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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1940, p. 2

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ar's Influence a Agriculture stock and -rae ck subjectsa t the nof officiais ,vbo xhbtsis belng std pprtenes are seelclng st lu bacont-yme IM1portanjt point ef excciange o! the purrd breeding stockBredr whe biý> ad neoeneuraeonYr- sbire hogs, -it wssý statd, wfillbe lu, themaretsu b-reedorjs wih c strock wÇIlll be more heavily rp seated t1han ever befoe. sinilur lunterp4es exicýsslu duirv products and dairy ctlitfw. every branb 0fuicul- t1rai classes, evidences afi Ihe pro- oettime Iiietcto tat the -Eisibi- tien will be mor rprsetaiv thnever beforie, vol 0 F PRI T H E -E' SUMMER HOLIDAY3 One amnaein takiug short Vacation is that it won'i take soûlng teget r--setd u aftrwads.Kiteuier Record. THEY MUST TELL T['ise womnen o)f teUi $tatcs sud of Can!adabeus ,t)th ceusus sud et national rg istration hveone thing lu, cem-i mo),n this year. They have te e the geverumeut their age. BAÂNS WFDM-Nr. NOMQ new lyfon-i Woodstock rseý containing F$109! .g lu a Torouto store yfor h[l, bt ca' ng e 1isccouldlba-ve uteylu Wood(stoc!k. [G 1JN FOR MF-D ut glues aiuthority an xi ii for thse gves îItseepert uad- dows are highly i hlomle, sud ites .1 ct re-ssens. 11 av Mon keya end Thýleir rs Are akn Part ini Contest aiC..E noulg beanltycotsa ings a cmPtiont A Toronto o te fnd tise :ul baby lmonkey. TD!e ýy ald lsermotheî-s it disiaýy et i7,3 animal thleir hirnbogs shlow Canlflain kld ci f dus0 isep aiMjl 'World's Largest Exposition Opens:o us in e s s -a s -Us u al 1940 Cnda NationalEhbiinFis A More Important Ro. in PromtingEmpire Tr-ade Than It Dii Peacetinie - Agri- culurl SowThis Year o'~ Prime Significance - Royal Air Fo>rce -Qtuartera5 Can Be Seen oen the Grounis 190gôt nuder way, equestion be vc~n-n1 iinrnkn nitinn t h~iriS One gauceaI te big ehbto day, leadership stahlished lu peace ian industr-ies s nd t~au'npb 'ilusiness as uul~sg;Caaadian 11g etfcanadian ,soldiers, ihhe reouied heWide resources e Ex Sunzmercolu tie Tront Pe*Darca Even betore war brke ut lest year, lu emidle eots ehii tieni's pregpran, ofcii f th7e De partmient etDefuc [h,-hIL"cou 1erenýes witb h Ce exhibMitindrc tors, had utindtheo i need c, hadî received i i ntuutieassunrance et tie exhibitionoficaistisatie en- tire Park sud its big buildings -euld be eniptied forctcheiruse. ,kud at tha tmeie Dejlartmeat,]'s_ oeersstatd thatihW> PCferr o have no umen luàtSe ark lu u mier, lbutwul î noig uIt otisericamps. tîin tis yarfit jte otishpoga e te LitaryRoyalCan'aCia.nAir Force qularterls alone n eu'in lutne Paru,naud tiéss1, berng sesz Jd,', that colorful brnchet he service a s -unoprtnyteso how airn are traned; )t formsjý an, imnipotant exisbit or disýplay et tis exibiionroster e atm ren1dereq sombre by thle timies,ý the Show fe)Ilowsý the uulpteu Mu11h et Lit l eeigjepr"ntt tise puiblic the mprtnc f w timepecorinoes and methode et anud practices As suecnmetcrleexi bition wl 11 oeimportant rom tss i ddprobaly, lu peace- tinile. This lerefectd osL vividl lu tise ivestocksud agrieculrl classes %(lt a very class) are ahead er preveus pmurs aud en- !quir-y rvasthal tislebecauise agicltr fce lew ývstanldards1 ud ew requiremi ntscusdb baconl-type hege forinstanc,:ObUpp- te benheavy, w[ihçsïudy-etyps e hegraiersrouiugmoreniuter.est 1tl-issuluany ot)her ]year. Th1usise. exbition sves uasm an excng et idleasud materials hcsafc Canada's ar ffot.jui.outen othr oprîefntstesm ra J NT ApR_\ P L TRC, Del Meet iimport) 1 'antL.1hLweverý,,, is the exislibitiou's roue!, a'i cu th agnd ihEmiepln u ou etD .A. Camlpbeli, onui ev'eey viIte t caI a vo lise lovelleet baby monkey. fmes 'ms Monukcy and bier agiî, renjce sudlaadopted sTý wllh seutG but Dr1. CamIpbeýllbeîie'vos honore msy bobeteniyShr Yeunifgest of origelMs s r Me1nkey vio nisolil br-ing îi tweotCher yoougeere, Vlo M4aud, airsetess jij fiom(aIl, ,pie Potarie r en ssoonu u r .3 ýd housed every braucisetitG xhbis tu iake wsy for arria oë thousads aton w'rrounded its future. 