Fairwinds Antiques: & Collectihies Antiques, Memorbilia & Collectibles from times gone by WE 8UY and SELL Barina Home Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look ived in Wedding Day Gift Sitting -Rliabie Refeences - BONOED Barb Shetier-Ina Go x NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 CONTRACTING Fencing, Excavating; DuctCieaning, Plumbing, Hleating Electricai, Carpentering, Roofing "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCINO and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 TENNANT DUCT CLEANINO 1587 Popular Plains Dr. <Cavan, Ontario LOA I CO, *TELEPIIONES 70&-94447à0 705-7493174 416-433-2505 BYAMS- lumblng HuUng Inurpat.d Sale and Service 24 LHour Burner Service Gulf Flnancinq Low Intereet rates 263-2650, IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed -.25 Ysara Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Ail Carpentry Reiated Work Orono. -9835303 Hampton 263-2991 M. T. STABLES Board - Lease Buy - Seilf- Consignments Morses and Tack), GANARASKA FOREST AREA Phone Marie 983-9736 MOl Hartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TLE BEOS SANDO- GRAVEL TOP SOIL AI. HEARD Electrical Csntracting New Construction Repairs Eiectric Heating Pole Line Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 HARIVEY PARTNER & SONS ,PLUT4DING and HEATINO MAY TAC DEALER Profesalonal Goulds Pump Dealer Authorized Consumer Gas Dealer 011 - Wood - Electicl Répairs to ail makes ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5206 or 623-2301 0. CHATTERTON L ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTIONG~ Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario VOEU CONTRACTING LTD). Genoral Carpentry, Renoistlons, Roofing Custom Homes end Commercial Buildings Phones (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orono, Ontario or (705) 277-2003 BARR'IS (4161 987-14451 (416r) 986-42771 ROOFING - SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT R~0F SHINGLES - PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT- TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLEOT CALLS AÇCEPTED 20 Years Experience- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 2, 1990-11 NOTICE Women in Abuse Relationships For Heip Cal "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311, confidentiality assured tfn If you want to drink, that's you r business. If you want to -stop, That's Ours. Cail Alcoholies Anonymous To taik or for Meeting Times and Places Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 C.W. Lenion SMALL ENGINES Authorized Dealer For Jonsered, Tanaka, MeCuiioch and Poulan Pro CHAINSAWS OREGON BARS and ACCESSORiLS Sales - Service & Rentais 987-5200 -2 miles east of Hwy. 115 on 3rd Concession 25,2,9,16 ap ORONO ARENA ROLLER SKATING Starts Friday, May 4 at 7 p.m. and every Friday night folowing. 2,ac Due to a surplus of recyclable paper on the market, there wîli be no miore paper drives at this, time. Many thanks to ail who have supported us over the years.. Orono Amateur Athletic Association 2.,9. ap HELP WANTED TREE PULLERS WA NTED Orono Nursery Starting April lOth Phone 983-5174 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or Phone 433-7290- And Leave A Message Rate of Pay: Piecework 2 ac Applications wiil be ac- cepted until Friday, Mvay 25, 1990 for the positions of Club Pros and free-lance pros- for the 1990 - 1991 season. Please send resumes with qualifications to Newcastle Figure Skalting Club, Box 250, Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1IHo. Must have level, Ï certification, coaching update clinic and evaluators ciinic. 