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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1990, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Avril 4. 1990 Second ClauMail Rtegistration Nunb W068 Need no surprises The former Development Committee 'of the Orono DBIA and the DBIA came to a point of no returfi over pro- cedureon Monday night with the resuit that the Development Commiottee took leave ofthe DBIA and will operate as a separate, independent body. .The whole issue came to light when the Committce was writing letters expressing what could be taken as DBIA spon- sored in matters as to devlopment and as well concerning the possible demolition of the Armouries building for parking. The majority of the DBIA body took exception to the letter writing and the apparent linking DBIA policy with that of the committee. The DBIA at a recent meeting had set parameters for the committee whîch were gencral in scope and accepted at that time. However the committee began operating with specific plans which had flot been reportcd to the- main body for their consideration. No organization necds surprises from their committees especially those that may flot meet the ap- proval of the majority. It is a simple matter of co-operation on the part of al concerned but t h is conscen ious copuld flot be reached and the committee chose to operate independent of the Association. General meetings are held on a monthly basis and it is in this arena that itemns of interest are presented and debated. It is flot done through petitions of selective members. It is interesting that parking always comes to the fore when in the past there has been two studies undertaken by the Town of Newcastle and most recently a study by Procter and Redfern which outlines some changes for improvement but like the thers states no real problems. -A survey taken in late 1989 found peoiple stating they could flot find a parking space in Orono but stili had to be out of their cars to make the comment. Later in the survey it ask- ed, "Where did you park?" In cases it was Park Street or Church Street. I must have been they could flot find a parking space on front street but a space was flot that far away., The Town is complcting a preliminary parking report which is expected to within a month. zlets wait for the report before tearinR the Town, apart. Hap*penings.. CORRECTION FOR LAST WEEK'S GUIDE PICTURE We wish to apologze for our error in last week's paper pertain- ing to the picture re: Guide Cookies. The little girl who represented the Sparks Group was "Amanda Trinacty", flot as appeared in the article. We are very sorry Amanda! SITING TASK FORCE TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS The Low Level Radio Active Waste Siting Task Force is to make appointmnents to the Newcastle Community Liaison Group within the next couple of days. The first meeting of the Liaison Group will be held on April îth in Court Room 2 in the Bowman- ville Fire Hall building. It's al in the effort to find a Iow level waste site. LIONS AND LIONESSES DONATE AGILIN TO LIFE LUNE The Bowmanville Lions and Lioness have donated a further $14,000 to, the Lîfe Line program which operates out of the Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville. Since the inception of the pro- gram in 1988 the two clubs have donated a total of $64,000 to the program allowing the programn to reach a potential capac ity of 70 subscribers. The initial start recorded 21 subscribers. AIl invoolved are pleased with the support fromn the two clubs. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RFSULTS The euchre results for Wedniesday, March 26th, hield at the Orono Town Hall with Il tables in play are; High scores Walt Mitchell with 90; Art Compton and Aleck Moffat each vith 87; Bemniece Partner wiîh 82; Bil Grady, Ken Gimblett andl Charlie Camnpbell each with 78. Low score Kathy 1vitchell. Winners of the draws were Joyce Cowan, Ed Skinner, Dorothy Branch and Edgar Millson. Euchre is held every Wednesday, evening at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring Lunch. BASIC LANDSCAPING AT THE'LIBRARY Ah! Spring is here and-theyard looks a mess! Keven Crooks of Evergreen Landscapig and Ken Bates of Willowbrook Nursery will be at the Bowmnanville Branch Library on Thursday, Apinil 5th fromn 7:30-8:30 p.m. to give you some helpful advice on how to get started, what to do, what flot to do, and to answer any Iandscaping and gardening questions you may have. Register at the Information Desk or by calling 623-7322. Y.W.C.A. SPRING REGISTRATION The Y.W.C.A. Spring Registration wil be held at the Y.W.C.A. Office, 133 Church Street, Bowmanville fromn April l7th to April 2th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and they will also be extending their office hours Thursday, Apnil l9th and Friday, April 12th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Y.W.C.A. offers a varety of programs, there's something for everyone. Contact the Y.W.C.A. for more information at -623-9922. Trees abig con cern (Continued hfrmpage i) John Gray of Walbridge Court in Bowmanville wanted trees savedi in aproposed cul de sac in apropos- ed 896 residential development plan west of Martin Road and south of the railway tracks. Gray spoke of the importance of the trees to the neighbourhood and the chiîdren. He suggestcd that the cul de sac and six building lots be liminated so that the treces could re- main. Gray also pointed out that hydro rates in the particular area would bç higher being in the rural service area than -those rates being charged in Bowmanville. Kendal News WcIl, I see the scason of grass fires has started again, it is surpris- ing as, the ground is still so damp, glad t-o sec that no damage was donc, and the grass wiîl come up a lot greener, with the old burncd off. Sunday April the First, Aprils Foots Day, and the first day of daylight savings time, apparcntly flot too many were foolcd, and showcd up at Church on time. There was a good turn out for the Dedication Service,, with a good showing of family and fricnds of the two ladies for whom the Com- munion Cup