Newton-ville Alive by Peggy Mullan OronoWeekly Times, Wednesday, July 18, 1990-9 Town 's public library r eceives $103,187 grant by Gord Milîs Ontario Culture and Com- munications Minister Hugh O'Neill recently announced that sixty-five public libraries and municipalities contracting for library service in Central Ontario will receive a total of $3,819,639 in grants to support library services for the 1990/91 fiscal year. The grant represents an increase of four per cent over last year's funding. Grants are calculated on a per household basis. This year the transfer payments will be made in one instalîment SO that libraries will receive 100 per cent of their grant early in the fiscal year. "Ontario public libraries are dynamic infor- "Canada Day Cooks" na and Phil;,the U.C.W. gals, and air. Congratulations are extended (1-r) Bill Kimbaîl, Ralph Mcln- quite a few others got together to to ail whoput their hearts into this nes, Wally Boughen, Donna Robins organize and pull off this grand 1990 July lst celebration. and Phil Gilmer. traditon here in our own communi-.. It's community minded people ty. When one meets up with those such as these five Canada Day With six roasts at forty pounds particular friendly, hospitable volunteers, that the Annual Beef each, baked potatoes, home cooked folks, warm feelings inside far out- Barbeque in Newtonville is always a beans and more, flags waving on shine any others one might have, of great success. every picnie table, and smiles in the not being welcomed... Besides, Bil, Ralph, Wally, Don- Another traditional sight, come black signs adorning the lawn of the awesome, and ever 50 contraversial Canada Day each. year for over 20 Boughen's in Newtonville. for Canadians, particularly with the years, are the bright red, white and "I'm for one Canada," frantic goings on nowadays. mation and cultural centres which serve changing and diverse com- munities," said O'Neill. "In today's complex world, informa- tion is power. Public libraries have resources which wilI help ail people in Ontario to be active and inform- ed members of society." O'Neill .continued, "Library ser- vices must be available to everyone in the province. My minlstry will continue to assist libraries in pro- viding the services and materials to their communities." In this area, Newcastle Public Library Board received a grant of $103,187, and Oshawa Public Library Board received $337,353. 0OOOD FOOD GREAT VALUE DAILY SPECIAL Includes Soup or Salad Choice of Potato and Vegetable $5.95 Mon. - Hot Beef Tues. - Pork Chops Wed. - 15c Wings Thurs. - Hot Turkey Fri. - Fish & Chips Sat. - Hot Hamburger and 15s Wings after 9:00 p.m. NORTH END QARDENS 8 MILES NORTH 0F 401 HIGHWAY ON HIGHWAY 115135 983-9755 OS Sertes Cutters: oN OU LOWEST PRICED CUTTERS Little Scoops... - Thank you to Arlene Phil lips for passing on some lovely photos of the June 10, Newtonville U.C. Charge Picnic (CA.P.). The well- attended event was held at the home of Joyce Boudreau in Kendal. Here, youngsters "hop" into the where participants paraded self- Everything was topped off with an forefront in the sack races. There made hats of the comical nature, as appetizing pot-luck dinner. AlI in was a 'water balloon toss, a well as several other activities. ail, a fun-filled successful pienic. children's and adults cap contest - Attention Kids! Finally, we are getting dances at Newtonville Hall. The first dance is set for Saturday, July 28 from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. The cost is $1.50 each at the door. Refreshments available. (Chaperone on duty) Circle this date on your calendar! - Thank you to dance initiator Susan Barton, who, on behaîf of several parents, approa ched the Hall Board, that kids would have something to look forward to here in Newtonville throughout the sum- mer. - Happy Sweet 16th Birthday to Jan Farrow, July 19. - Euchre Update - Top scores from (Continued page 10) * Match needs with 4-, 5- and 6-foot widths * Mow fast, clean around -buildings and farrnyards * Remember, John Deere quality and service corne with this great deal ,, 4EVERGRE EN2 FAM& GARDEN LTD. JON NDEERE SALES & 5eERVICE Taunton Road, 2 miles.west of Hwy. 115 (416) 983-9119 77- 00 '775 . 01