Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 18, 1990-3 Happy l8th Birthday Mike Light hearted. . It was in a good frame lof mind and somewhat light-hearted that we attended a community meeting in the Orono) Town Hall last T1uesday A ptir w'm a wr' Directd, aol tr Wigdlt r. w> ra d 'rt pkn ognapesg anteei o en feneo h wa epo t o rtt pui . Four spe Arus we woudepect te btudya Daietor aoy odad a peson h nt forepublvric ela-e mtingisandrerqitwsaofconslt ing bèanhre s tobecnoofne hof they greerapubli to whichte osul- tfatcides. Cobnsutprtquestionfashtr anrouis ee epesented btut hatg amsitaysbet.S h eSomene fro avertise hen meeingad sot wfsua spars loi attedanr c abeit wod ulthae been0,0.Anadmnbecausevho do yu- Conulthat reporeint comins anofuriouewcs thesedysuhinger vcalmost ay sBjec t. Sca h Goiesng ack s fomte ouryeearsg inthe Town.wn hoghtesm O Ilrono Station t was to be the ultimate with f eed back from ail corners of the com- munity on recreation and culture. t was to be the mainstay in decison makîng a mo-del ot pubhic input Fire Calis The following fire calls were received by the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, Station 3, Orono during the week of July 9 to July 15, 1990. Monday, July 9 pumper 3, responded from 5:52 to 6:23 p.m. to a car fire one mile west of Highway.115 on the 8th Conces- son. Thursday, July 12 pumper 3 assisted ambulance at Gibb's Road, Tyrone between 12:05 a.m. to 12:-21 a.m. Pumper 3 also responded at 9:24 p.m. to a motor vehicle acci- quirement set down by the Region of Durham and to be undertaken prior to any development happen- ing. The condition was met in that a report was undertaken. It meant nothing more than opening the flood gates. A waste of time and money. A note fior composters Talking to our neighbour Leroy Myles this week-end our attention was drawn to his compost pile, some 10'xlO' and 2' to 3' high. "What are you growing, watermelons on your compost pile?" "No they are squash." To say the least they certainly are healthy vines and within a few days the compost pile will be covered. It's esthetic antd a conversation piece with just a few seeds dropped along the base of the pile a couple of weeks ago. Now why-didn't I think of that. dent on Highway 115, which was cancelled on arrival. Saturday, JuIy 14 between 2:42 p.m. and 5:32 pumper 3 and tanker 3 responded to a house fire, Main Street, Orono. Sunday, JuIy 15 pumper 3 bet- ween 10:59 p., and 11:32 p.m. responded te, an electrica fire, Con- cession 5, Lot 26, former Township of Clarke. J 1ob Printing, 0f ail kinds Orono Weekly limes 983-5301 ROY'S WINDOW SALES MAIN STREET, ORONO Saturday, JuIy 28th WATCH FOR DETA ILS We Also Have Fax Service PHIIP PISANU ~O"~RUCdO\ III) i HOM~ we Imasry te f -thE oga a- tion or of their, plans. t was said at one trne by so- meone that should have known that the NCSAB structure was similar to that of aconsultant's report for a community in the Hamilton area. Only the name changed. Be it so or not it doesn't matter now but then on going over the Goals as presented last week in the Orono Town Hall it was ahl a matter of administration. As such it would be an internai matter and what need is there to go to the general public. We have always contended that we get what we want from reports. Consultants make sure of this whether it's for a municipality, a developer and whoever. Those who) pay the piper will like the tune. To say the least we did enjoy the meeting and there was a chuckle or two. This was especially so when somehow or other the destruction of the Courtice area environmenr through deveiopment was brought up and that sucli would not have happened if an environmental study had been undertakui. ht so happens an environnental study was undertaken. it was a re- I *1 INTRODUCES ALCAN BUILDING PRODUCTS Our new Aluminium and Vinyl Sding Division also includes Soffît, Fascia and Eavestroughîng. Aluminum, Vinyl and Wood Replacement Windows, Doors and Garage Doors. We offer a full Roofing service including repairs to structure and a fulllluneof Asphait and Red Wood Shinglés (Cedar) including installation. Ail Steel Siding and Roofings available. A 416-983-5872 A~rounad Home~ . ............ .