Fairwinds Antiques & Collectibles Antiques, Memorbilia & Coffectbles from times gone by WE BUY and SELL Barina Home Check Vacation Home Cheoking Let us make your home iook lired in ' Weddrng Day GuiftStting Reiable Rfrencas - BONDED Barb Shatier-Ina Cox NEWTONVILLE (416) 7862996 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT, LOB 1iMO 1 (416) 983-9806 CONTRACTING Fencing, Excavating, Duct Cleaning, Plumbing, Heating Electrical, Carpentering, Roofing "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCINO and CUSTOM CHAIN 8AWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 TENNANT DUCT CLEANING 1587 Popular Plains Dr. Cavan, Ontario LOA 100' TELEPIiONES 705-9445720 705-7493174 418-4332505 BYAMS Plumblng Hsatluuglncoporutsd Sale and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Flnanclng Low Interest rates 263-2650 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters LIcensed - 25 Yeas Experlence H-OUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS, ADDITIONS 'Ail Carpentry Reated Worlk Qrono - 983-5303 Hasmpton 2632 Wl Job Printîng at the Orono Tmes 983-5301 MlHartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING-' BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEOS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL AL. EARD Eloctrial Contracting New Construction Repairs Electric Heating Pole Line Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 HARVEY PARTNER & SONS .PLUMBING and HEATINS MAY TAG0 DEALER Prof essional Gould'a Pump Deaer Authorlzed Consumer Gas Deaer 011 -Wood -Electric Repaira to ail mair. ORONO, ONTARIO 981!.5206 or 623-2301 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING t POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983 -5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario IY-CETT CONTRACTING LTD. General Corpentry, Rnovatlons, Roof lng Custom ores end Commercial Buildings Phones (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orono. Ontario or (705) 277-2003 E 'RRâ 169714 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Majrch 21, 1990-15 NOTICE Womren in Abuse Relationships For Help Cail "The Denise House" For Womnen and Children Toi! Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311, confidentiality assured [f n HELP WANTED Office Assistant Part-time Office Assistant required by the Clarke Museum. Experience in of- fice procedures, manage- ment, minor bookkeeping and handling cash. Must be out going, friendly and able to deal with a wide variety of people. Retail, reception ex- perience and ability to take dictation would be an asset. Minimum typing speed of 45-50 words per minute desired. The position is for 28 hours per week, 40 weeks per year, Tuesday to Friday. Remuneration $7.00 per hour. Please reply in writing with resume to: Mr. Mark 1. Jackman, Curator Clarke Museum & Archives P.O. Box 152 Orono, Ontario LOB IMO The Clarke Museum is an equal opportunity employer. Application deadline 26 March 1990. - 7,14,21 ne OVE RSEAS JOBS High Demnand in Australia, U.K., France plus 18 dif- ferent countries. Need per- sons willing to work overseas on contracts. Al trades. Supervisory posi- lions also available. CalI Smart International Incor- porated 1-719-687-6084. 1 Mar. 21,28 Apr. 4,11 ap WORK WANTED Wallpaper hanging, reasonable rates, phone 983-9255 or 983-5244. tfn HARDWOOD FLOORING Experienced installation and sale of Danish Hard- Wood Flooring. Lomar Installation For Free Estimates 983-5554 tîfn. COME SEE MY, SPRING PRICES C.W. Lemnon SMALL ENGINES Authorized Dealer For Jonsered, Tanaka, McCulloch and Poulan Pro Chainsaws Oregon Bars and Accessories Sales - Service & RentaIs 987-5200 2 miles east of Hwy. 115 on 3rd Concessio n 4,11,18,25 ap P 0 Box 340, Park '&,ChLurch Strettsl Orono. Onltario LOB 1 MO Telephone 4161 983-9144 -.Matthews&Z' Associates Nt[.\lýHPýIR-h L TD Pauline Mote, AltO OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO. ONTARIO LOB 1iMO "35 Vears of Service" Susan SawyOr 416-983-5767 Nelda Dawson 916-623-4835 OPEN- Thura.