Bowmanvlle - ronû -. t.. - _- - -- -A- ---- je 10 nuqitiacui Bowmaani Central j IToi oto visiting -her sister wxho bas on Tuesday alfter speinThg a month's il, the towýn hatil this m--onth, oW in g We uniderstaiïd that Phnesh: . 7waid $7e Agreutual480et been sick. -visit wîth bis daught-er, Mrs. R. C. to the public school concert being Majr W.C. Il. Mitchell, b-45-c. lrs. 12hs. Patterson hn' beenli e also visited friends in Timm-iins, * * * along as well as his m a Oriio 7- isiti»g lier daunliter, M s Ga lraith N ew Le keard afd ,eitb y. The regular meeting f the Ried would like to sec. lmatý lcsok Cross Society -,as heldin the Oi-aiigei The Oldest, Largest and tir ",n % i qejh Mr. Ha- nid CobbMedick bas rented Dr. McXenz liash hah 1d his Of- Hall on Thulrsday evening, Novemiber wol.. Bro. iJ. W. Rolph - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ficee st the honw e ofMiss Sadiù rwe twt e ebr rsnTefrOtroEs,-'l a Complete Furnituro Sto re and one half of Mr. Ervan Rainey~s iouse MVain Street Sothhasrene7th wtl tn emes reew. h -fr nMrl a, wifl)pay Mode Fuera Seykehi LL0F n Min tret Suth Prsident, Rev. S. L-ttlýývolcd, bad visit to Orono Çaoi M der urham evie i L A ESO nMaSre. etSoth.f e rnthome of the late Dr. Covile ndcb$ii1-- of the nmeeting. fnlSht) Tliursday. After is visiting with ber siter, M is. Robt. W ednesday he made a trip to $mith's ep orit ee e ei rm dffr-e r and qul -b sn s, t ransallctoncl c Our GoSevc-TlH E BS N anvadohi eaieFalls and brouglit bis mother otcmite. ehadqjta.- snstiywl oc Our GoSrvc-THE NBýEST ANI) Rainey nd ot3xer reltihome Oronoing are goJiig on favourably for, re- 'ing with a banquet ini th(, Our Prices-THE LOWEST R paired Miss olIi"O Bifiown, cf Kingston, wi wl me & ome b uere êi.Te raue rpt The goose supper he'ldi and Mi. Lei~o Broçwn, of 1Guelph,-o The Live and Learn Club held their a balance of $246.40 after paying for-United Cliurch on Wedne, MO RS&SN Ii .E O N were homne for the week-end. regular meeting at the berne of Mrs, $900 wortli of wlool, Ail the ne ing ýbroi ýt 'for-th a fair u I BOW MANVILLE - ORONo PROPRIET OR The fiag wâs at halfi mat on Mon- given a d oey lnch vs sel-11 în't h etin e ofn unilhe d e att nd d from Bowm anvill cetest. Orono Phone 30 r!16 teslbr rîe ii~imro fly Mrs. Dean, after wwc sagrstertrs ani onaet ed as ser<ved to about 350 p( 1%Wr.lastGret ashed the dishes, The nexis meet- quarters. ter the supper a progra in wllhobe4 isth Uited The Scet sanxi0tus that any held in the church. ANNOU CINGMiss Betty Rowe has, retui-ned to Chi-ch on Friday, Novembr X5t1, at sol'dier who lias clilisted from Orono AN O N IGflamnilon aîter spendi-ng a weoh with 4.00 p.mi. on iiity neceive bis sjweater. A[Ir. Hlarry Rowe bas ber, parents, _1r. andj Mrvs. W. , înILda The election of oificers wi1l lie beld symphony Orcehestra for! RoIe, Mr Orme Gnay desgn'e4 a t the Deceniber mleeting and a rosi nronltbs.Soeoteyo th ral1¶4Vn ~f~QQ~O~ ~1I od~ attffld-ance. is deaired sq tbat are filling the vacaniees I SIU -ANC MPEEFE Ssoin, of Buflunior, visitej mithli-bi next. fus iatest linoe of borne miiission- 1 ized for- another year. rilaying the cellos an'd -M SHU -GAN OMP ET FEDSParents, Mi. and Mrs. Ed. Dean on arl wonr lias beae iso ebtain Positions A. genenous donation ' as been re- garet Flintoif and Jeanne ALL FORIMULAE are supplied hy Canada. PacIhers Ltd. and the Sunday. for nine diflerent pensons in the cieifenM.A ~Hltr e iaigbi iln.W analyss guaranteefi by thons. Gabl peceofork. Oichis a cappaent- ccip iMrA. .of e ewnai sccssathe ir nom ve Many SAVINGS are possible with sswls local iing. We ae eas red oer abn. Genera ot o, mlcli a-a'])Parent- olcore rnet Unee1r tasottii ot o rj eare lasared oe fro Mr.rOrone Tt niaiormrces del t ofat]soesi hi iwv eliminated. bospital and is great1l. imiproved lni praesbi s enisisa i a e orne froiUnited States We advise the Police TI Ail abor ad oerhad ost gratl