ýwn fa!leiM i ,e atlhecî f L eérta ,tioiie ~ the pateran Lan0lamt o13lecoi ncrease gentlemen", ~aitI 7,031,000, an un- B since the begin- ear, accordîng to ed the middle of siiice the 6,000,000 ot rate of ~d jr will reacli the opoehin, and qPpro-val or otili Inthis sxt weha-ve Chist, mnn n eIlth S ~', r~ 17 Clay dpst T18 18 Sun god. bird, gong. 3M Fuses letml, E41 S'cries of rs42epicaleens e's 2The reason. 4ý3 Completed, 45 Demonstradveý,ý 46Poyeir n. chestnut 471,particle, b, 48 Existed, -let. .50Ai 51Etriy ,y 5.3 M u i a n o e 55 SeniOg7. 10.45 ~ugffient 45 p.m. and ~r rie- 4 By J. MILtAR WATT I~~~~~ AM ~TA RSW rs ia in rer i ~e ont- on the j ilve t( Increase 1