huI bg 1pruda,r aseand t L ûmarketinjgstutin sd sairi ibat- bÈý,Tetiier moreýCanad(Ian bacon yiil"le haIatedf by rýnt B-rifain aOf- (5nOc M er 1 naxt s net ke a liew ar-amýient are to eLîegn em Jr, TIggart ~pandfstl vlacw oüta aÉraityaltiwa epuantities eorbacon the Efasmn IDiradou of tisse rnt arafet COMBATS HIGH BL;ýOOD hlod reýssureilA an ima)2 Ji has Tt is an ntiserui, thati, md formed in lvigtissueswh This disco-veriy is a wApc pocito themstr f un high biood prssure, Te àaas WC-ee doga w'ith forais of ighi pressure ecosaly rýeembliiugth widaseýpraaqd àaad iighly faal u- SUNSET O-'N VENUS Four y1ouuig sceniss ave -re- turued from munai-tpïam with1,50'0 phtogph "ofSu- sets (on1the lne ens Thay saiý d prb i ot mîore than a dozen trooer a observad te heoenn urn the last 200 yaars, hey0escrib- ed thie poerpsa h i the sunlss'es aer nmada(.le Thiey saw, Venus, as a thia su i- ver crescent, the horus ofwhc bent toward each thar until the planat was visible as a delicate ring of light. Astronomers pic- tura Venus as a gigaatîc"dst bowl." FINDS SHIP POSITIONS A combination soundi( and rad&o buoy which will enabia hpst datermina their loc:aion acr ateiy with respe,-- c te habuo, has heen dv bloedhytha U-n- ited States adGaodetcic1 Survey 7for ue a cansuves thataxpodasit akas ,amark sounld of the exploj)1sion is pýicked up by tha cdistant tbuoyýý, which This la r-ecaived by the shiip audý caucýss"a seuo.nd mark tehamd on ta moing apaProm th disane btwen hetwo mrk Q. Hw ea I lear up Wter7 which ha>sP a milkyapaau? A. Dissolve a ý1plae ýof rckai- uffi about ùthe siza eX lim bea in a pint ef boýiiing water,. Thi.s mnuch will purify eni alu of wat- er, Q. Flow eau I dean used par- aýffin se that ih eau ha re-used? A. Ilat the paraffin te tha boiling point and strain threugh three thickuesses of cheesacloth ever a funuel, Repeat if necas- sary. If net tee dirty, it can sometimes ha cieaned with a brush and narai watar. Q.How eau I resteraý eut flev,- e-rs th-at ar e slightly -w"ithered? A, PeuraweP oltofe camphor inte he athluwhich Thie flewers stanid, Hm Rew au I dean bushsil which paint ba,- beenau iiwed te dry? A. Soak in turpeutine, gaseline, or hot vinagar fer about au heur. Theno wash therougbiy in streug soapsuds. Qj. How eau I maka a goed dish ef macaroni and, cheese ? .A. Take 8 c'ups eX boiing wat- erj, 1/2 teaspeen of sait, 2 cups of broken macaroni. Add sait te watar. Add macaroni. Bell for 20 minutes, Strain and rnase la hot water. Drain and add te the Q.How eau I clean patent leather shoas and handbags? A, They eau ha made te look like new by mnenas of a milk bath. Merely dampen a eth with milk surd rab oveýr the shoeesor bag; Golf cives Him Exercse iohn îCarroll picks the gamç<~ golf as a hob~by hcecawe it ie hiaehe need e eeres Hem we fpind hins pedngeda n ie golfUe,. -- Take It Easy; vu cant te a bcencue ri peppy lI eXthe time, aud neye feeliazy or-tired, We ave notio-n thlat hcaathyadhap The îtrrtb is tbat the-y doget(t cd peidc iibt lkuow ow1 reat a u ruperate. The-y axpen- lac nmlnetchoefaiu Nourmi alatgué is good, Lt î> parte ofnlirea, ealthfui living. Tt may haý' rogn]iza b agee- tiTnduss ef the body, vch is net uupleMasan aurihchMay h lispelad binrsu arisleep, anr by iuueasad ourishmlieît. Eey ard work baS kuowu the joy>cf If caau wme wul o: accept normal fatigue as au A-- cepaimntcf 0rko1e, ot cuperatio tbough etmr neyer dei(val ,p. Life vweuld thon ý P]-lnfor ut ýýlenat tO be ï1 aciiydîîgthaeda. u-ý iug ach break, juat stopdog eveî'thiug for five mnts onttalk. Du't Lthiiu,Just it 'Wihyour baud droopiug tferar towar d yur kae. rbate Yt et, ha onthe, floor xVîth yu fcet pred par poun air . 