lO-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 2, 1»0 SERKeVICE ý DIRECTORY Phon e 983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Don't Just Specialize"! We Make Every Order Special Main Street, Orono W983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We Donil e l i vero, sh Newonvlfenol Ohaw and Placés ln-BetWeen Orono Electric Mt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White WestinghTouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Maglo Chef - Hoover "The latest in fashionS for ail, times and ait needs- FOR-NIK Auto Body and ,Collision Quaîity Body Work and .Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES RAR 3 Newcastle, Ont, FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIFIS andi CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario Betty Lcett 983-5908 "VI da Midleto 983 9819 In Upholstery RAR 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grunidy Opening May 1lst Double D Gifts & Crafts MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9585 Handicrafifs Accepted on Consignment JEAN SIMONE SOHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ " 147 MILL ST., ORONO 983-8218, KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Resdence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc.,Chîropractor R.R..i KENDAL, ONTARIO LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTI M.A. COU NSELLI NG Specializing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT- CHILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1iMO Appoinments and Inquiries 983-9792 "WHERE QUJA L/TY A ND SERVICE-' COME FIRS T" WYENDY B's DEPARTMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN- STREE7 ORONO. ONýTAR1O 983-9816 Wendy Partner, Prop. (46» 623-8161 Sportswear & GiftS Suppliers of Teams, Schools,& Clubs Corporate GlU 'Packages 102 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1M6 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanville,, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW F EEDS f~ Featurng a Specialed Line of Martins Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplemnents Double Cleaned Oats, Blended Sweet Feed and Pot Food Your Martin Feed is Dealer in Durham Regon 5 Mi. East of Orono/Hlwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 Cla ssified Ads AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Cc Newtonville, May 4th, Friday 7:00 Selling the contents the home of Ken Castle Hope; 8 pic. walnut di sion dining suite, missio glass china cabinet, wagon, knee hole desk, glass, dishes, china, si mirrors, Iamps, occ& chairs, colour T.V.s, ch fields, sofa bed, pi carpet (9xl2), ginger clock, mantie cdocks, sional tables, dressers, of drawers, waterbed, teak wall unit, fridge, dryer, spinner wa Moore double 12 ga. gun, limiteci edition (Boots, Dumas, -Lespe Calle), also new appi jewellery, andi numý other articles., Terms: Cash or good que., Auctioneer: F Stapleton 416-786-2244. AUCTION REMINDE1R .Sunday, May l3th, 12 Agriculture Buildini Orono EFairgrounidý 'NOTE NEW LOV11CA' AND TIIVfIE*l Selling the complete tents fromn the Ona1 property, featuiring anti collectibles, furniture,i ty china, appliai householci items andi partial list lincludes 3 c room suites, pine cupbî victorian parlour set, Nippon vase, 2v Waterloo 20" g-ar den tr. plow and cultivator. This Îis a paria.l list full listing in next paper. Consignments are excepted lfor our Wednt May l6th Sale. MacGregor Auction Se Auctioneer - MacGregor - 987-54 junior West - 983-5556 CARD OF THA] Bowmanvilie Sea Cad Navy League of Cane wouldilike to tbank yo your tremiendous sul duringil our recent tag,-dý Kim Woodward wou] to express her appreciati the Orono D.B.I.A. fe flowers they sent to heri Miii Hair Studio welcome gift. Tbank very much SERVICES THE HALIBUtRTON et Fine Arts v il oËff 100 Fine Art and worksbops in July Courses suitable for ai] of ability. For br( contact. Sir Sancford F College Box 339, Hali Ontario KOM 150. (70' 1680. ,ntre p.m. from Port lepres- cn oak tea good several isional hester- )ersian bread occa- chests large stove, sher, shot DEATH NOTICE BRUNT, Fern bel wife of the late Wellin Thomas Brunt, loved m( of Shirley Gordon, Osh Arvilla (Mrs. John Partr Orono, Byr on Bri Newcastle anci Donna( Vern Jones), Port Hope, ing grancimother of 14 gi chilciren' andi 25 great gr chilciren. In 'her 96th year. Fri were able to caîl at the M Funeral Chapel, Bowi ville on Friday from 2 24 7 - 9. Funeral service ir Chapel on Saturdaya a.m. Intérment Bowma cemetery. Donations to Charity of your choice ir memory would be preciateci. prnes FISHER,. William Walla erance Oshawa General Hospil rasd Tuesday, April 24, 1990 ierous Fisher of R. R.'L, Oroi bis 77th, year. Beloveci 0 Che- band of Annie Sumi Dear uncle of Steve, Ni rank Heather, Lesley andi L - Resteci at the North 2, ac ElliottFuneral Homev - service was held 1 Tbursdlay. lnterrnent IN Cemetery. nooni g, SAI:FOR D Is TIO)N MONUMENTS 143 IÇing St. E. *con- Bowmaniville, Or Miller Phone 623-8151 iques, .OUT 0F>TOWVN quali CALL TOLL FREE nce,çs.