4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 An array of spring colour The spring flower show at Orono the Decorative section featuring had not affected the bloom and the featured a fine select of entries in spring flowers. The weather of late display was an array of colour. Winners at the- Orono show _______ 2) Pat Windatt; 3) Eleanor Terrill. Class 15 - Any other spring garden (flot listed); 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) In- ez Harris; 3) Carol Mostert; 4) Isabelle Challice. Class 16 - One branch flowering shrub or tree (not over 30"); A. 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Donna Hutton; 3) Doreen Lowery; B. 1) Derek Barnett; 2) Yvonne Trafford; 3) -Martha Farrow. Class 17 - Lilacs - one branch; 1) Derek Barnett; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Thelma Gilbank; 4) James Lowery. Section B - Houseplants: Class 18 - One cactus; 1) Shelley Et- manskie; 2) Isabelle Trim; 3) Ine7 Harris. Class 19 - Hanging Basket - tradling plants; 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Flo Sharpe; 3) Eleanor Terrill. Class 20 - Houseplant - flowering - any variety; A. 1)> Shelley Etman- skie; 2) Eleanor Terrill; 3) Minnie Zegers; B. 1) Isabelle Challice; 2), Dorothy Barnett; 3) Lorna Atkins. Class 21 - Pot-et-Hleur; 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Doreen Lowery;,3) Don- na Hutton. Class 22 - Miniature Geranium; 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Doreen Lowery. Section C - Decorative: Class 23 - "Tip Toe Thru the Tulips" (Front View); 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Minnie, Zegers; 3), Isabelle. Challice. Class 24 - "Bridge over Troubled Water" - a water viewing design; 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Yvonne Mostert; 3) Isabelle Challice. > Class 25 - "A Sweet Violet" - small alI around arrangement featuring violets; 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Martha Farrow; 3) Donna Hutton; 4) Shelley Etmanskie. Class 26 - "There's No One Else" - a dining table arrangement suitable' for Mother's Day; 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Shelley Etmanskie. Class 27 - "Little Things Mean A Lot" - miniature (not to exceed 3" in any direction) - frnt view only; ý1) Yvonne Trafford; 2) Shelley Et- manskie; 3) Carol Mostert; 4) Min- nie Zegers. also earned the most points in the entire show. Prizes for the winners were pro- vided by Armstrongs IGA, Harvey Robinson and by the Orono Garden Centre. Many exhibits at Orono Spring- flower show On May l7th at the Orono have been invited to see the day lily United Church, Main Hall, spring gardens at Doug Lycett's inJuly. was evident with the lovely display On August 9, the annual flower of spring flowers and houseplants. and vegetable show will take place Members are to be dongratulated at 7:30 p.m. at Orono United' for the excellent entries wit h 20 ex- Church. Remember special com- hibitors and 160 exhibits. petitions of planters to be judged The meeting opened with singing the week of July Sth. Notify the 0' 1Canada, accompanied by Shirley secretary of your entries by July 7. Moffat. President Donna Hutton Once again the Junior Gardeners welcomed those present. Treasurer are planning the flower basket sale Adele McGill presented her report for Decoration Day in June. and also notified the mnembers the Flowers for the baskets would be society had recived a grant from appreciated, s0 notify Minnie the Town of Newcastle. Yvonne Zegers if you have extra. November Traffo rd presented the Secretayy's 20' is the date set, for a speciai report and correspondence was celebration of' Orono Junior read. Gardeners 3th Anniversary. Min- A tour of Mostert's Greenhouses nie would appreciate pictures etc. of on May 31 is planned and we meet the juniors. More details of this an- at the church at 6:45 p.m. Also we niversary later., Guest speaker, Marjorie Somner-' ville was introduced, by Thelma Gilbank. Marjorie showed beautiful slides of their trip to England and Scotland., Donna thanked Marjorie. Vicki Lesnick, judge of the show, gave a report and remarked on the excellent exhibits. A tasty lunch was served by Ruth Andrews, Peggy Blaschke, Eleanor Terrill and Isabelle Trim. Congratulations to the exhîbitors receiving the special prizs for the Spring Show: 1) Best Arrangement in Decorative Section. Won by Carol Mostert. Donated by Inez Harris. 2) Judge's Choice .- Best in show other than Decorative. Won by Minnie Zegers. Donated by Arm- strong 's IGA. 3) Most Points in Decorative Sec- tion. Won by Carol Mostert. Donated by Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono. 4) Most Points in Entire Show. Won by Carol Mostert. Donated by Orono Garden Centre. 5) Most Points in Tulip Classes. Won by Lorna Atkins. Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson. Spring Flower Show Resuits Section A - Specimen Cut Flowers: Class 1 - Tulips - Darwin - Red: 1) Lorna Atkins, 2) Inez Harris, 3) Minnie Zegers, 4) Doreen Lowery Class 2 - Tulips - Darwin - Yellow; 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Fbo Sharpe; 4) Carol, Mostert Class 3 - Tulips - Darwin - Pink; 1) Inez Harris; 2) Dorothy Barnett; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 5 - Tulips - Lily; 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Minnie Zegers. Class 6 - Tulips - Parrot, 1) Carol Mostert; 2), Lorna Atkins; 3) Dorothy Barnett. Class 7 - Tulips - Double; 1) Dorothy Barnett; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Pat Windatt. Class 8 - Tulips - One of each colour (3); 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Isabelle Challice. Class 9 - Narcissus - daffodil type - long trumpet; 1) Dorothy Barnett. Class 10 - Narcissus - short cup -1 flower; 1) Eleanor Terrill; 2) Mar- tha Farrow; 3) Carol Mostert. Class 1Il - Narcissus - Triandus -cluster type; 1) Shelley Etmanskie. Class 12 - Narcissus - any other variety; 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Marrha Farrow; 3) Minn ie Zegers. Class 13 - Lily of the Valley; A. 1) Thelma Gilbank; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Eleanor Terrill;, B. 1) tnez Harris; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Minnie Zegers., Class 14 - Any other flower from bulb or rhizom; 1) Minnie Zegers; Check-up TUrne!. Get your Lawn-Boy in top shape with Factory Authorized Lawn-Boy service. Here's what we do: * Clean engine, housing, muffier, gas tank, exhaust ports and air filter. * Clean and. adjust spark plug. * Check carburetor opJeration. * Test ignition system and switch. * Sharpen and balance blade. * Check compression and tighten * Test run and inspect engine. .24M-9 ROLPH Hardware4 DontWl roo Phone98-27 Minnie Zege rs - was the, winner of the Judge's Choice awa rd at the spring shopw with her exhibit of a fern. Lorna atkins took the most points in the tulip section while Carol Moster had the best arrnage- ment in the Decorative Class and