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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1990, p. 3

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C'u-t Rîbbon at new Kirby enterprise The Reid Brothers of Kirby outiet for many garden and farrn gratulated Bob and Bill Reid for following the closîng of their Deli equipment was cornpleted with the their resiliance and ingenuity in the store Iast year are out into business cutting of the traditional'ribbon on business world. Sarn Curcatz again with Kirby Power Equipment Satur day of last week. presented the Ontario and Canada mec. Counc. Diane Hamre con- flags. The officiai opening of the new The Ganaraska Forest Centre Conservation dinner is drawing close on the date of Wednesday, April I lth wben 300 arc expected to sit down at the Port Hope Legion Hall'on Toronto Road. The evcning starts off at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner, draws, auctions and entertainmcnt. According to Peggy Foster, Port Hope, head of the local fund raîsing committee, some tickets are stili available and locally a caîl to Helen MacDonald at 983-9667 such tickets could be o1btaned. Cost of tickets $30.00. The event bas been planned by Ganaraska Forest Centre commit- tee and tbe Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Fish and Wildlife Fund. The organization of tbe dinner event bas been undertaken by a local committec wbo will receive some forty percent of the profits from the event. These funds will bc uscd to assist in the funding of the outdoor forest centre for the younger people in the community as well as for some improvemnents to the educational programn. The Anglers and Hunters also share in funds frorn the dinner. Larry Hannah,, Regional, coun- cillor for Newcastle, on Monday said it was a misunderstanding bet- ween John Windatt of the Port Granby-Newcastle Environmnental Comrnittee and the Regionai Public Works as to the use of the Toxie Taxi at a proposed bousehold wastc excbange that was being organized for June in Bowrnanville. Hannab contends tbat Public Works was willing to undertake removal of bazardous wastes pro- viding it included only old tires, oil, iron, paints and solvents. He said some chemicals would bave proved a problemn for botb parties. Hannah said it was a matter of' contraI and referred to a similar cx- change in Ottawa whcre it cost the municipality a total of $500,000 to dispose of thse waste that was brougbtt o flhc exebange. He said they had ta- handle truck loads of' olad paint can brought in by cantrac- - s as well as other items. ;_,,),Staff would have assisted," lie contended.- which are used in their Fish and Wildlife fund and which in turn could revert back to the Authority in authorizcd projects. There is, at thepresent tjire, sorne concern over the continuation' of provincial funding for the Forest Centre and its operation. It is hoped that support of the dinner will help offset any loss of provincial funds. There are sorne 40 limited edition prints which will bc offcred at auc- tion along with an original Michael Dumas of the Canada Goose. In addition there are 50 raffles for the evening includîng a $500.00 shoppingspree at Northumberland MaIl and a free draw for a $400.00 spring clotbîng draw. Frank Stapleton has offcred bis- time for the auctions and Bernie Martin is to provide the mnusic for the evening with bis dulcirnor. Peggy Foster points to the dînner and other events of the evening as a cornmunity project to help tbe Forest Centre. "Vour assistance and participation iý important", she states. lAgain a phone caîl to Helen Mac- Donald, 983,9667 or the Authority office at 885-8713 will avail you of a ticket for the night. Hannah said the situation will be clcared up at the nexr- Waste Management meeting. The local comrnittee statcdlast .Wcek that thcy1 will operate a scalcd dlown version of the proposed ex- change at the Bowmanville Mail. The event is to bc beld in June dur- ing Envîronmcent Wcck. Composting to start in i ckering (Continued from page 1) garden centres to the rotating drumis tbat have been donated rccently by the Regional works dcpartiment, The digester docs, apparently, a better job and handles more inge- dients tIsai the other composters. According ta Helen MacDonald the Region intcnds Io setup a pro- gramn in Pickering wbere the digester wiIi bc made available to Babes In Bookland by Dorothy Robinson Edna Miller's "Mousekin Scries" includes several holiday-oriented tities. These arc "Mousekin's Thanksgiving," "Mousekin's Christmas Eve," and "Mousekîn's Golden House" (for Halloween). About four years ago, she wrote about that appealing little whitefoot mouse again. In this delicately illustrated delight with its accurate nature lore, it is springtime once again in 'the forcst. Hungry Mousekin's search for food brings hirn in contact with brigbtly coloured eggs, a white rab- bit and other symbols of Easter. 