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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1940, p. 3

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Spatrofl Be-for rus, ru Boy &Se «ýler. , tnouisaiies macmin-gstnne1 on5%t of Nort herl Franic by itlse %oïn on "T'he Value of First Ai Eductio," taswonbya o 88jriut. hre Nicholson 'DI rav *nusOnt. The contest was, AmoagCana4an f iseai a former Boy Scout of Three Riv,- ",S Q ue., Aieafna ,First ~iErnieet P. floost. Frost re- eevdthe Meda-, of the Military Divisioni of tise Ordier of thse B..- 4ishEmpre, n rccognitàmnof ý'gret corage in effecting thef rescue of an unconselous pilot from.- a burInî)g aireraît.» Frost eýntered the- rear cock.pit of a raedplane whieh was fflied With emIxoke anid fumes, seekig WlIse -wirele-ss operator7, but found il empty. Alhough lierl ex- ba-ustled, he rani to tise front c'kî- pit and helped a cm ninex- iricate thne unconnscious pilot, Tis was done atù great risk due to the im ietdanger of tise gasôlie tankexldig Tise tank did 4cx- plode shor-t'ly after. Heada N. B. University Profeasor N-'Iorman A. Macken- zie, of thse Unîiversity of Torontfo, lias ýn m pesdetOf the nvesyof Nw runswick, Ho" "'- ilisucced i, C C.Jones, wf ut Sci U00etnCsi Restsaton f ayoung sol- o'f cri , a ew nniei ~Iru wiis snseof Tise effoc-ýte of z<Impiso'r' ,' i(Sdcribed i tisPe Bni- CihhMeicai JournaL. Tise snt eti cmphors h.ýave thec ame efecton tsebraîn andI ing, a miorvecorles severe shock. AIDS CA,ýNCER DIAGNOSIS Tisecurentissue of tise Can- GPl nivesity resercs orer Yenerf,)'ts o otaieorrýctdig sin l 90 poer cent of cancer cases wisih ho studied toughý ef tise bo Tise worker was D)r. O CGruner, ARTIýFICIAL SIAMESE A iuh n and hie crýippled ife met we were bounid to- gether lu is mainner of Siameiýse - twbinS so tstbis skia and tiýssue migisi be graftecL to iser to enabie bier te u ove' ber head. Mn. 'And Mrs. Alexander Mon beet of Jersy Cty, hope that the rare prais will enable her -gi o mise heý iead from beýr ehet, heeit blas rested for a -yar--ever since expdiUng gaso- Cktewbtsraed her nseek andI eest ' eeticpd ftheuse of hhiývïIsCýSt~ ansd destoyed Iser eyelids. Trim of fine and as sturidy as thley ilake them is ;thlis new "eCor- vtte" class patrol boat buiît by the British aqdm-iralty un .Caniada al.t n easbterii seaport. This ship waS laujnched by -,ýLady ý7Fji,;t, wif e o-f thse lietennt-ovenorof 'Quetbec. In addition to this shiip ,Lady leet christened thriýee theïs bic adl been launýched p)revioUsly without ceremony. HEALTI TGPICS NUTRITIONAL NEEDS Asumimary of nu,,tritionial 3ne- quirements at different ages, re- e'ently issued by officiais of tise ilealtis League of.)