14-Orono Weekly Times, Wedinesday, lune 13, 1990 SERVCE IRECORYPhone SERVCE, IRECORY983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Oon't JusI Specialize" We Make Every Order Special Main Street, Orono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We Oeliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshiawa and Places In Btween "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street. Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Lt ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs -Ht-Fls Sales and Service Hopoîrt -1.C.A Frigidaire Whýtir)lpo S Woo's Freezer S1 Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Corne f0 . MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COQKING Eat tn. or Take Out Main Street, Orono _ý 983-5ý10 G"Thela test In fashion's for al limes and al needs 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Ou atity Body Work and Refinishing INSURANÇE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987.5071 FLO WERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS àê Kingu Street East Newcast le, Ontaro 087-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Studio, Quiality-Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Double D Gifts & Crafts MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9585 Handîcrafts Accepted on Consignment JEANISI1MONE SCHOOL- 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST, ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHI ROPRACTIC Office and Residence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc. Chropractor R.R. i KENDAL, OISTARIO LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510, LLOYD SCOT M COUNSELLtNG 1Specializing tri MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT-CHILO and - PERSONAL PROBLEMS, Omono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1iMo Appoinments and Inquiries 983-9792 "WHERE Q UAL/TV AND SERVICE COME FIRS T" WENDY B's DEPARTMENT ST09~E BOX 430, MAIN STREEi ORIONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 Wendy Partner, Prop. (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear,& Gifts, Suppliers of Teams, Schools & Clubs Coporate GifL Packages 102' Queen St., Bowmanvilte, Ontario LI ClM&6 j J. ayneAasen _ PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY. CLINIO 5 GeorgEY Street, Bowmanvi le, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS ic featuring aSpecialized Line of Martins Complete Extruded Horse Rations, anti Supplemnents Double Cleanetd 0ats, Blerîdsd Sweet Feed andi Pot Foodi Your Martn Feed Mlls Daer n Durham Region 5 Mi. East of OronoiHwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 FOR SALE SivrCross baby pram, excellent condition, pattern from original Engtish baby carniage, $700.00, phone 983-9409 or,983-9315. 6,13 ap Four Radial Mud - Terrain Tires and Rims, 8 stud 16.5 rims to fit Ford or Dodge (33.5 \ 12.5). Two 5 speed bikes b is, and hers, cal 983-9543. 6,1-3ap Farm Equipment International 45- square baler; bar type rake on steel; many older Toyota car parts and tire; Sedora 3 point hitch mhanure loader, phone 983-5928. 6,13 ap 1977 Nova, 6 cylinder, 130,000 miles, asking $850;00, 'Phone 983-5258. 6,1.3 a Cedar posts, potes, and tomber. Pickup or deliver, phonce I 705-432-2237.,- 6,3ap John Deere 21-20, with loaderand-.snow bucket, catI 983-8235 after 5:00 p.m. 6,1,3,20,27 ap Wedding dress with veil, large size, plus two bridesmaid dresses, colour lue, c'ati983-8235 after 5:00 p. M. 6, 13,20,27 ap Patio Slabs 16" x -16" $1.75 20" \ 20" $3.25 12" x 12" $1.00 W'eIl Tile 36" inside Diameter $44.00 Other Sizes Available Pontypool Concrete Products (Formerly Bethany Concrete) (705) 277-2442 tfn ASPARAGUS Rhody Farn Farmi Fresh - Cut1 R. R. 1,;Pontypo Bet cen IPontypoot & Be Tel. (705) 277-23. 30. Tractor- - Massey Fer 65, 6 ft. Ford lawn m bush hog, Ford auger, snowblower, $6,000, offer, phone 983-9517. Corn Stove Sales DOVE SERVICE KENDAL, ONTARIC (416) 983-9442 Give a fresh looki to your home. Get a decorative t her window put in yours door for a3 lhitte $149.00 installed, plus P.S.ý For More Informati Cal! Dave 623-9157 m Dailv 1979 GMC 4x4, free- wheeling hubs, 350, automatic, am/fm stereo, sliding rear window, flat bed, no rust, good paint, certified, $3,500 firm. Must seli. Phone 983-5178. 13,20 ap SIDES 0F BEEF $1.87 lb., custom eut, wrapped, frozen. Grain finished top quality beef. Buy direct from farm and Save. Cartwright Farm 983-9471 13,20 ap FRESH HAY Reserve yours now. Limited Quantity. Phone 983-5795. 13,20 ap FOR RENT ORONO - Two bedroom apartment, $640.00 per month, includes fridge, stovec, heat, hydro and park- ing. Available July lst. Phone 983-5185. 13,20 ap 3 bedroom house wvith garage and large lot in Bowmanville, near 'the hospital. Available July lst, $925 per month, plus utilities, phone 983-5428 after 5:00 p.m. 13,ap BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT COATWAM - Ken- andý Christine are proud to an- nounce the arrivai of twins,, bornWednesday, May l6th.. Melissa Lynn Cassandra weighing,5 lbs. 15 ozs. and Samantha Leigh Victoria weighing 6 lbs. 121/ ozs. Proud grandparents are Ted and Grace Coatham of Oronio and John and Ida Ward of Newcastle. 