lO-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 18, 1990 fNemwtoàunv ille Alive (Continued) June 29, Charlie Finnie 80, Norma Moffat 78, John Foster 78, Eileen Siapleton 76, Leta McAllister 75, Gladys Dines, 74; on the draw, Maurice O'Neill, Fran Dart, Lena Graham and Edgar Milîson. -and from July 13 - Milford Simmerson 79, Charlie American visitors Bud Bixby (ight) of Boston and son-in-law Thomas Richard of Mason, New Hampshire stopped in at Newton- ville on their way back from the SkyDome in' Toronto, after waî- ching the Blue Jays play Los Angeles, June 3th. "Very, very impressiv!" botb agreed. It was Bird's first trip to Canada in, maybe 40 years, be was equally Believe it or not, we are almosi into mid summer, suddenly, it seems we are finding a little more time to sit back and enjoy our sur- Finnie 74, Jean Johncox 73, Kay Battersby 72, Meda Stapleton 72, Edgar Milîson 72. Winners on the draw were: Myrtie Aldread, Reg Ellioti, Neitie Gordon, Jean O'Neill and Carol Sapleton. -Ail welcome to next game - July 29 ai the Hall. imp 1ressed with the overal cleanliness of the city and surroun- ding countryside. What was quite surprising from our end was ihat news of Meech Lake and the continuing Quebec fiasco bas filîered down soutb of the border. Probably as confused, if flot more so, Americans are ask- ing,, "Wbat the beck is going on up ibere?" (You tell me!) roundings, as gardens are mnaturing and blossoming more fully by the day. Enjoy! By Terry O'Shaughnessy Like unacclimatised birds wbo must migrate south every winier 10 avoid Canada's barsb winters, federal members of Parliament recenily left their stormy Ottawa posts and headed back to their home ridings. No doubt, ibey were happy t0 be getiing away from the fractious, antagonisiic, and disillusioned group ibai passed for Parliament follow- ing the demise of the Meecb Lake Accord. And in ibis period of Meech fal-out, it certainly looks as though al three major federal parties (at leasi t he last report said ihere were still only îbree) will continue to be inîernally divided on ibis issue wicb bas un- wiiingly served as a watersbed for Canada's very ideniity. .But other issues have also put MPs tbrougb ibe wringer during the lasi session. The proposed Goods and Services Tax, for example, îurned the beai up under most MPs and down- right burned others as iwo former Tory caucus members-Alex Kindy and David Kilgour, botb of Alberta- can atiesi. As for wbat will greet MPs wben îbey returfi home, ihaî's anyone's guess. Certainly ibis country is divided as neyer before and regional pressures will no doubi become even more pronounced ihan tbey usually are. But lest it sound that one feels sonry for ibese beleaguened veterans of the mosi venomous session of parliameni in a long wvile, it must be pointed oui Prort Hlope plant feeling the pinch hi a dogt market- Worker at the Cameco opera- tion ii Port Hope are questioni- ing their future witb the firm as 1991 nears. This year workers face a three monîh layoff through the sum- mer months of July, August aýqd September. The plant ex- pF-Ûs to stant operation in mid OctýLber. J4 î s tradiîionally, th e past years,,Vs holiday time. Cameço faces increased com- petition ,long with low prices in the uranium market. Althoug h no one now knows for sure 1991 could again see a sirilar shut-down as being recorded this year. ibat it was a baîtle largely of iheir own making. From the seven-day meeting of first ministers in Ottawa just previ- ous to ihe Meech deadline to the deceiful and manipulative GST cam- paîgn, Canadians are surely wondering what ihey have done to deserve such government. It is difficult to, îhink of a previous time wben our elecied representatives have been held in such low esteem. The faci of the maiter is, the public deserves some answers from ihese MPs. As Churchill might have said about our political leaders: 'never have so few owed so mucb to 50 many". $ay wbaî you will, sucb poor repre'sentation from tbose who ostensibly serve the public must flot go unaccounted for. So, as eacb and every member of Parliament heads oui of the batîle- scarred capital to, reach the hopefully milder climate of their home ridings, make it a point ibis summer to talk to your MP about the issues ihai concern you. Thbe anger, conicern, approval and suggestions orf the public reacb government dcicly ihrough each irepreseniiative. Voiers will flot be serving iheir representatives well by staying mute on the critical issues of ibe day. In ihese cballenging limes, more energy and vision will be demanded of our politi- cians tban ever before. If you suspect thai tbis is flot being supplied from our current crop, ibis summer is the time t0 say so. CFIB Feature Service The compnay' announced in Decembher thiat there would be a so donin Ituneiof 1990 and a ' clsigfo he înext three mon- ths. F BDB s eek young entrepreneurs (Continued from page 8) boans and boan guarantees, venture capital, and a broad range of management training, counselling and planning services. FBDB clients employed 181,000 workers and created beîween 8,000 and 10,000 new jobs in fiscal 1989. Haîf of these new jobs were created in non- meiropolitan areas of the country. Letter, to the Edîtor Dear Sir: July 21 is a special day at Darl ington Provincial Park. It is on this day that we have our annual Goofy Olympics. Goofy Olympics is a family affair with various competi- tions for moms and dads as well as the kids. We run many different kinds of races ïncluding the three legged race, wheelbarrow race, seal racés and an obstacle course. Many prizes can be won at this event, whicb takes place ai 1 p.m. on July 2lst at the Visitor Information Cen- tre ai Darlington Provincial Park. For anyone who is camping in the park, a film nigbt will be presented in the evening at 9 p.m. at our Ont- door Theatre. We ask your help in promoting these park activities by advertising îbem in your paper. If it is possible for you to cover the story on July 2 1st, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, David J. Dunnigan Park Superintendent Sîummer of our discontent MacGregor ý_UflTIONSERVICES "IËt&TZ OCNSIGýNMENTS, HOUÊrEHOfL0$ ,BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS' SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Cali for FRlîF Qqnf icnrtial Consultation Mike MacGregor 44.1î»-_54_Ô2 Junior West 416983M665 Af fordable Dream Vacations!' * Free Vacation Planning Services * Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations * Airline Tickets 0 Honeymnoon Packages 9 Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL& CORPORATE TRAVEIL SERVICES Travel Agents Internation We're with you lal the way 68,KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600 VEWRS CHOICE VIDEO & T.V.. IN1 MAIN STREET, ORONO VIDEO AND FAMIL Y EN TER TA 1NMEN T CENTRE VIDEO (50 in stock) POOL TABLES ARCADE MACHINES 983-9l89% e,0 NOTICE ýý Clarke Hi'gh School SUMMER OFFICE HOURS OFFICE CLOSED Monday, JuIy 23 ta Friday, August 10. (Inclusive) Except Wednesday, July 25, August 1 and August 8 between 10:00 a.m. ta 12:00 Noon when the office wiII be open Oý"