Orono Weekly'lTimes, Wednesday, May 9, 1990-11 ,Iouse plant and hobby crftshow at Orono A lovely display of houseplants Challice, Lorna Atkins. showing a variety of specimens at African Violet - double - Jo Har- the April 26 Orono Horticultural ris, Doreen Lowery, Donna Society meeting was evidence of the Lowery, Minnie Zegers. "green thumbs" of our members. African Violet - fancy leaf - Jo The meeting opened with the Harris, Doreen Lowery, Isabelle singing of O Canada accompanied Challice. by Doreen Lowery. President Don- African Violet - started from leaf na Hutton was happy to report that cutting - Lorna Atkins, James our society's year book received 3rd Lowery, Isabelle Challice, Minnie prize at the District 17 annual Zegers. meeting. Doreen Lowery gave an African Violet - miniature - Don- account of this yearly 'event which na Hutton, Minnie Zegers, Jo Han- w as held at Beaveton. On Apnil 13, 1991 the Onono Horticultunal Socie- tyis host to District No. 17 annual meeting.- Reports wene presented by- secretany Yvonne Trafford and treasurer Adele McGill. The membership is now 166 with our goal to be 200 members for 1990. The Ontario Hoticultural Con- vention~ is being held at York University, Toronto June 19-21. Delegatés representing our society are Donna Hutton, Yvonne Traf- ford, Adele McGill and Lorna Atkins. Ouest speaker Helen Craig, hor- ticultunalist from the Civic Ganden Centre, Toronto was introduced by Shelley Etmanskîe. Helen enlightened us in "What's New" in '4 horticulture - chemnical fnee insec- ~i ticides; - new Canadian gardening ( ~#I ~ magazine "Canadian Gardening", - tissue culture for plants' - a new colour in poinsettia plants, yellow, peppermint (pink and white stripes) - Helen had many plants on display (whîch she donated for the draws) IdyIIic Retree and spoke on the care of plants, Tucked like a jewel in the lus ligh, waer, oiland iscaes. or-Conservation Area, hidden tnc naîghwatesol ndfordiea seLneasîlycommutable, this rare na tankd Hlenforherspeialsetting for the ultimate lifest) presentation and indoor gandening square foot executive home information. baniks of the Ganaraska River With 14 exhibitors and 66 entries that must be seen combines our iüdge Ruth Tink was kept busy. privacy in uts design. The pici The variety of crafts shown in the stall horse barn with pine linE Hobby and Craft show displayed opens 1t'o w fenced paddocl the talent of many members - sonie plete privacy and seclusion ai crafts shown were quiîts, coverlets, features too numerous to mei folk art, afghans, dried ar- cl o oeifrain.. rangements and needie wonk on plastic. A sale of gladioli cormns donated GET STARTED NO by Bertha, Bannes followed the WATCH YOUR EQUIT) meeting. 4 The tasty lunch of sandwiches ' prepared by Isabelle Challice, Doreen Pernett and Verna Robin- son was enjoyed and we had a social time of visiting and viewing the many exhibits. Next event is May 10 when we ~, tour Jensen's Greenhouses. The ~ ~ . spring flower show and demonstra- tion on creating a "Niche" is Thunsday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. atExelntw bero Onono United Chunch. Eclettobdor Press and Publicity maintenance f ree exter Lorna Atkins lot backs on to ravine. ris, Lorna Atkins Geranium - potted up from out- side and kept over winter - Isabelle Challice, Lorna Atkins, Shelley Et- mnanskie, Doreen Lowery Houseplant - fancy leaf - pot size over 4" - Lorna Atkins, Mînnie Zegers, Shelley Etmanskie, Donna Hutton Houseplant - flowering - pot size 4" or under - Minnie Zegers, Jo Harris, Shelley Etmanskie Houseplant - flowering - pot size over 4" - Pat Windatt, Eleanor Ter- ril, Doreen Lowery, Jo Harris DECORATIVE SECTION A collection of Homegrown House plants - (at least 3 varieties at- tractively arrangedi n basket) - Min- nis Zegers, Yvonne Trafford, Isabelle Challice, Donna Hutton "Spring Awakening"-7 a design of your choice using a variety of branches and foliage in season (front view) - Minnie Zegers, lnrez Harris, Yvonne Trafford, Donna Hutton "Easter Basket" - to include some natural material Isabelle Challice, Jo Harris, lnez Harris SPECIAL PRIZES Most points in entire show (donated by Lorna Atkins) - Minnie Zegers Best Violet in show (donated by PVR store in Kendal) - Jo Harris Judg es Choice (donated by Jo Harris - Minnie Zegers JOB PRINTING ORONO TIMES 983-5301' S13l1Y Staples sales representative . .. . .. . ..I RESULTS 0F HOUSE PLANT SHOW HOUSEPLANTS Afrîcan Violet - single - Jo Han- ris, Doreen. Lowery, Isabelle MONUMENTS. 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CALLTOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granite Monuments, Markers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or showropm appointments avilabIe Serving ail faiths References available on request Afier Hours Cal Oshawa 1-416579-1116 Ou, Motta. Te customer is always right