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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1990, p. 2

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2-0Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Fehruary 28. 1990 eedClass Mail Regitration Number 0036 Much Ado About Nothing As il turns out the Name Change hassle was "Much Ado About Nothing". The Town of Newcastle is stili the Town of Newcastle and the bld for a namne change fizzled out. As Bob Willsher said at the meeting it is a matter of education and good communication. If you mean the Village of Newcastle you cal it'the Village of Newcastle and s0 it is true of the Town of Newcastle which is an entirely different thing being the geographic description of an area which takes in many com- munities, aIl with their own name as well as the rural area. Orono doesn't lose its identity as Orono because its in the Town of Newcastle and likewise neither does the Town of Bowmanville. Neither does Bowmanville lose its identity because its lu the Region of Durham nor does the Town of Newastle lose its identity. Counc. Hamre was right when she replied to a proponient for namne chanýge, "You're asking for what you've got." Enough wasted time. The marriage begins The proposal has been made between the developers of Newcastle on'the Lake and the Town of Newcastle. t 18 flow that the vows are to be made and the marriage begin. There is no doubt that the economic features will be thlere for the communîty in employment opportunities and taxation. It will have, as well, spin-off benefits to all residents of the com- munity. This one cannot dispute and this 18 something that the Town has been working towards with considerable'success over the past year. But in the vows there are other public interests when a valuable resource sucb as the lakefront is invoived. Should not the public have access to at least a portion of the lakefront and to be able top feel comfortable with its use. It is early in the development of these vows between the two interests and much more, we- would hope, will become public. Both parties have indicated it to be a people's place. this will happen without any doubt . . . but who are the people? It is to be understood that a boardwalk some ten feet wide does flot a people's place make. And what about the bicycle path that the Town bas spoken of stretching across the lakefront from west to east. A boardwalk and bike path is flot a mix. David Cromibie is reniowned for bis interest in community involvement and apparently people's-places. t will be of interest to see bis commission's report on the proposal. Once again -the project preceeds the overaîl planning report that has been commissioned by the Town and whicb may be available prior to the completions of the vows so as to make sure there 18 order the overaîl developmcnt of the lakefront, "Little ln the past has been saved for what we would cala people 's place. Certainly not lu Bowmanville lakefront nor in the Newcastle lakefront. We must do better tbis time with the vows and the marriage. BJG ROTERSNET OVER $9,000.00 According to Nancy Scott who beads up the Big Brothers of Newcastle it is expected that the Association will net well over $9,000.00 in the recently Bowl For Millions. The local associa- tion now keeps ail funds from the event and will this ycar con- tribution to the participating bowling allies. HELPING VOUR TEENAGER, COPE WITH LOSS Vera Shackleton, Crisis Intervention Officer, will be a guest speaker at Clarke Hligh Scbool'to-nigbt, Wedne sday, at 7:00 p. m. Name Change fîzzles (Continued from page 1) payers. "Give: us back our naine and our identity," lie asked. He said the issue of the name change came up a couple of years ago and council did nothing at that time. "We prefer not to wait any longer," be said. "Why not the Township of Newcastle," he asked. (Witb Ibis suggestion tbere was discontent ex- pressèd front somne of the audience). Hooper spoke of planning documents in which Bowmianville is referred to as the 'formier Town of Bowmanville'. "Give lus kack OUr Town idenity," bie said. Counc. Deegan said lie was cou- fused and asked Ron Hooper .ust what the petition wýas asking thle name to be changed to. "-Ve heardc a lot of stories but find it difficult 10 find out just what is wantie," said Deegan. Deegaan said, "We still are the Town of Newcastle." "The petition hasn't askcd anyîhing". Mayor Hubbard said Bowm'ian- ville is the dominant residential and business centre of the Town of Newcastle. She said suceh centres as Orono and Newcastle, had lost their governiment tbrough the Regional systemi which is now located in Bowmanville. Counec. Haunah said he felt there was a miisunderstaniding as 10 the struicture of the municipality. He said Bowmanville was the head- quarters for al the centres and peo- pIe in the Town of Newcastle. Counce. Hamre said ail the centres and Bowmanvîlle had retained their naines. "If you addressed a letter to me at the Town of Newcastle I would doubt I would receive it," shë said. "What you ask is what we have," said Hamre. WVith Counce. Hooper askiug and obtainiing a suspens,-ioni of the ruLles of council the isýsue was 1brougl forward for counicil decision. On] motion of Councs. Stapleton and Wotten the peettosand petilion were received w'ith no for- ther action. Couinc. Deegan called for a mo- lion 10 chanige the name from the Town i of Newcastle to the Township of Newcastle. He received no seconder to the motion and thus no action- Kendal News What a weck thisbas been for strange weather, fromt snowto ramn to blowing snow