-~ -- ~ - 6-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, March 14, 1990 Mom 's Morning at Newcastle (Contlnmied from page 1) They meet each Thursday morn- The children are divided into two reasonabie. Two moms, on a ing from 9 to Il a.m. when a pro- groups, lots and babies with rotating basis, volunteer to provide gram is provided for the children by suitable programs for each. Danc- the children's program.. two voluniteers from the group. At ing, singing, a story time and crafts Anyone interested in the program the same time the moms meet in a as well as some outings are part of and there are members from Orono room next to the play area in which the program. and Bowmanville, may obtain more they undertake crafts, listen to 1 Inspeaking with Corrine Allun information by calling Corinne speakers and at time just carry on a membership is available to everyone Allun, 987-5145. conversation amongst themselves. with children and the membershio) is From A round the Region (Continued from page 5) the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation and the University of British Columbia states population centres nearby and including Port Hope do hav e a hîgher rate of childhood leukemia than expecled. Sex ually transmitted diseases said on the risc Public Health officiais say there is an urgent need for educational programs aimed at young people over sexually transmitted diseases. A report last year noted that the in- cidence of sexually transmitted diseases is on the rise in Durham Region, especially among young females. LASCO goes ahead on' temporary dump Lasco Steel is going ahead with a temporary dump for car shredder waste despite the lack of approvai from the Region of Durham. Durham bas told LASCO that an official plan amendment is re- quired. Some 275 to 300 tons of waste wili be dumped daily. On a long journey to Nyegeze, Tanzania An incubator from the Oshawa General Hospital is on ils way to an orphanage and medicai clinic in Tanzania. The project with other medicai supplies is being promoted by the Genesîs Congregational Feliowship church and Rev. Thomas VanderSchaaf. Laidlaw at the top of the ist The Town of Cobourg must now find a site for the disposai of their garbage as the Cobourg dump is to bc closed and the province is holding firmn to the decîsion. Allhough no final decision has been made to date as to where the garbage is to go Laidlaw is at the top of the list along with a few other locations as possibilities. Liberals announce anti GST strategy tii Mar. 16' Doug Moffaîl, President of the Federal Liberal Association of Durham, and past Liberal Can- didate, today announced that the cilizens of Durham will be able to participale in a national week of protest against the government's proposed seven per cent Goods and Services Tax. The cenîrepiece of the week, which runs between March 12 and March 16, will be a naîion-wide electronic'petition cam- paign, in the form of a 1--900-uine. The number is 1-900-720-6052. "The phone in petition wiIl allow constituents in this riding to voice their opposition to the tax," said Moffat, "and bring Durham's message to the government: Scrap this fax." Flyers and posters will be cir- culated and posted throughout the riding this weekend f0 serve as a reminder to calI the 1-900-uine. This week of national protest is organized by the Officiai, Oppos- ion. Liberal Members of Parlia- ment wiIl hold rallies and will work closely with the hundreds of organizations throughout Canada that are opposed 10o the GSI. Tax- busting squads wilI also be formed to target ridings of prominent Members of the Tory Cabinet. Petilion drives will be organized in Ministers' ridings and they, in turn, wîlI be challenged to present the petitions in the House of Com- monts. "I and the Liberals of Durham will insure that citizens here are heard by the Prime Minister," added Moffatt. MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABtE RATES* Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville