6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 4. 1990 Orono/Lockhart Vo/un teers' luncheon St. Saviour's church hall, was the venue for this year's Orono/Lockhart Public Sehool Volunteer' Appreciation Lunch, held on Wednesday at noon. A tas- ty buffet style lunch, provided by thè Orono and Lockhart Public School teachers, was enjoyed by the parent volunteers from both schools. The table place settings were complimented by laminated place mats, consisting- of varjous scenes and logos which were created by the school children as a special art pro- ject. Following the lunch, a huge ic- ed cake, in appreciation of the volunteers work during the school year, was served to all. Outdoor Theatre (Continued from page 1) by local audiences. Amesbury says that he is particularly pleased to see brother and sister Westbrook, and Ellis "living up to the promise" shown in the early 1980's as they now rehearse the roles of "Adam" and "Eve" for the Betbany Out- door Theatre Production. "For we are Eve and we are Adam, and we are Noah" sings the entire all-age, al-denomination cast in a glorious musical finale written by Montgomery. It is appropriate that Westbrook and Ellis look, sound and move alike, for Adam and Eve were created fromn One, a point which has modemn significance. Director Mary Neill, Professor of Englisb and Drama at the Universi- ty of Western Ontario, bas enlisted the talents of her daughter Elizabeth to choreograph modemn dance movemnents into the already graceful and dramatic stage interac- tion of Adam and Eve as they discover the wonders of the newly created earth. A dance of celebration has also been choregraphed for the family of Noah; whose character is portrayed by Amesbury. -'1It's a great script" said Amesbury, "and I enjoy my character." With a laugb, the actor who has many tîmes appeared in Bowmanvlle Drama Workshop pro- ductions added that the role of Noah "suited his personality." "I get to yell at everybody," he joked. Lycett's character, "Arioch", and the "Babylonian" characters played by the Vander Schee brothers, Hansen and Jones, will be enacted from the place of the au- dience to help create for it the at- mosphere of Babylonia, an element integral to the play. in addition to Arioch, the Babylonians, Adam, Eve and the Noah story personalities, -Genesis" audiences will meet Cain, Abel and- the double- In a short address to the volunteers, Orono Public School Vice-Principal Jon Leith said, that through their involvement, the volunteers added a totally new dimension to the school, and made it a much better place for the children. A special presentation was made to Collen Francey, by Lockhart School Principal, Mr. Stewart, for taking a computer course in ber own time, to enable ber to provide new skills for the children. AIl the parent/volunteers were presented with a diploma recogniz- ing their commitment to the school and children during the school year, which was followed by a warm charactered narrator "Anybody/Ezra", who was modelled after the "Everyman" role of medieval mystery plays. The play promises a myriad of special effects, including the birth of Adam appearing literally from the sil, the animation of a mechanical serpent, and "sense- around" harmony in the "Voices of God". The close of the last act will feature actual fireworks. ' Genesis" tickets $6 gate and $3 children. Devil's Elbow Ski Resort is located just north of the Village of Bethany. Take Highway 35 to Highway 7A East and watch for signs. Performances begin at 8:15 P.m. Kî rby studU-ent a wînner A grade three student at Kirby Centennial Public School is one of six winning entries in a provincial haiku contest sponsored by the Japan Airlines. Bradley Galley received the honour for bis entry which will be published in an anthology of childrens' haiku from around the world. It may also be displayed at Japan Airlines Haiku Wall at Expo 90. Bradley's winning entry follows: "As the wheat fields flow and the summer breeze rolîs by I listen to sweet summer sounds. - Congratulations. Four grade six students from Per- cy Centennial Public School plac- ed first in the Junior Division at the Provincial Think Bowl Competition held recently in Niagara Falls, On- tario. The students had two hours to devise an action plan that would create an ideal school and to mnap out a dramatic presentation for their solutions. The Percy students were com- peting against teams from seven other boards including Halton, Peel and Durham Boardsof Education., round ot applause trom the teacliers pi esent. The Orono and Lockhart Public Schools are fortunate in having a group of dedicated volunteers, who work with the children throughout the year, on a regular weekly basis. CoIIect Your AMEMCAN LEAqGUE BASE BALL PINS! ONLY - A NEW PIN FRAME YOUR EVERY WEEK: COLLECTION COLLECT THE r FOR ONLY COMPLETE SET! ec~*~ .,,h. f heo25 Lo.(g-oeow 2 ho lhe o o c C ' u crot .oh W L , e o $ p P l to s o st T h s p r o m o f o -e " -. 2i cp . t n g o t e 5 *MRL AJO UE BASEBALLI '111nCIAL SoFI' rDRINK 0F MAjOR LEAGUE BASEBALL s OPEN 24 HOURS Bt"COCA-COLA CLASSIC" and "COKE CLASSC are egiseed trademarks which idenfty only the same product of Coca-Cola Lid. OR ONO V PLUS Rob and Elaine Burns R. R. 2, Orono, Ontario North Cf 8th Concession Clarke, West sîde Of Hwy. 115 ........ .. ............ ..... . .....