13,ac AUCTION SALE 001 Farmn Auction lethany Saturday, June 23rd 32 12:00 Noon 0,6, 13 ap Selling the excellent equip- Sment -of Barry and Leslie ýrguson James, Chiaitanya, Farms, nower. Kendal, farm located 2 km. , 6 ft. east of Kendal on Regional or best Road 9 and turn south on Soper Road. Zetor 7045 diesel 13Ï,20 _ac tractor with hardy loader (4 wheel drive, 900 hrs.), Vicon CM-216 dise hay mower (7 ft.), Vicon H--1240 double finger wheel rake (3 pth. like new), Vicon AP-1210'round baler (baled only 500 baies), zs JD-14T square baler, NH-69 0 square baler (needs repair), BTC super hay applicator, Horst hay wagon, Ford pull dise with cylinder, Turnco ~,finger harrow attachmnent, 'V11 Hardi sprayer '(3 pth.), LJ JD-609 rotary mower, nn Spramotor 7 ft. rear mount 'After", blade- (3 pth.), Rhno 'Post khole digger (12 in.), Vicon PS-203 fertilizer spreader (3 crmat pth.), Worksaver quick con- stect Inerit 3 pth.-attachment, round e a bale pick-ups, 6 ft. cultivator T. (3 pth.) chain harrows, T. McKee snowblower (3 pth. 6 onft. dual augers), Turf-till 8 hp. garden tiller, Kawasaki PW-33 portable water pump, 1979 Ford pick-up truck (8 cyl. as is), 16 tubular gates (14-18 ft.), Tandem axie, wagon, ski-doo trailer, GE- high tçnsile electric fence equipment and accessories, vinyl Webb snowfence, plastic and galvanized water troughs, quantities of steel post, cedar post, cedar. rail, barn board, cedar sheeting, 2x10 lumber, 4x4x14 ft. treated post (34 pcs.), 2 live traps, Chinook Hovercraft (no en gine) and other mise, items, NOTE: This auction has few small, items with modern equipment like new condi- tion. Farm listed and owners movîng. Terms: Cash or Good Cheque Proprietor: L James 416-983-9549 Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton Newtonville, 416-786-2244 IN MEMORIAMS MIDDLETON, Elmer In luving. mcmory of a dear brother 'who passed . away June 14, 1987. You neyer said goodibye to us, For perhaps, if s just as well, We neyer could have said goodbye, To one we-loved so welI. Lovingly remembered by sister Eunice and famnily. 13,ac MIDDLETON, ms In loving memory of a dear father who passed away June 18, 1986. He left us quiet/y, His thoughts unknown, But left-us a memory We are proud to own; So treasure him Lord, In, Your garden of rest; For when on earth, He was one of the best1. Lovingly remembered by daughter Eunice and family. 13,ac -TAFFORD MON UMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmahvilie, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT 0F TOWN ÇdALLTOLL FREE' 1 -800-461-4848 Granite monuments, Markers, and Cemeýtery Lettering Private home or showvroom apPoîntments 1 aval lable , Serving ail faiths fleferences available on request Atter Hours Cail Oshawa 1-416-579L-1116 CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1990 guide to study-at- home correspondence Diploma courses for prestig-ious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cos- metology, Electronios, Legal!- Medical Secretary, Psy- chology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. MARKEL 1-860-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Caireers? Financing(,? Tax Deductible? We've got the answ,,,ers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265- 7173. BUSINESS OPPS. INVEST $ 12,000 in a high end deck waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality produet fine allows for abov'*e average creturn on investment. We supply opening inventory, tools and training. Successful dealerships established across Canada. ,Phone colleet Mr. D. Chaisson (6Ç4) 860-1200. RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdi9cs, Nintenido, and Video 1Movie1 leasing. We are well-stocked, fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rotation. You select your invenitory. Canada-wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. ÇJET A LIFE in the mountains! Foul servicesalon for sale. Great staff and great place to live. Cal! The Barber Shop, Box 293, Reveistoke, B.C. VOE 2S0. (604) 837-3687 evenings, (604) 837-3649 days. EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big-baitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odorless operation. Low invstmnt.Market guar- anteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology. RR#1 Smithvïlle, Ontaio, LOR 2A0, (4,16) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farm, RR#7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm,,Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK IJO, (613) 378- 0023.' MAKE $ 100/14R. + part or fuil-time. Open your own stop smoking or weighit loss centre. $1 ,985. investment. Lightlaser, #4216, 2835-23 St. N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 7A4. (403) 291-2864. HELP MWANTED TRAIN TO MANAGE an -apartment/condominium comrplex. The governiment licenced homestudy certifi- cation includes -free placement assistance. Free brochure: (604) 681-5456- or: RMTJ, 1120-789 W. Pender, Van- couver, BC, V6C 1H2. (Continued page 13) TV 'VCR -STEREO, Service Calis $1,995 ESTIMATES GIVEN 983-,5082 J0,HNM H RUSKA Licensed , 1 5 Years Experience