'nd, as Wcame even Moire audible: MleChe 61. Lerujted ?" now ould aswrany qeto.To- t-ie hïas 5suddenly becme eadrshipý te re-cach the ey-es anid eesof Cansd,1- ic, have b en ropresnted to a greato ýI inidustr'y andcomrea gig 1-become more véIta Démortaias e- Isec.Foreigii trade mausvalu- able -xcharge for purchlasingwa nepeds. Thiis hue been tie themo eo£ Britisli ehbtr uterdisos- siens withxibto officiais, and it is bvioously Ltheir goal li uh ;uickeeed Inintet they have now, sfiown lu the exhibiîtion this yeýar. To Pexhbonoffiias aud i j ,- tors ý -19401)hasbcoea yarfor ratrservice. They hpe th ex hibition will ia ie retct Ol Heat WaVe !Hatched Chic Insde abinet bore, . lS., coul net account for the plainive peeping coming, rom soewhere ii the use ud he knew ne had't ny baby, chiicýs but whenhe opene-d a dJoor to) a-,cain-et, ouLhoppe-d a chLick, 11e says *the het av hatiLicI he d Loneof theegstrd Shcp f te i'epubliic oif Le- banon h!ave such lar-ge fat ul tht erders provide small wg- osir which the-sep, et bm A haress nables thlem to pull tUe wagon, and the fat in th., tlapr"ov"ies eeg hntheir naturail food nsupply islo, Earl of Athione Opens en udry "THE BATTLE 0F BRITAIN" BEGINS IN REAL EARnýNEST The Battle of Bitai began l-ast w-eek, leýssthan ,itwoimoutPs nfter the capitulation of France. Eachday~waveafter wave of German ,Iplanes ,crossed the' hn ne to bomb Englan;euhdy hories of Britisb planes sae to bttle ,withi the enemy. -Whether or not actual invasion by, German ljand forces wsshort- 'y to follow remnaineil the biýg qusinof tehu.Mltr expertÉs we('r e i iare Wacigthe targeLF ts(atwhicli thu Gernan bombýýs were amd dvnnced bases oA the Royal Air Foýrce, and stronilg Britishcosa posi-tionis - they declared that the' Nzscould be plainig anyv- thîngip fromn a simple attemipt te rekBritish civilian m1orle, ýup thie scale. to anl ail-ont air ato on' th-e countriy -as a whole wiîcil woîdprýcede- or coîncide wiith thý ýattempted inIvasuion by Ses,. Would îSol1ate Britaini Sevva1lineult ral ncieleÉtafe0s o! note expressed the Opinion thiat teNazis' chief target foi- tise piecrLt wasBritîn'sses-ornie comece (ports, docks, ship- yaids, harborqs hips sud c'ouvoys wtre bomhed) ; sud tisaI the Nazi eetiewSs to blocisade Brilain, isnrte i, mwekeu il by desfroy- ing, ilsc commierce sud ils ccOn- tacts, with the Emlpire sud the wcistarve it into subrmission if po;ssible, or in anuy Case weak- onit by battering ils ports su3d sersand breakingý up itsli- "The LastOstîe Mailj'o ry B r j-) w ni e, Chl etian SeneMonqitor c'or)Irespolidenî înl Lodon,. called Oe uew turn c ceene " sot ofintrimphiase t itsewar" diurinlgwhichi, whiie H it'e 1-asu1d M Ussolinli coniu thl'ý-t alempLtgteorganlize tlie Con- qucwed portion efthtie Continent, rheY prpare more drustic acti aganslte remlainliing Enropeanli obtceto Ibeir doination of the worl -BritIn sd its emn- Frhrsoothj, llsui ap- Pered te be comiag intehi owu a la ilst-ciass tobe-a .Alil sigs einedteau ear1Y grab ut (MMc"sAdistc coast, sud per- 1940 Exhibition Ri-o Il oecu pstorpi ftise Goveruor -(,n Hi, Ecoenytise Eaîri o ÀLAscur, so wtiis oife,] sioîl efore Ibeîy cameeïoCuld(a in un.On Fr 2d. ihieEal- a1 shetitofiiipublic peaacel be eclrestis 1914G aaiaN~a Ehbto p - Il apatrfo a siice of Yuge- siavin. (Thre Italian Governmnent cnarged that Greece was suppIy~- ing ol, ïplanes and oter ater- ial to Grent Biitaini; that itha cruelly oppressing Albunian min- orîtiea- in th"e country). lit Africa,ý Rtacan forces spun eut fromt far- off supply bases, moved slowly eeper into Britsh Somaliland, w'erc eng'aged in shIarp) conflict WXh the Blih defehders of Ber- h sSonliland Capital. Surprise for Italans That thie lR.A.,F. couild spare, suffficient planles to bomlb many strategîc points in Italy and to intesiy the air Uathcs on Gev mnany, camne as an unpleasant sur- puise to) Fascists and Nazis alile last week. They were obliged to, reaLiz2,e that the R. A. _F. was able not only to cope withl the Germian "0kkreg"onBritain 0on a 3-toi ba sis b)u t also to carry on ai extomlyeffctveair offesiveý- on the Conýtinen-It. Spai On Hier Ear N.3 otroemaker(Muer, of courise, i s No-. 