and temperatures below zero F. it was 1 below zero at 10 a.m. this Sunday when we left to go down to the Pancake breakfast, but it certainly felt a lot colder, because of the wind. t noticed that there were a lot fewer cars at the ski bill. The pancake breakfast was as usual a success, lots of pancakes and syrup and hot sausages, it's a good thing we don't cat like that everyday. The turn out at Churcb was good, the choir sang a beautiful song to the tue of Now is the Hour. The cbildren of the Sunday Scbool sang a song and then Rev. Ransom told them a story explain- ing that next Sunday would be Transfiguration Sunday. He told of how Jesus-took Peter, James and John up into the mountain with Him and there Jesus changed, his clothes became bright and, shiny and His face appeared to light up. And of how there was a big cloud and a voice came out of this cloud and told them that this was His son, the son of God. Rev. Ransom based bis Sermon on, "The proof is in the Pudding," he told of an elderly lady that invited him to have supper with her, when he was a student, Ke-ndal Hll 1News Reuport on Sunday, Iebruary 25th the men, ladies and the boys and girls of the Orange f odges, met at the bosli ng alley, in Bowrnanvitle. Ibere were tour tearns of men and four of wornen, ait in al t was a very entertaining atternoon. There also were quite a number of spec- tators and I arn sure they had a good time watcbing the efforts of the bowlers and cheering them on whether they bowled well or gut- tered the balîs. It is a good thing that it was ail for fun, after bowling everyone returned to the hall in Kendal, where there tbey had sup- per. there were over fifty and everyone had lots to eat. After sup- per the Master of Kendal L.O.L. 405, Richard Lowery and yours tru- ly, the M istress of Kendal Hilîs L.O.B.A. presented the Trophies. Sorry ladies t have to report that once again the men took total pins with 8504 pins to our 7079 pins, oh well there lis always next year. High triple for the men went to Don Hemsley with 607 pins, hig h single went to Dave Spencer, with 258 pins. Higb triple went to Phyllis Lowery, with 448 pins, high single went t0 April Switzer, wi th 183 pins, each, of these bowlers received a trophy. County Lodge for the men will be held on Monday, the Junior Lodge meet on Thursday, March Ist. The M4en's Lodge will be meeting on1 Wednesday, March 7th and the Ladies' Lodge meet on Thursday, March 8th. I ami sorry that I must end this column on a sadf note, we learned on Sunday, of the passing of Bill Tomlinson, a member of the Men's Lodge, and up until be had an acci- dent at work, breaking both of bis wrists, Bill played the small drum in the Kendal Orange baud. He was certainly missed by the band and it was always hoped that he would be able to some lime' return to thie band, he was an excellent drummiér-., He will long be remembered. the Syrnpaîby of aIl the Members and the familles of the Orange Associa- tion is extended to bis two sons and ibeir famnilles. she had lprepar ed a wýonderfl'mieal, w1ic:h Cended \with purnplkin pie, beaped\wiîh \whipped creami and as she wýas diabetic and couldn't eat sweets, she served hlm an extra big piece of pie. It looked s0 good and it tasted so -good when he first tasted it, but wh'len she bad made it, she muist hiave taken dlown chili powder insýtead of the pie spices, he ate somne of it but made an excuse flot to cat the irest. Mix the right in- gredients and the taste is delicious, mix the wriong ingredients and the resulîs Lare disasterous.1 Event the Disciples did flot always have faith under aIl circumistances, -they somectimes need proof, the proof of the pudding is ouir Faith. The Annual Board'meeting bas been re-scheduled for Tbursday, Marcb Ist. Remember, World Day of Prayer, will be held at Kendal United Cburch, Friday, March 2nd, at 1:30 p.m. aIl welIcome. We were ver\ sorrt- o hear that Carl Todd is in the Hospital and wish hlm a speedy recovery. The people are experiencing a religious revival. You can see ht in the new car showrooms. People go up to a new car, look at tbe price, and say, "Good Lord". by Phyllis Lowery St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHIURCH SCHOOL 9:30 ar. ORONO GA TES 0F PRA 1SE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Mînistry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Secretary: Marlene Risebrougb Organist: Kirby Martha Farrow Organist: Orono Stella Morton HOUR 0F SERVICE Kirby 9:30 a. m. Orono 11:00Oa.m. SUNDA Y, MARCH 4, 1990 lst Sunday lu Lent, Sacrament of HoIy Communion SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1990 2nd Sunday in Lent Sacrament of Infant Baptism (Orono) EXPLORERS Wednesday, February 28, 1990 Orono United Churcb Upper C.E. BIBLE STUDIES Wednesday, February 28, 1990 Ladies Fellowsbip 1000 ar. At the borne of Rosella Grabamn Joint Feltnwsbip 8:00 p.rn.- At the Manse WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER SERVICE Friday, March 2, 1990 St. Saviour's Anglican Churcb at 7:00 p.m. OBSER VERS' Subscriptions for 1990 are cur- rently being renewed. If you are not receiving this magazine, please con- tact Leila Werry 983-5945 or Iris Lambier at 983-9449. Cost 18 $6.50. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE BOARD MEETING Thursday, March 1, 1990 7:30 P. M. Orono United Church - Upper C.E. 1For aIl members of Session. Stewvartds, Trustees, reps. from Sunday Sehool, U.C.W., Ministry and Personnel. M & S etc. tut) s Pâ horm* dIoc' 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO i loi

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