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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1990, p. 4

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4.Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, July 18, 1990, Just George .... l Town drops the guantiet for late corners KAREN COPPJNG Karen Copping, daughter of Mr.- & Mrs. Robert Copping, Orono, graduated frorn Sir S andford Flem- ing College in Business Administra- tion, Human Resource Manage- ment. Karen has accepted a position with Cadîllac Fairview Corporation in the Human Resource Depart- ment. Coun cil Briefs Council on Monday filed a letter from Gertrude E. Gray of Edwards Street, Newcastle Village which op- posed the construction of the Ed- wards Street bridge linking the Foster Creek sub-division with the core of downtown Newcastle. The bridge is a condition of the developrnent plan of the sub- division and is now expected to be completed this year. Gray has opposed the bridge since its inception to which reference was made on Monday by Counce. Hamre. Harnre stated that others in the village support the construction of the bridge bringing a link between the sub-division and the village pro- per. When Counc. Hooper rnoved that the letter bc referred to Public works for a report Harnre objected and was supported by members of council. No action is to be taken on the letter. The Great Pineridge Kinsmen Club have postponed their street dance from late in July, to now be- ing held on Saturday, August 1l th. The July date had conflicted with a renta i ii the Orono Town Hall, which had already been booked. It was recomnmended at council that the Kinsmen be contacted to see if the location could be moved front Park Street in the downtown area to the parking lot at the arena. An approval of comrnittee for the Becas Development Lirited' pro- posai to open and construct a road allowance between lots 18 and 19 south of. concession road in the former Clarke Township bas been returned to the Public Works departmenit For a further report.' Counc. Hamire said Caspari brought the problem on himself by landlocking the parcel of land through sale of property'. , She also said taxpayers would have to pay for the upkeep of the road and there were no escalating clauses in the agreement. Last week Counc. Harnre com- mended the public works depart- ment for finally settling the issue which has been around for years. A Mr. Heggie spoke to council on the matter stating that the opening of the road would double his taxes on his land and he would loose his privacy. Canada Post is about to impie- ment mail delivery by Comrnunity Mailboxes in the Village of Newcas- tle, states a letter from Canada Post as of September this year. Today 1 want to taik about age. This is a physicai burden we ail have to accept, it can't be changed, but iuckiiy it can often be carnafiouged. (and usuaiiy is). Most women, wili attest to the vaiidity of that pro- gnosis. .When we are young, we frequent- iy w ish we were older, but when the ravishes of time start appearing, our wishes are reversed. Naturaily 'm generalizing, for cosmetic science has progressed so far,, that even that annoyance has been iargeiy eiirinated. It is airnost impossible to deduce a wornan 's age anyrnore (and who the heck wants to anyway?). But fortunateiy the maie gender isn't able ro appiy the sarne technique with any rneasure of success, so we fabricate a littie!! How rnany tirnes have you heard the expression, he, (or she) bas grown oid gracefuliy? 1 feei this is a siily thing to say, for you are either giving away your own age, or being very polite!! Fither way it's a risky staternent!! For sorne reason this seidorn refers to a man, for if he tries to act young, during rniddle age, he's often labeiied, "A siliy oid foo. " However, apart frorn the physicai attributes of either sex, it is the internai, not externai personaii- ty that counts. You don't reaily 'know' a person by their ap- pearance. .But here we enter into the realrn of experience. Looks alone wiil only carry you 50 far, so without the knowiedge that usuaily oniy cornes with age, you are likeiy to 'give the game away' very rapidiy. How often do we hear the expres- sion "«act you're age!" This is one of the most' defiating rernarks I've ever heard. You can change your looks, your dress, or your mind, - but not your age. And so rernember, there's nothing wrong with being an 'oid timer', without us there wouidn't be any youngsters, wouid there? Have a good summer everyone, (if 'it ever stops raining) and be yourself, that's what you're best at doing. Just George Pot Pourrie corner Gord's View P'm no "handy-man" by Gord Milîs Every family has one, and if you are "lucky" enough flot to have one in your own farnily, then every neighborhood has one. Has what? - the relative or neighbor who can do everything "exactiy" right. You know the type, draws a scale plan no less, to build a 12 inch square bird -feeder. Makes "us" average types feel as though we have three arms when ever we mention that we have a project going with words like, "don't do any cutting until 1 getover there." I'm not a handyman, not even an They have asked the Town for approval to locate one of the centres on Town property at the Newcastle fire hall. The request has been referred to the Fire Chief for comment. The letter brought up the subject of mail service in the town when Mayor Hubbard said it was difficuit to nail down Canada Post. She said while she was getting one answer through phone conversa- tions Counce. Stapleton was getting different afiswers. l'Il be writing letters over this