2, 9, 16 83 King Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA iHO ,A\X Telephone (416Y 987-3200 jXMatthewsir& l-Associates INSURANCE BROKERS ETO Pauline Mate, AIIC Branch Manager OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB I MO "135 Years of Service"- Susani Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416-983-5767 '416-623-4835 WANTED TO BUY Stamnps, Coins Pap'er Currency Worldwide -We pay top daily prices - - We Do Appraisals Mister MuraY's Box 340 Orono, Ontarjo LOB IMO Local Resident wýith 26 Years Exr3edence. 25,2 ap WANTED Top quality handicrafts to seli on consignment at a store opening soon in Orono. Phone Diane 983-5529. tfn COMJNG EVENTS Auctionu & Bake Sale St. Saviour's Anglican Church Mill St. N., Oronor Saturday, May 5th 11:00 a.m-. . Proceeds for Church Repairs. Frank Stapieton - Auctioneer 25,2 ac The Lioness Club of Newcastle presents a Com- plimentary Doîl House Tea on Sunday, May 6, 1990, 2 to 4 p. m. in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall. $Asi THE GREAT PINI RIDGE KINSME] CAR WASH Saturday, May St! Armstrong's IGA ORONO 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.n ORONO TOWN HA] Calendar of Events May 2, 9, 16, 23, 3X Euchre May 25 - 26 Joe Boss 8:00 p.m. - $5.00 The Orono Town Hý available for weddi showers, banquets meetings. Approved Li Licence No, For booking or info tion pho ne, 983-9561 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE- ALL STEEL BUILDID Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x4O', 40'x7, 50'xlOO', 60'xl0', 75'x] We can erect or deliver to Supply 15 Limited Please Cal 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 1989 Corsica, am/fmn radio, air conditioning, must seli, driven only 5 months, phone 983-9447 after 5:.00 P.m. tfn/ap 1979 Chev Malibu, $400.00 as is, or will seil parts - good gas tank, rad, battery, tires, body parts etc. Cal 983-5638. 2. 9. aD Old Ray Bales For Sale 25 cents each 987-5128 2, ac 1987 Cavalier Station Wagon, bucket seats,. con- sole, am/fmn cassette, 62,000 km, $5,800, cail 983-9204. 2, ap 1981 AMC Concord, good shape, as is, $2,000.; Ham- mondorgan, twin keyboard, Sound effects, excellent con- dition, $900.; 20 cubic foot freezer, like new, $175., phone 983--9058 2, 9, ap YARD SALES GIANT YARD SALE O'Chonski Road, 1/2 km. South of Taunton Road, Saturday, May Sth, 8 a.m. tilI 4 p.m 2, ap 2, ap - GIGANTIC YARD SALE From two households, fur- niture, dishes, quilts, toys, tricycles, you namne it, we have it. At 1 1 Mill Street, Orono, Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. [E 2, ap NJ ALTERATIONS General sewing and dressmaking in my home. m. Cail Wednesdays and even- 2,ac ings 983-9761. tfn LL ýail is ings, and FOR RENT Farmland to rent, phone 983-5179. 2, 9, 16, ac Orono stores for lease, various sizes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zone, caîl Lyle or Mfarg West at 983-934,1 - Res-. 983-5962. t fn. )rma-BIRTH after ANNOUNCEMENL My Hans and Dianne My Brachvogel are delîghted to announce the birth of their first grandchid, a boy named Tyler David Elson, 7 Lbs. 3 -ozs., born April 27th,. His proud parents are Michael and Sonya (née Brachvogel) 4G Elson. Paternal grandparents r5, are Hank and Joan Elson, Toronto. l50'2,a 0site2,a AUCTION SALE May 12 - 6:3u p.m. Orono Lodge Hall Tyrone Village rn List next week, Auctioneer Don Stephenson, 623-1726. 2,uaj (C-ontinued) OPEN - Thurs.-Sunday 10 - Mon. to Wed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT. LOB 1 MO (416) 983-980 SPECIALS Maple Syrup availab le C.A. Mac Intosh, Empire, Spy, Deliclous - $3.50 - 6 Ibs. Mutsu (Crispen) $3.95 - 6 Ibs. CA's are crisp, juicy and full of flavour 100% Pure Wyles Grape Juice Fred's 100% Pure Apple Cider' Farm Fresh Eggs Seasoned Apple Firewood $190.00 Delivered Orono and Newcastle Fred's Fruit Market H ighway 115, Haif, Mile South of Orono .... . . ... . . ........ . .... . . .. .... moi