Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Jannary 3, 1990-3 Theý Junior Pines Senior teams from Port Hope. Tamara Kent and Mrs. Zander; Public School Volleyball team Pictured above (back row) (front row) Amy Jackson, placed third recently in a tour- Mr. Scott, Mandy Stainton, Pi- Cardlyn Fletcher, Erin Sand- rament with school, from quette Staples, Laura Mac- ford, Joanna VanDyke. throughout the area including Donald, Tara Hayward, Hoioked on new technology The Christmas season brouight a new dimension to lîfe with tear- dropping laughter at times. It ail had to do with new technology in the home-game worid that has been around for the past couple of years buit something I had not been associated with. They cail it Nintendo. Just ask any kid and they wili tell you ail about it. Its the new game on the block, and as I understand in most homes. It made me forget aIl about birds and even the Christmas bird counit which were being held in a number of areas flot more than an hours drive from home. Four to five years ago when home computers were becoming ail the rage there was the introduction of computer games. To say the least they were tame, uninteresting com- pared to Nintendo and we wouid suppose this is only the beginning. However Nintendo kept brother John, David, Ronnie and myseif thoroughly entertained for six hours when at three a.m. Gwen said it was time to pack it f'or the night or morning, as the case was. But it was flot before tear- dropping iaughter had resounded throughout the house. The four of us were hooked on a game of golf, that is after an hour of reading instructions, trying to understand the gamne, and ail takin'g some practice swings. AIl the elements of the game on the real courses come into play and the four of us piayed no better than we do on the outdoor courses. You have to have control over your back swing, just when you should hit the bail with the push of the button for the third time and of course choosing the right club. You can top the bail in Nintendo %~s one would on the golf course to, r-,ave it but dribble a few feet in front of you. Andthe greens did,, have their particular roll which had to be played. Landing in the sand trap 1 found 1 was doing the saine as I would have out of the real course ... dub the baîl but a few inches. But under these circumstances Sam Sneed would have got under the baIl with a full swing of the sand wedge.. and it worked exactly the samne on Nintendo:" Why you can even play a slice or a hook on Nintendo. It's al realistic. Six hours I couldn't believe it, why one can play eighteen holes in less time than that. But that was not the end of Nîntendo l'Il have Gwen know. Travelling to Picton on Christmas day our grandson had gotten a pocket Nintendo and it was neyer left alone until the batteries went dead the next afternoon. Even Jamnie had a hard time getting ahold of it. 1 contend, with the one gane that went with the unit, seniors get a good score with 1200 and the kids must be over 5000 which they were getting. It was like puttingï round objects in round holes, rectangles in rectangular holes etc. In my defense the kids should be better in this. So much for the new technology. 1 can't knock it. It brought many laughs and there was a challenge. Fortunately we don't have one at home for this paper would neyer have been put to bcd. YES! Get the fiacts. 0O'ntaiqoMinistry of LJea1tfXIDS Hottine i -800'-668-AIDS Christian Corner 0 a a by Rev. Marg West Christmas is over, the turkey only a remembrance now as well-as pie, Christmas cake and ail the other goodies we consume, not to men- tion the presenits.' lt's hard to believe that there are many, many people who now are feeling very iow and some are even suicidai. It seems that we get ourselves so hyped up before Christmas that when ail the rush, excitement and relatives and'friends have passed, we now don't iknow what to do with ourselves. We now have time to be quiet and relax, but don't quite know how to do it. It seems some people have to have sorneone around ail the time. We apparently for one reason or another don't like to be alone. There is oniy one friend who wiil neyer leave us or forsake us and that's Jesus Christ. In John 15:15, Jesus is saying, "From here on 1 arn not caliing you servants (those who have asked Him into their lives) for servants do not know what the Master is doing, but 1 am calling your friends, for ail things 1 have heard of my Father (God) I have made known to you. " Proverbs 18:18, "If we have friends (or want friends) we must show ourseives friendly; and there is a friend who sticks to us dloser than, a brother." That friend is Jesus. So if you are feeling down, or suicidai, depressed or alone Jesus is the oniy answer to ail your needs,, hopes and expectations. l'd like to pray to, the Father in Jesus name that ail who feel this way would cali out to Jesus now. He cares for you and He will answer your hearts cry today. God Bless you ail as we look forward to a New Year with new hopes and desires. Comments or Questions? Write Box 179, Orono. OBITUARY TAMBLYN, Mary Lillian Death occurred at Hillsdale Manor on December 15, 1989 to Mary Lillian Mitchell beloved wife of the late Milton Jamnes Tamblyn, who predeceased hier on February 25, 1969. ' Born at Newtonville, daughter of the late George and Ruth Mitchell. Sister of the late Laura Cawker, Bowmanville and Eva Leishman, Oshawa. Mother of son Glenn and mother-in-lawN of Lillian May. Grandmother of Diane, Mark and Laurie Goodwin, great- grandmoth er of Rhianna Eilegett, Chrîstopher, Kimberley and Daniel Goodwin., She attended Newtonviile Public and Newcastle High Schools. She moved with her family when her parents retired to live on the Robert Nixon farm home, Orono. Mrs. Tamblyn iived in Toronto and travelled representing The World Book Encyclopedia previous to her marriage with Milton Tamblyn and taking over her parents farm at Orono. Mrs. Tamblyn was active in church work, President of the Woman's Association, Orono; President of Oshawa Presbytery W.A. and life member of the Woman's Association and Wornan's Missionary Society and Charity Member of the United Church Women. At the time of building the new United Church, Orono, Mrs. Tamblyn was con- Pines Volleyball Juniors place third Corne celebrate a new "Duckade" at the UGLY DUCKLINGS' BALL CLUB 8th ANNUAL DUCK DANCE ORONO ARENA Saturday, January l3th Music by Doug Crough Tickets Available from team members or at the door ROSS STEVENSON M.P. for Durham. cordially invites you to his annual NEW YEAR'S LEVEE Sunday, J'anuary 7, 1990 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Uxbridge Music Hall Main St., Uxbridge, Ontario Light refreshments. ESSO SWIM CANADA And excellent introductory level to Competitive Swimming.. Program emphasizes efficient swimming through stroke im- provemnent, proper turns and fast starts for competitive swim- ming. Approximate age group is from 6 to 12 years old. No competitive swim meets scheduled in this program. WINTER SESSION STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 12TH Classes held at Fitness Centre in Bowmanville every Friday 5 to 6 p.m. Cost: $30.00 per session - 10 classes per session en- ding March l6th. **FOR MORE INFORMA T/ON OR TO REGISTER * CALL BOB MACI< 623-9365 NEWCASTLE AQUA TIC CLUB venor of the comimittee responsible- for the placing of the beautiful stained glass Memorial Windows and the chimes front the church tower. At the time of passlng she wàa member of the Northminster Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Tamblyn was also active in community work, secretary of the Orono Hor- ticultural Society and she was a member of the Durham Agricultural Society for over fifty years and convenor of the Domestic Science Department. In April 1970 upon retirement she was awarded the coveted service diploma for "Meritorious Service to Agri cultural." Mrs. Tamblyn is survived by son Glenn Allan and wife Lillian May and three grandchildren Diane, Mark and Laurie. Funeral service was held at the Orono United Church, and was conducted by Rev. Fred Milnes. Solo was performed by Mr. Jack Allin of Northminster Church, who sang, "In the Garden l'Il Walk with God." Organîst was Stella Morton. Spring interment in family plot at the Orono Cemetery. Advertise in the Orono Timneg 983-5301 Home