issue of possible closing of the Post Office in Newcastle Village and ser- ving the public frorn private outlets. Council Hannah said he now understands that with the changes in Courtice that door to door delivery which is in effect in some areas is suppose to be discontinued and replaced with the Community Mail Boxes. He said this is not what we bargained for when we (the Town) paid $42,000 to improve mail ser- vice in Courtice. We didn't ask them to take away service, he said. Hannah is to meet with the plan- ning director, Frank Wu, over this proposed move by Canada Post. Theoffiçiai opening of the nor- thern fire station in Enniskillen has been moved ahead to Friday, July 27th at noon. The Town of Newcastle supports a City of Chathamn resolution to the province of Ontario to impiement a refundable deposit program for al soft drink containers and other nonrefillable containers. average one, for example: A few weeks back 1 tackled the bathroom floor, a simple recover job. Lay newspaper on the floor, draw the pattern out, including the tough bit, around the "thunder box", transfer patterni to new flooring,1 then presto, the new stuff fits a glove!!! It should, but if you, like me, are not the average "handyman", you traced the pattern on the wrong side of the covering, because you could' see where to eut it better, right wrong! The hole cut out for the allowance of the "thunder box", came out on the wrong side of the room. Now you understand a littie about my "handyness" it will help you to understand how rnuch 1 laughed over the Hubble Space Telescope fiasco. The "thunderclap" not "thunder box" news frorn the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administra-' tion is that The Hubble Space Telescope wil have no special value because it can't produce star images any sharper than those frorn the best ground-ievel instruments. The cause apparently, is due to an "infinitesirnal" error in the manufacture of one 'or both of its focusing mirrors. The U.S. Con- gress is apparently "dumbfounded" about how the er- ror could have been made yet not detected. It seerns that to work, the mirrors in the space telescope had to be polished to shrink earth's big- gest bump, Mount Fvýerest, front 29,000 feet to 4 inches high. The mirror's surfaces in fact did corne out that smooth, but it seems that no one checked to see if they were bent the right way or the wrong way. You guessed it, they were bent the wrong way. For sure, those who worked on the telescope, between thern, had at least a ýwagon-load of degree's of one sort or another. In spite of this great assembly of expertise, they al joined hands to make a colossal $2 billion-plus screw up. So what's the big deal with me' being a lousy "handyrnan", for one thing 1 didn't put the bathroom floor up in space where 1 couldn't get at it, and another piece of floor covering was only 56 bucks anyway. The so called, "experts" didn't seem so hot to me, after the "Hub- bie Hodgepodge", the way 1 saw it. Corne the first rneeting of counii in September there wiIl be no qu[arters given for late arrivais in wanting to speak to councii or to the Generai Purpose cornmittee. On Monday Counc. Harnre ob- jected to the addition of two further delegations wishing to speak at the council meeting, The printed agenda aiready had 18 speakers wishing to speak to council. Counce. Harnre said the issue had- corne to a head and she couid not support additions. She pointed out that the Town's poiicy required that delegations wishing to speak at counicil or the Generai Purpose cornmittee were to, register by Wednesday prior to the rneetings. She aiso said the poiicy has repeatediy been set aside and ap- Thurs. 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. provals of additions had becorne the norm at the rneetings. .Counc. Harnre suggested that council return to their set policy of registering to vote by Wednesday. Counc. Hooper said council had ignored their policy for sornie time but that he was in favour of the Wednesday policy. Coune. Stapleton, however, presented a motion to suspend the, rules se, additions could be rnade. He received no seconder and was told that the 'motion did violate the Town's procedure. The two wishing to speak at the meeting were denied their requests and later in the'iuieeting it was mov- ed that council adhere to their policy requiring those wishing to speak to register by Wednesday prior to the meetings. Frn. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Sunday Closed 50 cc Reg. $528.95 Sale$46.95 38 cc Reg. $379.95, 61 cc Reg. $605.95 Sale $ffl.95 Sale $519.56 ------------- Up to $C70.OO OFF Retail Price Free Chain With Every Saw Free Bar Guard and, File Kit 50-3.0Ocu. in. 49cc Easy to use ou tough lobs, flus cfrai Saw pots prof essional Perfouoance irfo the han ds of non- profesionals. Efficient, quiet, oîbratioo damperred, tee 50 s perfect tor part-tîme usr wfio dema nd fultîme performance. lourtia actioated cfiau brake standard OHusqvana 61-3.8 cu. in. 61.5cc Iduai for farmers. homneoo.ners. ufîfîte wortrersý But for fefling average-sîzed tibe, and for Iîmbing Efectrooirc ,goîntîou. chaîn catcher and morfia Icarraeil rhain triake staudar'd SMALL ENGIN E REPAIRS ROLPH ardwabre Downtowfl Oronlo Phone 983-5207. 'j -, 'j j' - 'M M .~M>e u.M .0-. M r.u .a a .o.'..uJ o o%.o'aoatr.or, aju' Ma..,, ~,t* ,..'.nm.~n a..a.~a. asI Graduation KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 983-9310 EAT IN or TAKE OUT English-Style Fish and Chips, _____$5.25 Môn.-Wed. - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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