ïCanada, reveals sïome interesting facts. Duri'ng tise firet twvelve months of 1f e, says tise statement, tise calories required by tise average ciild ncrease frons 500 to 1000 a day, and during this time the protein neede of the cild may be calculated at frons one-and-a- haîf to two ounces of milk per poind of body weight., REQUIREMENTS INCREASE From- one to tisree years, tise calorýic needs increase to 1,250 a day for girls andI 1,400( a day for boy.s. Tisreafteýr, nt he end of tise 8tis year, tisere~ is a graduall-y icraigdensard. Atý tise end].of tise l8tis year,grl need 2,500 antI boys - ,600- Cal- ories a daiy. Fourteeni per cient of tise totalcalor-ies shoul e e4 riv-ed fi--)m proteins, an3d one fliir of tise pr-oteýiins soud efroin animalnsources An understandling of tise basi;c needs for a stnar itayi of tise higIsest iprac tti time, twaspoin , d out, and (ifil inoraio o is see e "Sob- tainable firom pampIhlets and lite- atiewhicýIs may be obinied on- request from tise HTealt-iis Logueý. Postal Rates Aid Troops In Iceland cently anniomirced that arranige- men.,nts havc béeni nmpleted urder whfieh letters, -.postcadîs >t-x)d newspapers for niembers e the CaainActive Service Force stationefdin Iceland may pi-ss at domestic postage rates. Parcel post will be accepte-d at the rate of 12 cents a pounid up to a linit of Il pounds, wisijchý je the same rate at presenrt ap- plicable to parcels addre-ssedt,- soldiers in Englan,,ii Hlow ConR1 &Y ANNE ASHLEY$ Q.1-10W ï ai take wrnkles ; ýou several day-s lu a hotiel? A, H-anig the garment oe h rack in tis bthoo, loe is door, and turn On tise'1hot w 1-et it riun until thie hathrom ri s filled with seam Leave tie gr nment hanighin this Vapour tor', ain hoeur, then iopen tise rooiantI jet h Fti rticle dry]inthe fei Q.How -can îI ma)ke agood roacispwdr A. A very efcierahp equal parts of lastrcfPai and POwdered sgr lv, ~.VIo '3 IR 8ON~ ~,ol4G~i, s1~ONGg~ TR~AO G SO~j~ ~R' k W HY pay more? Monsey carmet buy a saer tire. Why accept less? Firestone gives you extra sefety, extra vlue and ex.. tra mileage et f0 extra cost I And here's bow: Recause only tise Firestone Champion lire bas the amazing Gear-Grip tread which gives 11% longer non- skid mileage -than any comparable tire Firestone bas ever built. Its fdsousands of sbarp-edged angles grip thse road wth a against skids and side slips. And, only tise Firestone Champion Tire is buit witb tise patented Safety.Lock Gum-Dipped cord body which provides 27% stronger bond between tread and cord body, and 35% greater protection against blowouts. Replace dangerous, worn tires NOW, Have yvour nlearby Firestone put Firestone todoy aud kssrsrthisa o are getting tise List word irn safety and ce.ouomy. Q. Ho csQ Itre A. An ecletr rub ti ande Jser wlth asolution of 12 rose wtr 10 parts i~to Q.How -nan I reat colored fab- ùi nwhe acid, sueh as lemrone or vinega-rlias lbeen spilled aoýîff 1haag changod the coIoor? spoige Mwth a solutionof pjeýart 'lmoi o four parts eoldwaater- Apply (e;àfu1Iy, slhghltly touchîing tile tah91, and -the color wil be the e-dge"s aied binidings of books? A. Rub i hei th bread doui. Rub the déusty pats4vth p aI3o of the dou-gh ni -llihe (dirt la re- Moderni Etiquetto Q. Shouldauan remove bis bat ic, huildings, hen fwomen ar Ai. Nf; huthhQukda îýo-1 il c- ele atore ofhotle aýntI apat.,,,t bouises, wihare rednljl niature. Q. VWhen a ,,mail trsa~atu rant with a.,- woman gueest, ehould h hip ber reniove ther wrvap? S A. Ye-s, andI place it over tie back- of ber chair, unles a&waiter le pi e- sent to do so. Q. Would It be a-Il righit for a uew empioyee to aský other employees how salary tliEy gct? A. Neyer. The ,matter, of sa.lary is conitintiland this WOUIld be a Q.What le ýhecorrctwayto eat cheriesandpluis heatheyar ,arved atthtab? ndgrapes ar,,e taken intotue mouth Who!