-1-800-461-4848 tool. s, Grarnite Monuments, din1ing Markers, and uardsCemetery Letterîng ,IarLePrivate home or large showroom appointment w h ee1avalable ractor, Serving all faiths References available on1y, on request wee ks After Hours Cal Oshawa being 1-416-579-1116 esdayr, Dur Molto: The customer is always rgo rvce Mike 402- CAREER TRAINII 6. FR.EE: 1990 guide to stu( 2.1 ac home correspondence Di1 - cour ses for prestigious ca NkS Accountirig, Airconditio -Bookkeeping, Business, metology, Electronies, L lets Medical Se cr etary, scia chology, Travel. Granton u for 263 Adelaide West, Toi pport 1-800-950-1972. 2 LEARN AUCTIONEEF d like at the Soutbwestern Or ion to Scbool of Auctioneering. or the class: June 9-16/90. at the information, cont act: S( as a western Ontario Scboý you Auctioneering, R.R.#5, V stock, Ontario, N45 Kim (519) 537-2115. 2,ap MARKEL -800-265_-' Sebool Class AZ-DZ Professi er over Transport Driver Trair Craft Careers? Financing? 1990. Deductible? We've go Il îeveîs aiswers. Markel Institi. ocueTraining. Guelph 1-800- Feming 7173. liburton, )5) 457- loved ington other hawa, ricige) .unt, (Mrs. ,loy- rand- ;ranci- rends vorris vrman- 4 and, in the HOME STUDY DIPLOMA Programns. Prepare for a better career Today! Low fees. Payment plan. Tuition Free Advanced Courses. Job search assistance. Free Brochure. CCTS 1-800-668-1213. SALES HELP WANTED, HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and înterestedý persons needed immediately to seli toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investmnent, deliveries- or money collection. Cal (519) 258-7905. t BUSINESS OPPS. inville READY TO QUIT? Why not o the be your own-boss! Start your n hier own business from home. Free ap- Details. Canimex Eniterprise, 934 Childs Drive, Miltonk, 2, ac Ontario, L9T 4J6. EXTRA INCOME!-We train ace1 at you ta grow big baitworms in al on your basement, garage or shed. D, Bill Odoriess operation, Low no in investment. Market guar- h us- anteed! Free information. mers. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1 ý4rk, Smithville,ý Ontario, LOR 2A0, ,aura. 41)6325.Cahm hc 41) 43452 Cata Nhere Kent Bait Farm,, RR#7, p.m. Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, qaple (519) 683-2468.-Kumari Baut Farm, Box 69, Camnden East, 2, ac Ontario, KOK IJO, (6i3) 378-ý 0023. IIVEST $12,000,in a high end, deck waterpro>ofing dealership for th.is aea T p alîtyý product litreaiows for.above average return on investmnent. ;0 We supply cpening inventory, tools andi training. Successful dealerships established across Canada. Phone collect Mr. D. Chaisson (604) 860-1200. STAY AT HOME and make its money. Lets of money! HJundreds of' very profitable plans, ptnilyMillionaire making. For further info send a, SASE toInentna Sales, 34 Stagae)r. Woodbridge, Ontariio, L41L 52. hi SUPER PROFITS from your cr-afts. Stay hiomei & Make big money. Free detaîls. S.P. NG Enterprises,' Box 313-0, idy-at- Station A, Winnipeg, MB, ploma RAK 2C2. Lrers: )ning, , Cos- RETAILERS ONLY. Video ,egal!- Laserdiscs, Nintendo, and Psy- Video Movie leasing. We are i(SA) well-stocked, fast, efficient. onto, Bi-weely rotation. You select your inventory. Canada-wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) RING 231-1150. SEVEN NEW TONINO TABLES and start up kit $8,000, Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1 ,000. 1-800-667- 5825. HfELP WANTED START, NOW! IF YýOU ... want instant earnings, unlimited potential, job flexibility, independence,, and love beautiful lingerie and clothing. Caîllle (416) 632-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASH- ION SHOWS. (Est. 1975). RESORT ACCEPTING appli- cations for: dining room, recreation,,kitchen assistant, chef/cook (fulil ime position available.) Good wages, staff training & recreation pro- gramme. Accommodation, meals lavailable. Must lie ava ilable May 25 »o Oct. 31. Deer Lodge Resort, R.R. 2, Haliburton, Ont., KOM ISO. (705) 457-228 1. PERSONAL, PREGNANT/ÇONSIDERING Adoption? Loving married couple wanting, to adopt a baby. We would provide a wonderful home. Reg'd for adoption. Evenings/weekenc1s (416) 770-771 (colleot). Daytime/answerinig machine (completely'confide ntiaL.) WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian peýcopie, ages, 18-80,, the object being comrpanion- ship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE iMO. WANTED TO BUY OLD WRIST WATCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter Cen- tury Club - mens rectangular wri.st watches (25 years service watcb) will pay S3,000 andi up for thîs watch. Also wanted old Rolex wrist watches especially the following Rolex models - Prince, Oyster Perpetual, Oyster Royale, Chronograph and Cosmo- graph. Also buying Patek Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vacheron Constintine, or any other high grade or compli- cated wrist watches such as Chronographs and Moonpbase wrist watches (mens only). ,Cal (416) 365-7240 collect or wnite: B. Walsh, 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 1S2. OLDER PAINTINOS and works of Art. One or entire collection. KarI Mearns. Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, NOA 1AO, (416) 765-6782. TV VR *STEREO Service'Cls $19A5 Licensed 5Yer xprec . . .........