ci nte rs ta FO k fWhen Buyýni gForTaeln changeabl. Take a coat -- even: though kýthe thermomeeterreiser e0 the day you pâck. For even- 'ngs, choose a dnnrgowýn, rth r han siastictly forma] type. These are just afew oIf the pracicalwardobe iesfor lt Ifniervaaintslad on by£fahocoslatadei mnent authiority o rvlcohs ý"Thebggsmsteth va eationist c'a ae, 'She says, i to s'trt Ol-ectiag iselanou items 'ýof cohn ihu is wamann who oudo'dra !c 'buyig a spring or oi faîl desfor- lier color sehem fr hatseso %ill hewill go right out Wn get ~ brownsweaterjuste bcuei on (ý sae .T se'l oaer linea slkirts are bko e 110ETOGS WICH ON' "Tesmar"1t sop for, mounj- son in o sashoe reattogs mies the inutecChangabe utfita nclude slýaCks, a shiýrt, a jacket and a skirt tAmong dinner dress- as, et seiewha on hirtwai1ster! unetoseof s4iWkCr aynje,- Weyar her pets They won't coinkce when packed. and they eearfs nd beCs i Pope Gives command at V caCt; Cryps Under Cath i sarh orthe oiinlgrv Mt St. Petur lnthe crypts upndeli ealy la July aethewComEMnet0 WC ePlus NeI Resulta are expecee4 tebe an- noncealvery scoupt, mie la ntunder te mnujaltar PUT TO DEATH By ROMANS yr the AD. anitilis e eeti teha, bee buirdfirt l th fohlîs ate tir ste fWhce poutSi urcl 5's thCritin ratoa aCton, the Apian1Wa, where f la fo a Urne tt2hftatif t. Pao Theboy lte wa rstoet f teet omrrsîgpaeadCn antn e the Gra t hp bslc S YAugVatay nfrmntsad h Poe ticidti e odr a earch for ~iroorignal omaiafte traes o THE W A- R - WV E E KCrmntr Curenvet Itallan Driveinfrc Aimed at Capturing Suez giring ( ithe irsel epee realizeti ItLDy 1OUWI gain a coin- 0f fria'seast coast, astanle iroI ld onthe Suiez Canl anti anî o pený, 'na', to ladi. SrutiGran c -Axis -vwou) i bela-n postio to seize t1e'b, Ia sucs ttr Brilsh 01ilý1 spplis n ir Na fEast, eut oDff 'thecomnatn 'inoes 0f tirî Em1 re (Tire new southera war roe was sen o xtnda bout ý,0O ile aogthe Mdtirnathe'îR'etc Sea and ctie Gum f 0fAden and hu- tireis o0f miles hlanatî hiihe(nortiî east and east coer0of Africa Spe- Jng at Egptr, tirongir Libya; a-, Bnisi Somailand, la a 3Opronged adyrneofboni Ethiopi;anti at tje vast intelior reglons of the nglo Eg'yptiaa Sudjan ant ýiKnyaagi aT hew notd BMntis i c rs po d n ~ugorhilaa nireless te ir -eNw York Tines ex-prcýesst ie pno Ent làte ta rvaionC' ac t c b ne 0r fGrnysmraaitte nas going on ln a rmhed zones 'ppoQsite Englaw0 ntilaprpaaiO for armeti ivason at tireMwodWgo; eila sourc,-es a Cut iaos I to, conquper Lesdnde 1-i- atagi from t(heaabyatrswicev ery rnlinlg ulet l ova Gr do, n, Bllaaat niontr docks tnsan tn 0jfodtuf tha tneadndo e rdc one mntir. for the finl btte syig Cr ant i la t prgi lce ejbtr -1Sozare, air initiative, BrPwina ycez laf sei-eio ssfmaicatacr :11tieda-, gfeojetvswr the KrEutp unition plantaE- len, supy detol nt aWtiomo hase atKil, ir bass occiet b tire Nais la olantiAnti Fan ce courï.Se