l-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 7, 1990 Competitors ait Pine ridge.event Medal bearers at EOSIC - Orono Report from Ottawa - Ross Stephenson ByRoss Stevenson, M.P., benefits. Exempted, as well are Durham equalization and assistance The Hon. Michael Wilson unveil- payments to lower income pro- ed a very tougb Budget at Ottawa vinces. recently -- probably the toughest in On an equally happy note, the bis five years as Minister of Budget did not contain any new Finance. federal taxes. It's probably the first A wide range of restraints were time in living memory for most of announcedi, from belt-tîghtening to us that a government budget didn't spending freezes ta outright raise taxes somewhere. elimination of several expensive . This Budget takes direct aim at programs. Virtually every section of reducing the deficit. It will slow the the federal government is affected. growth of the national debt, thus As result, the actual cost of runn- lowering the financial burden of ing the federal government will be future generations. The end of large lower than it was in 1984. Ours pro- federal deficits now definitely can bably is the only government in the be seen. world that can make that dlaim. It's important to keep in mmnd The Public Service bas been reduc- that there are two basic categories ed to the same size it was in 1973, of federal government expenditure even though Canada's population is -- first, spending on government about one-fifth larger today. programs and, second, the cost of The Budget has its bright spots. It ihterest payments on the ac- doesn't toucb major transfer cumulated. national debt. Between paymnents to people -- such things as 1972 and 1986, taxes and other old age security pensions and sup- revenues. collected bythe federal plements,' family allowances, government neyer once covered the veterans' pensions and allowances, cast of program spending, let alone and lJnemployment Insurance the burgeoning interest costs. mai M Since 1986, through major cuts ta spending and through tax increases, revenues have exceeded programn spending and brings a balanced budget in sight. By the 1994-1995 fiscal year we will be repaying some federal bond-holders and once again will have a firm grip on aur economic destiny. This is turn will reduce interest rates and make us more campetîtive, ensuring there are more good jobs for Canadians. The Canadian people have sent a very clear message that they want the federal deficit and the national debt brought under control through cuts ta government spending. That's exactly what is being done in this 1990 Budget. A touch of class was added to the to the podium. medal presentations last week-end Pictured above are: Michelle at the skating championship when Moffat, Alecia Staples and Nicole twelve young members of the Wilhelm. Orono Club acted. as medal bearers MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Avalable Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville * GENERATOR *STRINGTRIMMER *CHAINSAW * LAWNMOWER - 'I R. R. #M, ORONO 983-9158 NOW OPEN MON DAY 'TO FRIDAY 9a.m. to.6 p.m. FR1 DAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LOCATED ON HWY. #115 AT KIRBY We carry a full une of Honda products, Pumps, Generators, A.T.V.s, Outboards, Rota Tillers, Lawn Tractors, Lawnmowers, American Yard Pro (Formerly Roper), Full Line of Lawn.Tractors, Tillers, Lawnmowers, Jonsered Chainsaws, incîuding The New Turbo, Husqvarna, String Trimmers, Leaf Bîowers, a fulll une of Trailers for Garden use to Hydraulic Dumps. We are building a reputation Lowest Prices Excellent Service and Repair Full Time Mechanic 'on staff to service any-make of smail engine. Cali or drop in, see what we have to offer. Spring Tune Up for $29.95 plus parts ENTER KIRBY POWER EQUIPMENT LTD. FREE DRAWS (Four chances to Win) Prizes: 1- Authorized Dealer Lifetime Warranty for as long as you own your car MANA R'9s AUTO CENTRE: ORONO MILL STREET NORTH USED CAR SALES Radiators - Air Conditioners - Mufflers - Brakes - Body Work lune-Up Eîectronic Ignitions - Fuel Injection Systemns Propane Conversion and Inspection,- Rebuit Engines and Cylinder Heads Safety Inspection Station - Guaranteed Service Lic. Ci. A., B, H, 3P, S6A, S613 CallMike. . .983-5130 or 983-5487