1 ), Genieral Francus irate tBritish super- vision over Spannih imports, sent a note to London denmaning re- .zuxation of the blockande on oiT, gasmine ani other contraband pro- ducts, The Falnnigiýst njewsp)aper in Madrid, Arriba, after annoulie- ingtatSpain was now a "moral.1 belligerent", declared that British; action in shuting off Spain's sup- plies of gasoline, fromn the United Stteand Rumania constituted an "aggress'o-ie andi an act of Woud DiveBritish Out The apanse prliaentvotcd in weklufavor of taking :al a va i 1lb-e sud efcivemesures te dive t_,be "Britisb influences" fronr isst Asia . following whic}ull-mitaiu auuiouncd e 1lewith- dr.awal g'toopefreýiin tli he Sbg- biai urea-; aholig wihorces from noriseru Cîihuï tlmeyweesn "clswbee" -tCl ng Koug uud slngspore, perma1)...i London Cklaese Aniba"ssador Quei heariug wheu lie eskedj for Brî- tisb liassistance Ïii .preve-ýntiug ,,comi- plete penetration of Fec ne China by Japsu (Britain far that once Jps abs a sru fot in uJdoCiashie eai- n!-ot be ousted fromn the Freucis coybut will iuaîead expuud ber uLvte inte Siam, and pas- ib ito BrilisisBurmna)- UJ. S. Senlate Split la te Uite SttesSenate de- bat cotînedounectiecm pulerymiltnr trinîg.Thut body waý plit On tie question, sud Preideu Rocevelts Admin- istration fa1ced t'he hardeet figbt sincie -duys efthte Suipremi. Court ceuteet, . . Tise twe mnajor p)olitical parties were seenwa- nig up for, tliseNovember edec- tien and leiu tise decke for action; tise broadcasting: compan,91- l es wore prepuriug LeowW- dicli L. Willkie te frsdecsl nsý well us Frankhlu D_ Roosevet er EssiAa" poicytbeU. sppenod duiug he weelc te be Soviet Russýia, siginig a uiew vtrude pact;-Moscow, on tise otiser baud bad som-e iuteresîing tbings ta say about tbe United States. tisaI tbe U. S. le preparing ta occupy 'the western isemispher-. colonies 'or Europea nations, as a prelude te armed intervention iu tise war, and Ibat tise war ino Europe bas uc.iuaily increýaseri A n g 1 0-Americun cross-purposes witb tise United States Iryiug te exelude Britain usvwcll uscotiser cempetitors from Souitis Ameî-i- cau markets and turn- îîîg toward compromise wiîh Je- pan- A fomer ulta etZazibar bisdomla niscis Hvas usl ias te man, ud l ilspac epn10ta sukluiul lefruitonts - laud isatfamiles s me aboo spicntisa il au h smeled on muhJp miaîl eut ut se , a )"b- yedtîib)lc rerg. i Ti'iî47 tIàIA Seo how thse Navy, the Army, tihe Air Force aIrebeing eUzsorted by tbOe whele Doninin-industries. scisees, agriculture, wenien'e work, A dramatiration of Canada -at War. Famed throughout the world la the. big Goidman Band frointhse UJnited States. Playiag ecti night frein the. nodern outdoor Band 511.11 yen hear it witheut charge. -. Direct frein the San Francisco World's Fair, and presented through the courtesy of Inter- national Business Machines.. "Art of 79 Countries"-an las- prespive contemnporajry show. Duke' Ellington, TOMMY Doraey,, JiMnmy Dorsey. Sammy Kaye, Eddie Ouchin, Ai and Bob Harvey withâ their Canadian Coster Baad. head the, list of big.time dance banda tint wil be featured là tuis year's vast, cool Dance Pavillon. Don't miss thein., A brillir n-t presentation ef latest advances in tha automotive in- dustry including a presdew ef7 nlany 1941 modela. ___ tone of the mee rlat and daring Nerse Sho'qws on tiie con-ý tnt.Many special features, hlaznessand hunter classes. sept. 2 -7nh. --A" Wosnen's war work dramatizedj ini a huge Red Cross Ehbt Leýarn Vthere ,how Vou toe can hel ti, ntinaleffi, -at i une

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