l14-Orono Weekly Mimes, Wedotsday, Mardi 28, 1990 Phone CTORY983-5301 The. Shop APPLE BLOSSOM, 'Wfe Dont ,ust SpeçiaIilce"ý We Make Evey Order Special Main Street, OronoZ 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLANO We Deier Newtonvifie. Pont ypooiOshawa and Places ln-Between "Haîr Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Eloctric LI. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hl-Fls Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire.- Whirlpoot Wood's Freezers Ma gic Chef.- Hoover 983-5108 Corne ta ... MO M'SKITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat in or Take Ou* Main Street, Orono 983-5310 "The la test in tashions for ail times end ait needs 983-93 41 FOR-NIK Auto Bodiy and Collision Ouality Body Work and - Reflnishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES RAR 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastlo, Ontario 9§7.1500 Betty Lycett 9835908 Wlde Mddleton 983-9819 Country Upholst.ry Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Advertise in the Orono Times 983-5301 JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST., ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Residence Dr. Ernest Schroe der S. Sc. Chiropractor RAR 1 KENDAL, ONTARIO LOA 1EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT MA. COUNSELLING Specîalizing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT-CHILO and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1 MO Appoinments and inquiries 983-9792 SERVICE COME FIRS T" WENDY B's DEPARIMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN STREE7 ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 Wendy Partner, Prop. (416> 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontario LIC iMO J. Wayne Assen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS ima Featuring aSpecial ized Line of Martins Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplements Double Cleaned Oats. Blended Sweet Feed and Pet Food Your liartn FedMis eaer mn Dur/ham Region 5 Mi. East of Orono/Hwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 Claîssified Ads 1989 Corsica, am/fm radio, air condîtioning, must selI, driven only 5 months, phone 983-9447 after 5:00 p.m. tfn/ap Hay and straw, 983-5795 714, 21, 18 ap Cedar lumber, posts and poles for fencing. Phone 1-705-432-2237. 28,4 ap COUNTRY TREASURE STORE NEW BUNK BEDS $165.00 - $199.00 ANTIQUES Wicker, Doîl Carniage etc. COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS GOOD USED FURNITURE BOATS YARD SALES Wednesdays & Saturdays R.R. 2, Orono 983-5412 Located -North of 8th Concession of Clarl Hwy. 115/35 North. 1987 Chevette, 4 automatic, $3,000 or b fer, will certify,r 983-5551. 1975 Ford LTD, mileage, as is, p à 786-2435. FOR RENT Orono, 2 bedroom ment, $600 a month, ir ail utilities, first an( months required. Writ 200, c/o Orono 'W Times. Orono stores for Varions sizes, 5414 Street, CI Zone, cal Marg West at 983-9341 983-5962. Village of Oron bedroom, approxinr 12d% sq. ft., reasonabl( available April lst, phone Brian at 416-436 Orono - Bachelor ment $430 per mont] cludes heat, hydro and ing. First and Iast mont quired. Phone 1-983- Available April 1Ist.2 Country - Quiet, bright, upstairs aparti separate entrance, forc two, 30 minutes to Osi Cobourg, $650, fîrst an( (416) 786-2427. HOUSES FOR SA. Century home, Oron, sulated vînyl over brick roof, 200 amp service, tric furnace, 2 airtight si fully insulated, extra workshop, close to sc and shopping. For ýsa owe.For more inf( tion cail 416-983-5967,a $160,500.00. 2 LOST Lost in Newcastle, Orono area, March 20, 1990. Medium size black dog with white and tan markings. Has leather collar on with one tag for rabies shots, dog's number on tag is 11234, also, Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic phone number on tag. If found please call 987-1293 or Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic. Child's Pet.28,ac BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT LOWERY - Richard & Kelly JT'S A BOY Robert Hartwell Lowery, born Thursday, March 22nd at the Scarborough Centenary Hospital. Proud parents are Richard and Kelly (Barry), Lowery. Grandparents are Wayne and Brenda Lowery of Scarborough, Pat and Carol Barry of Bewdley. Great grandparents Ellen Bradbury of Bewdley, Frank Drinkie, Scarborough, Muriel Drinkie, Minden. John, and Phyllis Lowery, Kendal. 28,ap te on AUCTION SALES 28,4 ap ORONO TOWN HALL door, Sunday, APRIL IÏST )est of- 1:00 p.m. phone Selling from the Estate of 28,4 ap Jo Barlow and other area - homes. Furniture, antiques, ,low collectibles and glassware, hone partial list includes pine 28,4 ap parlour table, wicker table, walnut bench, Eastlake dresser, several pine dressers,dining roomn table and chairs, walnut apart- sideboard, tiger mnaple icludes sdeboard, pîne vanity table, id last 4 balloon back chairs, spool te Box bed, large desk, oak hutch Veekly top, old sewing machines, tif- fany lamp, light fixtures, oit lamp, lamp with cranberry lease, globe, cash register, collecti- Man ble bottles, beer, pop and Lyle or sealers, advertisement wood - Res. boxes,' army medals, afn. bayonet, cameras, old tools, - bear trap, sketch of Durham no, 3 Motors, Port Hope, coke nately cooler, old and new cast iron le