1 especially enjoycd the lovely water- colours of violets, tulips, daffodils and hyacîntbs. The cover features apple blossoms. This mnakes "Mousekin's Eastcr Basket" very much "at-home" in the Apple Blossorn Shop. Other Easter Books: Ziefert -Whcre's My Eastcr Egg?; Potter -The Talc of Peter Rabbit; Dunn -The Little Rabbit. Lamb Awarcness Day - This in- tcresting exhibition is on April 7 frorn 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.rn. at the Lion's Centre, Bowmanville. Sec many display, sheep shearing demonstrations and cnjoy refreshments. An enjoyable educa- tional outing for both cbildren and adults. bomne owners at a cost of $ 10.00 to $12-00. The province picks up the rcmaining fifty percent of the cost of the unit. The program is expected to get underway sometime latter this year. According to Larry Hannah recycling is a*costly venture for the Region and the money is just flot available frorn extension of the pro- gram. He points to a cost of $219.00 a tonne to collect, sort and mechandise the waste 'tbrough recycling. He said ,"Wë must eut back on wastc rather than consider- ing rccycling as the only answer. He was pleased, by the decision of the federal and provincial governrncnts to legislate reduction in packaging over the next two years. Composting through the use of the rotating drum process does specd Up the composting process, statcs Helen MacDonald. FOR LIFE INSURANCE Phone Wakefield Insurance Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 4, 1990-3 Toýrwn tiakes no part in callind for hearin" Action satisfies St.r;ary's Cernent - disappoints Cornmuniy group Gordon White, chairman of the ncarïng wouw ause uiaiuUe Wiiii Port Darlington Community is flot happening now. Association, was disappointed in Prior to the presentation of the that the Town's cornrittcc on motion rcquesting consideration Monday did not support a Deegan- from the Ministry of the Environ- Hamre -motion. The motion callcd ment D). Woods of St. Marys' Ce- for the Mirtistry ofthecEnvironrnent ment had addrcssed council to give consideration for an En- mnembers outlining that St. Marys vironnental Assessement Act hear- had to respect ail regulations and ing in regards to the proposed cx- controls in ail areas of their opera- pansion of St. Mary' Cernent plant tion at Bowmanvillc. in south-west Bowmanv,,ille. In mcntioning the burning of Counc. Deegan said the people tires he said it would flot happen in do have a real problerni and at least Bowmanville even though it was the Town could ask that considera- something that was being donc at tion be given by the Ministry for a other such plants. bearing. "Maybe it would hclp our He also said the Mînistry of the cnvironrnent," he said. Environment does direct thcmn what Counc. Stapleton said counicil can and cannot be donc. "Wc look had to support their industry in thc forward to grow and continue with town and that members of courÉcil our operation and look to you for had been down to the operation. Hc support," he said. said St. Marys' was flot cxpanding Woods said the dock proposaI in size and that regulations werc in was but an expansion of the present place for work being undertaken, dock and he callcd on council not to expansion of production and the suggest that an environmcntal hear- warf at the lak efront. ing be beld. Stapîcton also said the Ministry Woods spoke of an open house of the Environmcnt will make the meeting whicb was held in final decision as to the necd of a September of 1989 and suggested hearing. -that furthcr meetings would bc held 1Only Counces. Deegan and Hamrc with their ncighbours. When askcd voted for the moti on. it was b Counc. Hannah whcn thcy defeated. would be held he was flnot spccific Gordon White and bis group but said withiin the 'next four -to have expresscd conccrnis over the eight wceks and this would bc developmcnt for the past ycar and a followcd by a further meeting haîf. White has said that out of nine sometime in the future. letters writtcn to St.,Marys Cernent Woods'also' said that thcy do only one has been answercd. meet with ncîghbours whencver After the meeting on Monday tbey corne to the plant and said that White said, "Wc arceflot giving ail ncighbours wcre flot members of up." He said an Env'ronmental the Port Darlington Community Association. Bruce Wilson D.DS. Dentist wishes to announce the openîng of his office for the practice of dentistry 118 King St. W., Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1 Ho Dr. Marlene Spruyt wishes to announce the relocation of her practice to her residence'at 87 Miil Street North Newcastle (2nd Floor) effective April 1, 1990 Phone 987-1896 Dinner being held in aid of Forest Centre By Appointment "A misunderstanding states Counc. Hannaàh Spring Special- Bunk Beds $1 65.00 Limited Quantity Country Treasure Store Hwy. 115135 North of Kirby at the 8th Concession 983-5412 Phone 987-2165

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