12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 Durham East 4-H Horse Club- by Kate Barrie, Press Reporterý The second meeting of the Horse Club took place at Lisa and Laura Gilbanks. The meeting started at 7:15 p.m. We opened the meeting, with the 4-H Pledge. Next Doug took attendance. In the first, meeting we dîdn't elect any Presi- dent or anything so after raIl caîl, which was what is one sign of an unhealthy horse, we elected aur ex-. euctives. Julie Byers was elected_ President, Erin Murphy Vice- president, Jessica Barrie Secretary and Kate Barrie Press Reporter. After thîs we split up into graups. One group went ta the barn with' Mary Ruth ta learn how ta judge horses. A second group went with Shelley ta talk about twitching a horse. Our junior Leader Lisa, talk- ed about aur books. A third group went with Doug ta look at a first aid kit. By this time it was 9:00 p.m., sa Mrs. Gilbank served us donuts and pop and aur rider began ta arrive. Thank you ta the Gilbanks. ~AIIinbrook Pet Food, and Farm Supplies Corner of Hwy. 115 and 4th Conc. East R.R. 1 Orono, Ontario - 416-983-5791 Martin Horse Feed In Stock SureGain Sweet Horse Feed Pet Food - Pou try - Farm Feed - Seed Deputy Minister on Co-op Tour The Provincial Deputy Minister of Education will be touring some cf The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education's co- operative education programs in a special visit ta the area an Tuesday, May 22. Invited by Eva Nichais, Ca- operative and Alternative Educa- tion Officer, Ro bert Mitton will be accompanied on his visit by Roy Houghton, Assistant Deputy Minister, and Sheila Roy, Directar of the Central Regianal Office. NichaIs plans ta introduce Mit- tan ta three different co-aperative educatian placements - ant academic position, a technical placement with a student in a basic level pragram, and an enrichment program. The visits star-ted at 2:00 p.mi. at C.R Gumnmow Public Schiool, with a student who assists a Senior Kindergarten French Immersion teacher. At 2:40 p.m., the group moved ta Murray Thomnpson Auto Body where awner Murray Thiomp- son, Cobourg District Coillegiate In- stitute West teacher Janet Goheen, and Steve Oke, a learning disabled student, exNplainied their program. The tour concluded at General Motors of Canada in Oshawa at 4:00 p.m. in the systemns planning marketing department where stu- dent Tom Hope is working in com- puter progamming. 'Bill Atkinson, Vice President (Marketing), and Rick Curd, Vice President, Person- nel, also attended the sessýion at GM. Mental Health Opnen House, As part of a ca-ordinated effort ta raise public awareness about mental health services for children and adolescents in the Durham Regian, Durham House Child and Family Centre, Frontenac Youth Services and Kinark Child and Family Services are holding an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, May 23 from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. The public is invited ta isit any of the three locations ta see what they look like and ta talk with the treat- ment staff. Durhami House is at 1521 Simicoe Street N., Oshawa; Frontenac is at 1400 Ritson Road S., Os;hawýa; Kinark is at 199 Went- worth Street W., Oshawa. rtA . Let me take 4 some of the work and worry out of 4.S> your next move. ,e4GRACE PEACOCK *Sales Representdtlve Bus. 436-8727 Res.983-5 .194 ORONQ BRICK TRIPLEX- Grass Annual Income $1980000 OnIly $183,900.00'MILS AJAX EXECUTIVE - 4 Bedroom, 2300 sq. ft. in Oiscovery Bay. OSHAWVA - _4 year aid D'ANGELO SIDE SPILIT, below builder's price Only $239,800.00 MIS N.WV OSHAWA - 3 Bedroomn Bungalow, large lot, $238,500.00 MILS Cati Nowv For Detaits. Are you thinking cf buying, selling or are In need, of Real Estate advice? Feel f ree to contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINEýGAGNON HodaPowered Water Pumps PW3O" PW5O 3"1- 5½ hp -4 cycle Reg, $66999 602.99 449-Q99 2" - 3½ hp - 4 cycle Reg. $499.00 111 - 2 cycle Rolph Hardware Poe8-207 Orono, Ontario Reg, $369.99 332.99 krystyna jý 983-97 H » ere Today SGone TO'morrow We can sell your h ouse. Gîve us a cal We'll be. happy to, show you ones ~~~any property at yourpa winyet r82 983-S80 RE/MAX cornerstone realty Mt., realtor -623-600 104 king street east, bowmanvuîle, ontarlo LlC 1N5 r m vin lycett