(" and thepits anticstones are cariedfromthelips to theplt bewe he tunband firet liniger. Q. houtI pesonsay pee' A, Yes. "Ploase" anIlithank pou"ý ,i ee utfplce Q. hos soui ahoste-,- se ask m- 1 in" a inr A. A close, intitefre. One o h aetsdtnst Caaa's navy - a corvette lamnched eat a BritisýhConb pob-wil harthe niame of '"H. MCS. anf,"after ýt1isefanions nainl park anýd resort of thatL The casock \oasn w b rived fro11s an outer garmrenit for- v el otr Nb okes I B AVE TGV RIEARD?j Miniter(l 11! Sud a y er- moný): AndI broth(ïs, Onj't m Manin lacongregaillu umps np Sanie Man: "P'reachecr, ýýII orryY 11-'imde Ftatcortin l cureI3, ~buttbat ntene, youra juet e- minded ge b ejlefi my UMbre- la Cet gibt." BoSS: 'How <id Y Gu happe" te ovesep tue momnlg?"ý Worker: "Tbere wfes ight ïf Ut In the boure end the ai- zrm was semtfor «îeve" Acransport'smwaqs playving oeagofcourIýse î Scotlasrd,antid pl~~verY bai-Ay. "erdean!" lie rvewred at ]ast.'tTiero aiTh' b worse Plýa3.- ers tisan mryse.f," "Wee, wel, aybe there ore worse players, onmntRtd thce md- die conoiîngiy, "but they dinna repo)rt,.Fnfhhîie hk haeCSlqiwIth their parents and~ thank themn fer tkie food. Then, ike Cpnazdian children, probab- ly sïkip otheéforeanyonte mer.- test1he dishet. Downtais negb'or~"You ia týhe pî,Iio tCoo leud." le ;oosretoai peal.You PUShed it Joan (eetiU iio No1 AthGuaand i~Mte no!" Jïrm: "Donlt rub it iii, Oniy asked you oc! IIuîto tilecoutVcy urh the man, 'tsemagletrate rooked downi "WiI"he ake,"gîlyornt gulity?"ý Tise priorw(conled. "Fiureit utyousel,"ho e al Alaska, States, la Rijasia by two miles pn- r oftise UnY3ited -5epalrated firon sSoviet, )ur ticket Pipe- Sme.kersjý Pls A ag nwrease was recorded in, thef markIeted value of Ne.w Bruniswic-k's fisheries pouto in 1-939, whben ise total was $, 082,393 iincopisn ih$,. 996,064 in"311988, COan't sleep ?Tire G î ls I Peaslly? Annoyed isy fe- maefunctlonal dis- orders and m,ýontisly dîstresa? Then tiakýe iLyd.iai n, Plnkliiam!s Vegetable Consi- Poundaos for Qver 60 years Ja 13elpln g such rnon weak, noervous conditions. Mal speeial7y for woýmess, -WELL WORTH TRYING!0 ..CLASSIFIED AIRI S. 'r, asoreult qu Pnta-ay Po ad em ragd ors ,oldnch nvtei uybrdPot Twoueek old Grde "A"Earre Rocks, W Ie tlck t N, Hamp S14, Cckrl $05. Lnom r bCre1cens, Etri Poft oon ï-a.Talogue. kwddi hikHaei ere iite , irgl ,Onaro Prompt 7 ipment m Ot lrede i!mesaroed Trlgeys tom Orde f Hm lz, Ont. crs. To wee"old arredRocks Putiets $1l.95, lackeils 511 5, Leghon putetsck 4I90 T hr-e wh old dd hreecens. arge Eg Quatity ad1onepcen, Frto i wccketC arre Rok ac1ckrel richCiceie,,ulhOt.i YOUR 7P OPOTNT O PIro Shor haî btck aC wie, Oliver oculaed fo disenspe by Docan LadlW étodïSx o Sntmhs oU MieT $ 0.Feata$600 TS 0a oRn1fam . o ,Hr rJwOntrin CAR PARTS

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