-Sunday 10 -5 Mon. to Wed. by chance Dangerous Tree Remnoval Trimming - Stump Removal Fu1Iy Insured Free Estimates Phone X416) 623-8625 21,28 ap WANTED Baby crib, carniage and highI chair. Good condition. Reasonable. Caîl 983-5090 anytime. 14,21 ap Small commercial 'van -or truck, call after 6:00 p.m. 1-416-885-5563 collect. 21 ,ac COMING EVENTS ORONO TOWN HALL CALENDAR,0F EVENTS March 1990 March 7, 14, 21, 28 Euchre - 8:00 p.m. March 11, Sunday MacGregor & West Auction March 14th, Wednesday 2:00 p.m. Childrens Cushion Concert with Bernie Martin and Friends March l6th, Friday 8:00 p.m. -Pub Night March l9th and 26th 7:00 - 9.00 Basket Weaving Contact 983-9852 The Orono Town Hall is available for weddings, showers, banquets and meetings. Approved Liquor Licencoe #. For booking or informa- tion phone 983-9561 after 6:30 p. m. 28,a[. LADIES' FITNESS AND DANCE CLASSES calu 983-8218 I-et. 28, Mar. 7,14.21,28 ae ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOC IETY Meets March 22nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Hall Orono United Church Guest Speaker Mr. ,Jack Goering of Port Hope (ar Side Pr escrrîatioi on Natuore) ILunch N\w eî n zbers Are Welc>nîe 14,21 ac Oron o Figure Skating DANCE March 31, 1990 >9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.M. Orono Arena & Commuinitv Centre Tickets $ 12.00 in Advance $15.00 at the Door Di - ii Baker Refres/zmens Tickets are available from Orono Executive Members 21,28 ac Durhami Central Agricultural Society ANNUAL BANQUET April 11, 1990 Orono United Church 6:30 p.m. I oi'ftnrnf DforPrftes Adulîs $10.00 - Children $5.00 1Tickei , arQ asailable afier 6:00) il.m". fli om Donina Scoil 481-5026. Carol Bailer 983-5058 and Ron Locke 987-4406. 21.28 ne FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30Mx4', 40'x75', 50'x100', 60'x100', 75'x150' We can erect or deliver to site Supply is Iimited Please Caîl 983-5872 o r 983Y-8179 tOi 1989- Corsica, am/fm radio, air conditioning, must seil, driven only 5 months, phone 983-9447 after 5:00 p.m. îfn/ap Hay and straw, 983-5795 7, 14, 2 1, 18 ap Weight lifting machine, 80' lbs., lat bar, leg curl, squat- ting bar, etc. $250.00. New NSA Water Purifier $175 .00. Caîli983-8249. 14,21 ap Bo Peep High Ryder XL Baby car seat, holds up to 20 lbs., removable cover, $50.00. New White-Track Lighting, paid $60.00, asking $40.00, phone 983-8249. 14,21 ap Good Quality Square Bales of Hay Cai 983-5396 - 14,21 ap 1989 Chevy Cheyenne pick/up truck, 12 ton, box liner, 11,000 km., Rally wheels, automiatic, heavy du- ty, shocks, heavy duty bat- tery, asking $14,500. Phone 983-9480. 14,21 ap Western R ed Cedar, 1x6 V-bevelledtongue and groove, cedar shingles No. 1 and No. 2 at $135 and $80 per square, 8' ton tandem equipment float $1,600, phone 1-416-983-5185. 21,28 ap HAY FOR SALE 200 Square Bales at $1 .25 each No Ramn - Barrn Stored Phone 987-5240 Evenings 21,28 zap Phillips sterteo console in e xcellent working condition, 60 inches long and 17 inches wide, includes turnitable, am/fmn radio, 8 track, wood cabinet, ,$100-0, .caîl 786-2823. 21,28 ap THINK SPRING THINI( 0F SAVING 560.00 On an almost new 8/32 H.P. sit-on Turf-Trac Lawnmower, (purchased from Co-op' July 1988, paid $-1604 and used 15 times), moving to B.C. willseil for $995 FIRM. Also Sunbeam Elecîric $60. and Turf-Trim Gas for $85. Cai Jack in Leskard at 983-5087. YARD SALES NNednesdays and Saturdays (Wieaiher Peritins,-) Kitchen %Narc. Furniture and Cottage Iteni'. Just North of Clarke 81h Concemd.on on Huy. 115 35 North, -14.21 .j (Continued page 14) SiPECIALS 6 Ibs. Aif-Varieties t CoId Storage - $3.00 C.A. Mac Intosh, Empire, Spy, -Delicious - $3.50 - 6 Ibs. Mutsu (Crispen) $3.95 - 6 Ibs. CA's are crisp, juicy and full of flavour 100%/ Pure Wyles Grape Juice Fred's 100% Pure Apple Cider- Farm Fresh Eggs Seasoned Apple Firewood $190.00 Delivered Orono and Newcastle Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, Half Mile South of Qrono, CB (416) 986-4277 ROOFING - SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS SHINGLES PRE PAINTED STEEL SIOING - SOFFIT - TROUGH SUNROOMS SOLARIUMS COLLEOT CALLS ACCEPTEO 20 Years Experience