Fairwinds Antiques & Collectibles Antiques, Memorbilia & Collectibles tram tres gone by WE BUY and SELL OPEN - Thurs..Sunday 10 - 5 Mon. to Wed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, qNT. LOB iMO (416) 983-9806 CONTRACTI NG Fencing, Excavating, Duct Cleaning, Plumbing, Heating Electrical, Carpentering, Roofing "Work Wanted" CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 TENNANT DUCT CLEANING 1587 Po',pular Plains; Dr. TE LEP40NES 705-944-5720 705-7493174 416-433255 VAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 ears Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS AIl Carpentry Reîated Work Orono - 9835303 Hampton 2632991 Job Prîntîng at the Orono WNeekly Times, WýNednesday', February 28, 1990-15 8LASSIFIED Barina Home Check -Vacation Home Checking .Let us maire your home look lived in -Wedding Day Gfi Siting Reliable References -BONDEU Barb Ghetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 Orono Tmes WORK WANTED 983-5301 u Hartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING -,BACK HOE SEPTIC andi TILE BEDS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL AL. HEARD Eloctrical Cantracting New Construction Repairs Eîectric Heatîng Pole Line Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 HARlVEY PARINER & SONS fLUMBING and HEATING MAY TAO DEALER Professionai Gouds Pump Dealer Authorized Consumer Gas Deaer DU -Wood -Electric epairs to ail maies ORONO. ONTARIO 983-5206 or 623-2301 O. CHATTERTON M2ý ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LUNE, CONSTRUCTION Phone, 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario -YCETT CONTRACTING L. General Carpentry, Anovatlons, Roofing Customn Homes and Comnmercial Buildings Phones (7 05) 2773308 Box 598 Orono, Ontario or (705) 2 77-2003 IlBARR"S oe ([41)96-4277 ROOFING - SHEET METAL- SKYLIGHTrs FLAT ROOFS - SHINGLES- PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 Years Experierice HARDWOOD FLOORING Experienced installation and sale of Danish Hard- wood Flooring. Lomnar Installation For Free Estimates 983-5554 t fn. FOR LIFE INSURANCI' Phone Wakefield Insurance TAX RETURN PREPARATION Farmers, self-employed, employee, reasonable rates, caîl for appointment (705) 277-1106. 14,21,28,7, ap Wallpaper hanging, reasonable rates, phone 983-9255 or 983-5244. tfn Babysitting available in my home, current Registered Nurse, CPR and first aid, mother of two, non smoker, large play area, flexible. Peggy 983-9528. 21,28 ap Experienced housekeeper will Cook, dlean and do laun- dry, seniors discount, cati after 5:00 p.m. 263-8926. 28,7 ap COMING EVENTS Orono Firefighters Assoe. DANCE March 10, 1990 at the Orono Arena 9:00 P.M. to) 1:00 a.m. Tickets $30.00 per couple Inctudes Bar Privileges Tickets are available by, phonrinn 983-5532. 28,7 ac N(,SPECIALS 6 lbs. Ail Varieties ~ CoId Storage - $3.00 C.A. Mac lntosh, Empire, Spy, Delicious -,$3.50 - 6 Ibs. Mutsu (Crsipen) $3.95 - 6 lbs. CA'S are crisp, juîcy and full of flavour 100% Pure Wyles Grape Juice Fred's 100% Pure Apple Cider Farm Fresh Eggs Brown's Potatoes Seasoned Apple Firewood Fred'sFruit Market Highway 115, Haif Mile South of Oro-no j LFE BEy. INSURA NCE WAKEFIELD 0 P.R Box 340, Park & Church St reets 'b N Orono, Ontario LOB iMO Telephone (416) 983-9144 1,A Matthews & Associates NSURANCE BROKERS LTD Pauline Mate, Aiic Branch Manager OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 1-AMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO "135 ears of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416-983-5767 '416-623-4835 ORONO TOWN HALL CALENDAR 0F EVENTS March 1990 March 7, 14, 21, 28 Euchre - 8:00 p.m. Marceh 