rent, toys, basketball, post cards, 1990; flourescent ice creaim sign, -202(). Belîs Hammond Sounder tun Organ, dishwasher, - autoniatic washer, apt. size apr- dryer, plus large quantity of t,ain- glass and fine china fromn the J-park- Estate, including cornflower, iths re- Royal Albert, pressed glass, I-5185. ironstone and more. 21,28 ap This, is a sale worthy of your attention and atten- * - dance. large, Viewing stants ai 11:00 a.m. tment, Terms: Cash or Cheque with l.D. one or *Auctioneers Note* ;hawa, Due to the larg e number of id last, small articles in our March 28.ap 11Ith sale, and in ail fairness - to our consignor, we were -m unable to selI everything &LE dîsplayed (these articles will be sold in this sale). We're o. In- sorry if this was an inconve- ,new nience to any of our buyers. ee- As for future sales we will be stoves, selling ail displayed articles. large MaeGregor Auction Services chools Mike MacGregor - 987-5402 le by Junior West - 983-5556 orma-28a asking 21,28 ap FOR LIFE INSURANCE Phone Wakefield Insurance Scuithorpe Brothers Farms Saturday, March 31, 1990 Auction Begins 11:00 a.m. Machinery Sale 1:00 p.m. Leaving farming to pursue other business opportunities, the Sculthorpe Brothers- Farms is located at R.R. 3, Port, Hope, take 401 to Exit 456 (Wesleyville). South 2 km to lights. East (left) 1 km to farm on north side of road.. (5 minutes from 401). Tractors - Versatile 555 with Duals. PTO. Three Point Hitch, Air Condition- îng. 3,216 Hours; iD 4240 with Quadrange, Air Condi- tioning, Radio, Hydraulic seat 3,380 hours; JD 4020; Rebuilt engîne and transmis- sion in 1988 Duals for 4240 T-Bar snap-on 18.4 x 38 Goodyear Tires. Duals for 4020 snap on 18.4 x34. Aux- illary fuel tank for 4240; JD 420 (gas) with Power Steering (Collectible). Combine and Headers - 1983 6620 JD Combine, 2718 hours, Hydrastatic Drive, Auto Header Height control, Grain Loss Monitor, Rice Tires, Fan Guard, Heavy Du- ty Rear End, Air conditioner, 215 iD Flex Head, 444 JD corn Head, 213 Grain Head, iD Head with Sund Pick-up Unit. Tillage Equipment - 7xl8 Kverneland onland plow with coulters and trash covers; 24' Krause Rock Flex Disc; Brady 32' Cultivator with spring harrows, Model 3550; Dunham Learn Chisel plow, 12'; Scuffler, 4-row Turnco, Yetter 21' Rotary hoe, New 1989, Model 3521; 4 section drag harrow. Planting Equipment - Case International Grain Drill, Model 5100; New 1989 with grass seed and soy bean special, 21 run; Dunham Lehr 14' Packer with transport wheels, New 1989; iD 8000 Series Grain Drill 18 Run with Grass Seed Box; Turnco Cultîpacker Il' with transport wheels; iD Grassland Drill; JD 7000 Corn Planter 4 row wide with Monitor; JD 7000 Corn Planter 4 row narrow with Monitor; 4 Bean Cups for iD 7000 Planter. Stone Equipment - Rockomatic Rock Rake; Rockomatic Stone Picker. Sprayers - Hardi TR 500 gaI. Tandem Axie, #1301 Diaphragmn Pump, electric controls, 36' self-levelling boom Triplet Nozzles; Hardi 1CM 500 gaI. Sprayer, #1301 Diaphragmn Pump, 40' self- levelling hydraulic folding boom, electric controls, Triplet Nozzles; Hardi Foamn Marker Kit, Electric Con- troIs, Boules and Hoses; TV *VCR - STEREO Service Cails $19.9t ESTIMATES GIVEN 983*5082'ý JOHN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experience Spray Motor, 150 gai. 3 poi nt hitch sprayer, 21' Boom, In- corporation kit, Drop Nozzle kit. Grain Handling Equipment - Kongskilde Grain Vac,' Model 700; 51-7" Brant Auger; 41-8" Allied auger; Hi-Cap Grain Cleaner; 4 Gravity Boxes on Horst Dou- ble Reach Wagons with Ex- tensions (approx. 250 bushel capacity each); Little Giant Flight Elevator. Hay Equipment - iD 510 Round Baler;, JD 336 Square Baler; iD 1209 Mower/Con- ditioner; New Holland 56 Rake; Bale Buncher; 2 Hay Racks on Wagons. Other Equipment - Bush' Hog Rotary Mower (orchard style) MOdel 108; Farm Hand Forage Box on 10-ton wagon; iD 158 Front End Loader; JD 524 Blade; Amazone air fertilizer spreader 12 meter boom complete with metening roils for small seed; 3 point hitch fertilizer spreader; Water tanks and transfer pumps; Water wagon; Liquid Nitrogen storage tank 8,000 gallon; Rîno 3 point hitch blade; Unerferth-McCurdy 230 Gravity Box on Horst Wagon; Fertilizer auger to fit above wagon. Trucks - 1972 Chev Truck 50 Series - Dump platformn (running order, selling as is); 1953 Dodge Power Wagon (Old Army Truck) complete with original box. Hoops and Tarp. In running order. SelI- ing as is (Collectible). Feed - Quantîty of big bales of hay. Miscellaneous Items - Fuel Transfer Tanks and Electric Pumps; Chain saws, Steel, Band Saw; Oxy-acetylene torches, AC/DC Arc Welder; 3 TD Head gates, Cattle Oilers,ý Hay Feeders; 2 Electric Heated Water Bowls, Cattie Feeders, Gates, Deb orners; l0'x4" Auger, Rolling Shields for> Scuffler; Tires, spare parts, tractor weights, tois. Many other items. * Auctioneer's Note* This auction offers an ex- cellent line of well maintained equipment. Plan to attend. Full canteen serving hot and cold food. PROPRIETORS James Sculthorpe (416) 885-9227 Robert Sculthorpe (416) 885-7872 TERMS Cash or Cheque with Proper l.D. AUCTIONEER: Frank G. Stapleton, Newtonvilte (416) 786-2244 or (416) 786-2953 For more information feel free, to call Robert, James or Frank. 28,ac (Continued page î3)