Ly'G0 eny antý li Itly.But wbi eediti Tnlcey stand? Wýie-re Tire Chiristïan cec oio corre>(ýspondj(et b Istanbulreoet iravag larnei'fom a hir ,-,Tuýrk- lsdiloatie source tirtatci Tulrko-Russian accord liatibeen ar- riveti at under n'irich Tuirkey agreeti west'art Inlaexohiage for a iRus- -ilgu&rantee 0f,-lnvilability of tire, Cauc asulsfrter Such a more woul efectvel liock any furtirer AXisexasineastward. Say-s War Will Spread( RUSSIA : An atdress oni Rursi3a's forigapoicy last wmek by Soviet Premuier and Foreigai Miister M âcco- ter cleareti up a ami t,0 ysi fyving points. Af ter prediictîing tnt tire preseat war weultispreati t-o1la-. elude tire whol. 'rli(n'ith the U. S. on Uritai's side), ire telti the Supreme Soviet tirat the "Soviet Union Fmuat nirnceits vigilancje inthie matter 0ý_f ifs eternal sýcu I-- Ity, alflnti l trematter 0f strenigfil- en'ling al.1t positions, boir troi antiabrati" Bermai iis expo-sitionj of policy c'ffoulti ire seeýn hefa thlirSoitUin leassait tiat Lendonir atj ihs.own a ti-iete JImprove lier uatimerstand<. îag îti Mesen'by ire appoint- metof SiSaffrticri as am- bassadort ire Soviet, IWitiregrdC laifaleti la fls ebj),ctivo -e t big tr 'rte a1 close onferm PA AT: AJpns eeg polcy ircirsees om"inaltion ngIt merel la"at sa, sfnny but a "Geatr Eef Ai" - la-h eludig FrncirIndoCir0a anI tr Dutc Esa laies wasannune- eti o tie Jpanee peplela~twee Pr ýeir-Pic uieoK Prme-ric utnao Kn oIe. Obiousl1 Ioeigtreiie At tïieicaertue fiat: Japan movredlate xtenti furncer econ ,ever17 -Crna Crmee ropee tlire Cenitral Goveri-îentner e parten mebire mî-ig oward tre frenItier e ofd-Cuia, AJa'pan'ese ti-ruat tru rftGunr the Id-hn Coast n'oulti directy menace tir Twe ocinonu UN"ITED TTS:Tr plfl felowei ewad irle vn'ar JlaEurope was hîon intoboltioinat sýpeeches by poinentAmrcas imm-lediateani's71gaiforGr.a berýgi) caingi:o-an "Am na peace effort antid ea tost lire n'iir a(vitoriensG îrmaay Ccro f oiioSenato KyPit PMan utNerada, Ciraman 0ftfie Se'nate FereigaReltos omt ttfieUnteitaefadffy N c:,FoCod for'egu Durlng tireacire setrtyc etp StatCcaletupon rire peopleet twr Ui. S. t peprefo crfie s ati. Tiougir raui inga 0 te onclsonsl etiraHaan Cfence if"'a f -r ece Homeîlu n bri' rir Four mles fea cafe drivig have tîee ferulat ,-)y ire Inldustrial vttwaJournial: M1aintala an areacf safefyl front, bACnI, antionbetr sidS Fergf aoutn'io ias tire legal n'ycf ireotre fllw /spojut yonr tining spee tt mmieecodition s frotigmeal AIssume tlirftireetirrdriver kun-s lttl abut ratfIrc laws at irtJý ire !pedestrianlney ire dea, or mod c o aas juat "ub PAYSIN LNGERLIFE muless~retmesvill lhave te sur rentLier hbî legal rigitýs. He nl Pire Oay le cArogant, ruthiesa fol lu' îwr.on' teaotirng bt ,up-i l e s n e s , f a y t a l C k e h lm a l t 1 l longe te o frmloneplace f0 aaotie-Dut itje is jgiy improir- For BttrDesserts CornjudSt.a rnSoch a el