11, Sunday MacGregor & West Auction March l4th, Wednesday 2:00 p.m. Childrens Cushion Concert wth ernie Martin and Friends March 16th, Friday 8:00 p.m. Pub Night March 19th and 26th 7:00 - 9:00 Basket Weaving Contlact Y.W.C.A. 623-9922 The Orono Town Hall is available for wcddings, showers, banquets and meetings. -Approved Liquor Licence #. For booking or informa- tion phone 983-9561 after 6:30 p. m. 28,ac LADIES' FITNESS AND DANCE CLASSES call 983-8218 Febý 28, Mar. 714,21,28 ac Need HeIp With Your INCOME TAX RETLRN The Boxxman'rille Branch Library has arranged for a representative from Revenue Canada to help you prepare your torm. This service is aimed at assistîng seniors and wage earners as well as those who only file a return in order to claim Provincial and Federal Refundable Tax Credits. It is not meant for those filing complex returns. This programme promises to be a popular one. In order to provide sufficient seating and to avoid disappointment we ask that you Pre-register ai the Information Desk or by callinig 623-7322. This pro- gramme will take place on Wednesday, March 7th from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 i 8:00 p.m., Meeting Room 2. 28,ac March 3rd and 4th Visit Orono Arena Eastern Ontario Section Interclub Championships Hosted By Orono Figure Skating Club Figures Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 12:20 Sunday 8:00i a.m. - 10:45 Freeskate Saturday 12:35 p.m. - 8:30 Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 4:15 Meals Served (ipsiairs, Skating Boutique Open 28,ac NOTICE Women nr Abuse Relaionships For Help iCait "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toit Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311, confidentiality assured tf n HELP WANTED TORONTO STAR requires Telephone canvassers to work from their own home, to promote a special discount introductoryoffer. Caîl1 Ed Goertzen at 1-800-263-7812. 28,ac FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x4', 40'x75', 50'x100', 60'x100', 75'x150' We can erect or deliver to site Supply is limnited Please Cati 983-5872 o r 983-8179 ifn 1981 Chevette, power steering, power brakes, 4 door, automatic. Good body and running condition. $800.00 or best offer. Cati 983-5360. 21,28 ap 1989 Corsica, am/fmn radio, air conditioning, must seil, driven only 5 months, phone 983-9447 after 5:00 p. M. tfn/ap Standard bred filly, OSS eligible, Allegro Sheila b.m. Helmsman - Bradley's Babe, 2nd foal sister to Stakes Win- ner Bradley's Senora p2, 2:01.4f, 200.1 f ($137,511), 2nid Dam Shore Amr p 1.59h, first mare f0 win ini 2 0Won haIt mile track in Canada, l-Ielmsmen sire of Just Sa So p 1:56.3 from only 25 horses raced, 17 race wmnners, phone 983 -9494.14,21,28,7 ap HAY FOR SALE 124- thousand pound bales Good Timothy and Alfaifa Stored Inside Caîl Lloyd Lowery at 983-5473 after 5:00 p.m. 28,7 ap BEEF' Grain Fed $1.85 per pound Phone 786-2968 28,7 ap 1983 Mazda GLC Sport, 5 speed,- front wheel, drive, tinted windows, amn/fmn cassette, dlock, factory sun roof, excellent shape, as is, $2,200 or best offer, phone 983-5478.. 28,7 ap Two swag lamps- gold tone Tiffany, and smoked 1tinted round globe suitabte for large hallway - $25 .00 each, phone 983-5266. 28,7 ap FOR RENT Orono store s for lease, varîous sizes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zone, cati Lyle or ,Marg West at 983-9341 - Res.. ý983-5962. in (Continued page 14) MacGreg7 AUCTION SERVICES ESTATES, CONSIGNMVENTS, H OUS EH OLDS. BAN KRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Caîl for FREE Confidential Consultations Mike MacGregor - 416-987-5402, Junior WeÉt - 416-983-5556 .......... !-,Wu .,