1. Should jeue make ay nd%-A of explanatien .iwhen rfsiga drink? 2. How sbeuld eue întreouce a girl stanographar, wbe is anw empioyee, te an executive ecfh eompauy? 3. Wheu a mai) taeýs a gi rlte a public diuing place, is tal right for hiai tesugtse- thig on the menu, that Ahus is good? 4. Isu't it poor form for si people te adriresastoesa "hny""dear," "girie;," dec- to, ca P tain" "rte letat est, t wat atimee shoud guest eparsMtateeu lA publicesnt sc exilan for apoien . "Mis even, or 0a Mlte before, unieSs dancing or some ouetherforrm eD entertaument fdows 6. No; thi is cousidered effeminate. R AVE There weonly three peop!fe left ia thýje bus; ain old lady aad two m1en. Suddeui-jy one )f the men said-2e," and the othr imimediately burstino laughter, Whau he had ceased c'huckling he called out "121," and the other man now rored -witb laujghier This want on forý somne time. No seoner would one eaH a *mber thi'n th'e otiier wutd laýugh., The Qiid lady, doubtîng th metait o hr wo comnpanions, turned tothm ndsaid,"Eus m e bu "Pdl'tWee aythig funny iî hutnJ nme. AgIt ilrigt mdm, u Cep rked,"enre commeritrv Yeu n-'0- Cierk:"Yes~wlatbtn Umle te kMcW." The cenematrwas den.~ water of v0carondiolbde.Thej ling= a bakenfdh, lqi "PLOau!siaskad one of th2 CWaS op ian aedvoce, "oiul n- bodyw s bret ota? "Wyara yoss suddessly taking French lassons?"ý "WolI, we'e adoptec a Fiench bAabAndwere eag- er 1[ta kaow whaý -ït h e -ays wbn he bf- e t a ti Litie anfew as e rraUy hi(i ibut jiTti e e t upC,',-1 hi ý chikbs faher neasOrtedi te stara'T- tien tat Rearew gae neout- "Dnt o ven cny when ed.d Joies: Vey PoPihed wo- mans, Mrs, Brown, des't Yeu -e-, A fim poduarmas go'u round the stuios eue dly when hc ac ea aface haedin'fknow., "Ye, ir Y-1 rohe egag- ed m, 'A wit, d id yeusay" h Peoim, whieh costa about ne00,0 a ce, là A inl NOither Caada ly 1,6Ci00u Fm rmaquie eiff hmi tsig oy imu lebts L sh, sLit c ia, eMý e ,s d -tbe xersl sisnles. ootis rrisiin sd qu-iskly sPs ses Mou duggit tds fe OyO.O RESCIPTO Coud Elbows CWeir ebws? AcconigVo Dr. Francis Utley, bo blas beený studying facta aout Mrs. Nonish, sema icold Balie nriRussian Itales tat t ht redeilft tha arr It lasaSýid tatNoah di i net knowv how te plug if, but a doz tried end began te suffecate. l despaatio, Ut dogcailar e( Mr hole, aa3d thaut jis wby womea hav BRINGS INSTJ \ from ~ SSIFIE ERTISE .A~~~~C ENSW NE TOSOLICIT ordrs oi ish Wrie He mni- ae 1 1 S t Laretce: iv% . pondane invied. Hubard 1Port- ablle Ovn C.. 03 l 1thurs 't C ~ f iME 4, C 1'.VECPAN trai, Prce o re esEnpc Agen ies Be' BUSINES OPPO tNIT raS Rocks,'u 1 frou GoernentAppro ed lod tw weis id( ew1-m1his Barrd Roks $045,9 - pr cet. Piet 18 cceas$5,Lg ityad ue en. iee 2ang cl- are bst, suite 1or r a i wek. Sones & More Etect, ,, 2,Ili1ë,16 iv'dei aid, 1 e t, noronnttI Shorthairblackand hiteil1 e anS bit. MiesandfamLso u pcuatV oritepe Toi unan Laidlw met ,d. Sx teniton.mthi 01 aie $90. Fmais $0. o bace Rnd iarnPRRNo.1i ar frw ntro 1LETR LIi5 MiEN AND'WOMJON W.ANTED A FEW SCROOL TEACHERS MÂLE or Feulais te niake $25.00 weekiy, seiiing our FAMILEX PRODIJCTS which ara actuai househeld naces- sîties guaranteed t~uallty: w.anted la eiîery home. Write: FAMILEX PRCD$JCTS CC., 570 St. Clament, Montreai. -'40 WNAT CHEW E MOS FLAVOUV T H THATIS EASY mB,,IC BEN!