reuce. halt. peacingit.frien'dismho are very mlucli interested inspect tbe bale in the si Sai'sfrom direct selling - manufacturer ta consumer. s.ant.s l ndgas,« Ieid i ,ohls e0 n iih-s/55a ir e causeforhtlngthe St.raiouasnuper'whchwaslPauecaseoofwbi-he b ustisessastie oftMa i st SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRÂTES Rochester, N.Y., bave heen visiti~ eie ucs.Oing t us . esni al ose i Where the feeder lias grain, Shur-Gain Feed Service entails grinding M.and fMrs. i. Raine nd other quantity of eatahles left ovor a sup- Tenders are hein,- ealled for the and twvist or brealk their ar. of the grain and mixing it with Shur-Gala Coxcentrates and any other relatives. prwshl ' i eodn-tI hsyistelvr ftemgtnenalvutS Mr. Thos, Meeil bas- eure teban drsig o tM. Franir steel hlades miii enjoy to tlbe utniost lage. Onue shovelful of cor C U ST O M 1 IX IN G b re atn s e n e a m wt Hall won the rug, h en- the o se'st the pleasure thley derive frm this f111 bbc hole and faire ut a We have made an alteration to car equipm-ent and cau now hYs daughtoe, Mra. Gordon Martin, t. the correct n~umbe. Not aniting winter pasti-nie. etras tGRIND and MIX your grain for of Newcastle. the nug- the next two neapest the cor -______ P~er Bag 9c. ~reit number di'ew, Mrs. T. MoCoinb _____________________ SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE gives the tfeeder aane eeigMr. and Mrs. Fredl Tamblyn attend- and Mrs. Fred Blacklburn, the ua mg at the LWIT OSLEC T at the alancePOSSBeedCng ed thc aniniversary services at Hamp- goiiigio Mrs. MICtoni:>. o ton on Sunday last visiting wïth lien siste, Mr. Wil, wibur.The Oroiio Beys Scouts miii carry MM M ILLES ~~~on coflecting paper tbroughout the Rb 1N G gMs 1 T. Turley, of B levlle ,villge There are two things that- WE DELIVER PHONE 3~7 r1 reitiv nc4 Iolier hm nWdedythe' Scoutsa wouldlikethe peole oM after spending a femv days 'witb ber do.Firstly, isbat if ài l at al pos-~ nliother, Mns. James Dieksou. sible, to tie, tbe papers in bundies soyy ________________________________________________ isslut Lwden, of Toronto, and to handle and sbip; aay s to P a y C a, Miss Doris Locwden, R.N., of Orillia, that alyone wisbiing thé 'Scouts t'O S e i l o-r N % IY 4515 DV fi P ~~~IaUITt! W' Apent tbe week-end wiisb thein par- cal! and collect pauers, please netifype as fo NQ ,1 , i5 RED. Il L-i- àIitf L'A à ents, _Mn. and Mrs. Che s. Lowden. Mnr. J. J. MOl0r Scot iàfaste, sa lie Phone 70 r 1 Phone 2l1i Reg. szed RE i~f.andMsWrn Fos-usonof eaii mire anýra1nsements to bave tbhe ~NDSRLI Re . iz d pkg Suxper Suds with Clein.ence, of Stayner, spent Alonday We notice Perey ,>,Luini lias bis STEAK EAI--1-23 9 ~~~With r adMrs.. J. Stainton.1 large 'lunge wbhi le eaiugbtinte'p giant size ralmolive Soap, for 2 1 c Messrs. H'arry M-Nencer, "Scoity- 1sunier niiounised and i>iaced in bisLBL.L, Quik Q ak r O tslage kg 0e Moffatt and Joi Gilfillin left on s tore wnoanlulanice to looh,,at. 4bars PalmoliVe Soap with new countsry on a deen ' aigep- d1 or2 01eno _23~uf~ d~ DI.ail or 2 c fioi. ln bis mindow, of {Ie celliuloïd type, map Balkan Saes llfr 3 ook at your label meek and linfem he puabieeb aperishis mn-SIOULDER SIDE FRES] Cooking Onions by the bushel 85c secif bc iatethe w os caugbt by Mr, John t KIPORK I cing Sugar, 3 lbs. for- 25e lis and al lahbels sbould record the n ogt t ~erb B21 Al on P st, - b.tis,,-,,oret date anid year. landed is. We are waitingfo Job n drâ 2ibs. ricake Shortening 24$C turned beome (today) Thunsday, af- version of thila new ýp- -h( ieS U i C ter spending' a twûo weeirs' visit ýwith p)osed to bave canglt -LE H IIBJ 2 lbs. Maple Leaf. Lard h 9 er parentsa, Mn. and Mrs. Robert The response hJasn't -bellyery O Q S SHOULDER TA Mild Spanish O-nions, 5 Ibs. - 25c LnyBr.h n sse~ a u ev a rh# ~RAT ILB. GilIett'Q I . 2 tins 23c - , - ý- -itR fi ler1srD a enleft behind the fine d- BEEF-ýýAM reinl ted t(