was bcing dedicatcd. Prior to the Service Chad Switzcr, led the Hymn sing, which is held thc first Sunday of cach month. AIl en- joy this time of singing, whcn many old favorites arc requcstcd. Glen Foster -announccd that the choir would be singing a medlcy of threc hymns, that wcrc the favourites of Mabel Elliott and Annie Cathcart, these were, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus,-"I" Don't Know About Tomorrow," and "This is thc Day That the Lord Has Picked." They did 'a beautiful job of singing these songs. Prior to the children's story, the Sunday School sang the song, "Kumbia." The children's story was about how April Fools Day got started. Rev. Ransom told about how there used to be two calendars, the Roman and the Grcck, New Ycar's started on January first on the one calendar and on April first on the other calendar. Those that continucd to celebrate New Ycar's on April first wcre calcd April Foots, since New Year's was already past. People started to play jokes on others on this day, it was a time for good humour and Iaughtcr. God likes people to Iaugh and bc happy. Afterthe children went out to -Sunday School,, Mrs. Dora Youngman presentcd the Chattîce to bc dcdicated to the memory of Mabel Etliott and Annic Cathcart. This was donated by the members of the U.C.W. Rev., Ransom's, sermon was,, "Epitaphs of Life - or are the Ones Spoken Of, Truly Dead." Re spoke of walking through Cemeteries, and rcading the Epitaphs, ho w they are often humorous. but tell the history of the one buried there. He went on to tell of the Resurrection of Lazarus, of how the family of Lazarus, did flot want to open the tomb because lhe had been dead for four days and they did flot want to smell the odor, but Jesus told themr that if thiey believed jn Himi and the Word of God thiey would open the tomb, they dicl and Lazarus came forth whern Jesus called him. The Word of God raises the dead if we believe in Cod. Next Suniday, April 8th, there wîll flot be a Service in Kendal, there will be a combined Service in Newtonville, starting at 9:45-a.m. Rev. Walter Murray well be speak- ing on the Missions and Service. After the Service there will be a question and answer period, when Rev. Murray wvill answer any ques- tions you mnay have as-to what is donc with the money raised by the Missions and Service and wherc it is spent. So if you have any questions as to why a Missions and Service fond is needed, they will be answered. Once again there will be a walk on Gofod Friday, only this ycar it will start tin Newtonville and end at the United Church in Newcastle, the walk starts ai 1:00 p.m. Come out and join in ihis Easter Tradition. Communion and Baptism will take place on Sunday, April 1Sth. The U.C.W. will be meeting this Thursday at the home of Ann Dilks. We wcre glad to sec Elinor Foster out at Church again, after her tay in Hospital. Follow- ing Chiurch cvcryone was invitcd'to the Sunday School Room for lunch a time of fellowship, and a chance to.bld farewcvll to--Mr. and Mrs. Skerrat, who are moving to Oshawa this week. The Skerrat~s hav e live, d init h is area 28 years and have been active ini the Church and will be miissedý by aIl who knew themn. We wish them happincss and continued good heatth. Friendshil) is a priceless gifi that cannot be bought or sold, But its value is far greater than a moun tain made of gold. by P. Lowery Kendal. Hall News On Wednesday, March 28th, the Scarlet Meeting of the Orange Lodge was held at the hall. There were 36 present including the can- didates. Four members of the Ken- dal Men's Lodge, one member of' the Bowmanville Lodge and one miember of Purple Hilîs Lodge, received the Scarlet Degree. The Provincial -Grand Master of On- tario East, M.W. Bro. Edgar Car- mani of Cobourg, five visito)rs from Peterboroughi and one from Toronto wNere present. 'The next Scarlet Meeting will be hield in May. On Friday, March 3th, at the regular EuIchre Party, there were twelve tables in play. High score went to Art Compton, 2nd high Diane Lowery, 3rd high Mary' Thornpson, 4thi highi Cathy Switzer. The 50/50 dra-w was wvon by Wally Boughen. Next cardi party will be hcld on Saturday, April 14th as our usual night would faîl on Good Fni- day, note this change on your calen- Orono D.B.I.An meeting 1<Continued from page I) chases in the river valley. Considerable time was spent on Monday night as to the authority invested in the Orono Development Committee, a commùittce of the DBIA. It was finally passed that let- ters from the committee must first be approved by the association. dar and come on out for a night of, fun. We regret the loss of Fred Yeo, he will bc remembcred long, up un- tiI the end of the past year, he miss- cd very fewcard parties. Our sytmi- pat hy to the members of his family. The Men's Lodge wilI be meeting on' Wednesday, Aprit 4th. The Junior Lodge meets on Thursday, April th, and the Ladies', Lodge wiIl bc meeting on Thursday, April 12th. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MIILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE anid CHURCH SCHOOL. 9:30 a.m1. ORONO GA TES 0F PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Oronio, Ontario Inter-Faith . Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 -Couniselling ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Miniter: Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Sedrctary: Marlene Risebrough Organist.- Kirby Martha Far row. Organist: Orono Siella Morton SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 190 KIRBY 9:30 A. M. ORONO 11:00 A.M. EXPLORERS Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Upper C.E. BIBLE STUDIES Ladies Fellowship Wednesday - 10:00 a.m. At the Homne of Mrs. FrancisSutton Joint Fellowslîip Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. Friendship Room GOOD FRIDAY COMMUNION Friday, April I13th 11:00 a.m. - Orono Cihurch For Both Congregations April Special Al Bonne Bell Items Save 15%/ With each purcha se receive one draw coupon for TonHall Clock," Handbag Four to be drawn ..~ i'i â i-m ~ .i.i izr~i~va

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