Orono 's Strawberry Festival Day -Saturday Well! what do you think? Many interesting e vents slated .Saturday'locally W hen you put it ail together Saturday, June 23rd is a day not to be missed in the Village of Orono. Surely there is something for everyone. It all comes together with a Strawberry social, a Customer Ap- preciation Day, giant Yard Sale and a host of events in the downtown area. The Orono Town Hall Board promotes a strawberry, social in the hall from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. along with musical selections by quitarist Ed Hoad and flutist Linda Shewchuk. It's fresh picked strawberries with real whipped cream, tea, cof- fee and cake. A treat not to be miss- ed. The Durham Farmers' County Co-op are to be strong on their event of a customer appreciation day offering 10 percent off on al With Mac Ransberry down on his Mac tels us it's most important Ag. rep. knee andhaving test the result of. in the curing process to.have the hay Demonstrations were the feature one of the machines at Hay Day on properly turned. of the event with equipment from the Berry, farm west of Orono last In ail there was some $2 million across Canada and the U.S. week asks the question "Well, what worth of equipment at Hay Day, demonstrated and on show. There do you think". according to John Finlay, the local was a critical audience oresent. 35c. a copy PUDISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 20, 1990 Dr. ertel qestions moving waste from Port Granby dump Dr. Roselie Berteil, a frequent speaker in tis area concerning radiation and public health, was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group held in Newcastle Village. Bertell in her address and dialogue with members of the com- mittee did expressconcerns in mov- ing low level waste from such as the Port Granby dump site which was a site used for waste from the former Eldorado facility in Port Hope. The Port Granby site contains some 650,000 cubic metres of low level waste. Bertell said any cleanup of the Port Granby site would be dangerous and it may require the evacuation of the immediate area. To remove the waste "you are go- ing to dîsturb the soil, raîse dust and gas," she sai,., BertelI said it is possible to seal in the waste. Dr. Berteil is a member of the In- ternational Institute of Concern for Public Health and has studied the effects of radiation on the human race, both short. and long-term, from around the world. It was timely that she should speak to.the Newcastle Community Liaison Group as they are to report to both the Town of Newcastleand the Federal Siting Task Force on means -at handling low level waste that is within the boundaries of the municipality (Port Granby). The committee has three options of con- sideration that of being a host com- munîty, a transport community or a (Continued page 9.) in-store non-sale items. Added to this is the .25c. ice crea m cone and a number of couponl sale items outlin- ed in a mailed flyer which wîll or has arrived this week. The Co-op event sta rts Friday noon and continues till 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. The Orono Estates have organiz-. ed their annual giant yard sale which has always been a big attrac- tion for those interested in yard sales.. Twenty homes are par- ticipating in the event this year be- mng held on' Staurday. In case of ramn it will be held on Sunday. And then downtown a number of features are planned including sidewalk sales, outdoor cafes, strolling musicians, speakers' cor- ner. town crier and bargains galore.. It's a community event with a lot of interest and participation. Plan to be part 'of the activities. Seek approval for. Rock Festival - Mosport Park According to information submit- ted at the General Purpose commit- tee meeting on Monday at the Town of Newcastle approval for a Rock Festival at Mosport Park is being sought. The event would be staged by Truly Amazing Productions on the holiday week-end in August. Larry Kotseff, Town Ad- ministrator said there were two issues to be considered: - if the event is permnitted at Mosport and adherance to the Special Events by- law. it was stated that if the event was permitted and conditions of the Special Events by-law were met the event could not be denied. Kotseff sald the Town's leagl consel were looking into the issue. Counc. Stapleton said the issue had to be given consideration and that it would draw a lot of people. He spoke of aggravation in the past over such an event but also com- mented there was economic gains. On a motion by Stapleton and Hannah a permit for the event must be first approved by coundil. C..laims lot landlocked asks help of council Lloyd Stevenson of Newcastle gave council members a lot to think about on Monday., I', frustrated and I'm asking your assistance", he said. -I can't seîl my land because they sa y its land locked." -Stevenson pointed out that tie and his daughter owned some 375 frontage on King Street with a depth of 502 feet located just west of the Newcastle Park. He said he had been trying to sel (Continued page 7) Matthews & Associates cuts ribbon at Newcastle Office SENIOR CEES FINAL MEETING The Orono Senior Cees enjoyed their final meeting of the season by attending the Rebekah Luncheon, followed by cards. The winners were: Hilda Caswell with 76; Af Pigott with 74; Myrtît Reid with 67 and Low score Mamian Staples. Bingo prîze was won by Reg. Eliott. TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall card party winners for June l3th: Ber- tha Fisher with 88; Marie Couroux and Vi Hayward each with 80; Wes Wood and Marg Linton each with 79. Low score Kay Beggs. Draw winners- Norma Moffat, Tom Wilson, Alec Moffat, Vi Hayward and Marg Linton. Cards will be held on Wednesday even- ings until the end of June. Ladies please bring lunch. FAMILY ROLLER SKATING The Orono Mrena will be holding a Faxily Roller Skating evening on Saturday, June 30, 1990 beginning at 8:00 p.m. Adults and children are invited (children to be accompanied by an aduit), with admission $2.50 per person or $6.00 per faniily, which includes skate rentaI. On Tlhursday, June 14, the new allow the ribbon cutting ceremnony branch manager, Pauline Mote Matthews and Associates Insurance to go off without a hîtch. many happy years of business in Agency, at 86 King Street West, Councillor Hamre declared the Newcastle. Sam, Cureatz, Q.C., Newcastle was officially opened by office officially open on behalf of M.P.P., was also in attendance, Councillor Diane Hamre. A heavy the Mayor of Newcastle, and alI (Continued page 7) thunderstorm cleared just in time to council members, and wished the jia