l-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 17, 1990 BACK TO THE kS '<our QW4n çontinef and fBeGeiveF puc~aS 9~e t ejçed tet1s purcýjase eflUt Butter 40C. O N aid More in-store Speclais This 40's Blitz isan introduction to BACK TO THE 40's DAY we are planning in a few months time. If you have, clippings, stories, memorabilie etc. tram the 40's. We would be pleased ta hear from you. S'i'op PRICE OurC 27Xi' it : ai 250/,Or axp j e p 'e . itîxî- c; S ZE *4S mos t n ai1Ô we 'Nar ~.Sweater 0, et pefY 40alXoe r0usto Mrça $4 p ti se .8 tansFRE 40 and Oyef - Iree wlit, $20 Purclnase o Uder 40 . We %ove youto I~.Store Specials on aF .11 and t eM eeIýe )50/O FF~ A%%/ jewfl:M~e dsweates or-F II pjnt yof Savings D)rive Away With plefltYl janurY 7th9 _ 5 SaturdaYOfY Haeyo an ricsliethssnç1he1' DOWNTOWN ORONO s Tg .. ....... . .. ààgavâumaâ 1 E Have you seen prices like, this since the 40's