Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 18, 1990-5 At the Orange Parade Prince Charlie with his tradi- tional white horse along with the Parade Marshall are ready for the by Gord Mills Robert Franklin, Ontario Hydro President, says he and his employees are "insulted" at the suggestion they would intentionally cause power disruptions to convince the public of the need for new sup- plies. The public interest group Energy Probe has accused Hydro of engineering brownouts to gain public support for its proposed massive nuclear building program. As evidence, Energy Probe produc- ed a Goldfarb Consultants report that suggests such disruption "would be the most effective way of selling need" for new generation capacity. Mr. Franklin said that he hadn't seen the Goldfarb document before the Energy Probe accusations. Now that he has reviewed it, he said he feels the report does not recom- mend supply disruptions but merely suggests what the public reaction to them would be. He said he did not agree brownouts would be effective i communicating the need for sup- ly since the public would be more critical and distrustful of the utility. Franklin said, in any case, it would have been impossible for Hydro to have engineered the pro- blem last December, when record cold temperatures forced the utility to interrupt power to some in- dustrial user and to ask customers to conserve. He pointed out that last December was one of the col- dest on record and demand for elec- tricity soaied 12 per cent above the level of December, 1988. "For peo- ple who say we engineered things, we're now in control of the weather," Franklin said. The situa- tion was then aggravated by a number of coincidences, such as, Hydro-Quebec's low water levels meant they couldn't supply back up power, the utility's new nuclear sta- tion. Darlington, had its start-up delayed unexpectedly, and its Bruce nuclear station required some unan- ticipated maintenance. Energy Probe researcher Tom Adams argues Hydro went into the winter with dangerously low reserves and then failed to have ade- quate fuel at its back-up Lennox oil-fired station when the crisis hit. Christian Corner procession through Orono and baàck to the fair grounds recently. Orono Fair Prize Lists now available Durham Central Agricultural Society has been hard at work for the last ten months preparing for the one hundred and thirty eighth edition of the Durham Central Fair. It may appear that on the second weekend in September the "Fair" just happens. Not so, like so many successful annual events this is a year around task. Monthly direc- tors meetings with executive meetings injected between deal with details such as capital cost expen- ditures (buildings, fences, etc.) to what time the gates will open this year. All important decisions to making a successful fair. Fair participants (people who enter their baking, vegetables, sheep, cattle, etc.) look forward every year for the release of the "prize list". This is a booklet published by the society. This booklet lists all the classes, rules and prizes available at this year's fair. Other information such as committee persons names and numbers, times of judging and much more is included in this booklet. The prize list is free and mailed out to regular participants, but is also available to anyone who thinks he or she is a good knitter or makes the best dill pickles. Maybe your group makes a great quilt or your children are good horse persons. The list of classes available is too long to list here so if you or so- meone you know thinks you are good at needlecraft or grow great vegetables etc. please enter it in the fair. Prize lists are free and may be picked up at Durham Farmer's County Co-op in Orono or the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 234 King Street E., Bowmanville. by Rev. Marg West Names of Satan Just as we can have more names than one (eg. mother, sister daughter, nurse, teacher) Satan has Letter to editor Dear Roy, Once again the Orono Arena Im- provements and Projects Fundrais- ing Committee wish to extend an in- vitation to you and all Orono area residents to join us at our Annual Beef Barbeque, August 8, 1990, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at beautiful Orono Park. In the past, proceeds from pro- jects such as this, catering and serv- ing hot meals at Orono Fair have enabled the establishment and equipping of a kitchen facility, as well as the installation of a lift, have made the Community Centre and Arena facility more functional and accessible for the physically challenged. In the near future we plan to in- stall a more appropriate access ramp for the physically challenged. Plan to attend, enjoy a tasty roast beef dinner and be entertained by members of the Orono and District Fiddle Club, while seated next to the sparkling Orono Creek. We appreciate everyone's sup- port in the past and look forward to the future. Best regards, B. R. Moffat Letter from local Liaison Committee Letter written to Dr. Oliver from the Community Liaison Group - Newcastle. Dear Dr. Oliver: This letter is sent in response to your complaint of June 18 last to Mrs. G. Underdown of the Siting Task Force Secretariat about the st- atement made in the Newcastle Commuity Liaison Group's adver- tisements which read: "The Port Granby low level radioactive waste site poses a health threat today." We wish to thank you for draw- ing to our attention the fact that CAMECO is disturbed with the use of that statement and wish to advise that future advertisements will have that sentence removed and the opening paragraph will be changed in part to read as follows: "A committee of local residents, the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, was set up to provide infor- mation to and feedback from the public and will ultimately prepare a report to Council and the Siting Task Force with recommendations as to how best to deal with the pro- blems of chemical and radioactive wastes at the Port Granby facility in the Town of Newcastle." We trust that this change will eliminate any inference in the mind of the public that CAMECO is not living up to its responsibilitymin car- ing for the waste site. Since advertisements were placed in the Oshawa Times, Canadian Statesman, Newcastle Independent and the Orono Weekly Times, copies of this letter are being sent to the editors of those newspapers with our expectation that it will ap- pear in some future "Letter to the Editor" column. Yours truly, Newcastle Community Liaison Group Garnet B. Rickard, C.M., Chairperson matiy names and as we sec above our names relate to a specific role, or function, so it is with Satan. He is called adversary. Webster defines adversary as, "An enemy, foc, a person having hostility for another person or group of people; a group or a person who is oppo- nent of or works against some group or person; an antagonist, the devil." I Peter 5:8 tells us to be, "sober, be vigilant; why? because your adversary the devil, as a roar- ing lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." He's our adversary and he's try- ing to kill us any way he can. You see in this verse that he's as a roar- ing lion he is not a lion, but he sure acts like one. The devil as adversary is used 52 times. The devil or slanderer is another name given to the devil (Satan). Slander is scandal so we can see he, Satan is trying to cause scandai amongst us, 'false tales or malicious reports uttered to injure the reputation of another. Defama- tion by means of an oral statement." He's also called the prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 2:2. In this verse Paul is telling Christians that before they accepted Jesus into their lives they were walking the way everyone in the world walked, after the devil, and it was him who worked the disobedience in their lives." Satan is also called the god of this age. Il Cor. 4:4 starting at verse 3, "But if our gospel (the word of God) be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, (with out Christ in their lives, not born again). In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light or truth of the good news of Christ who is the image of God, should be revealed to them." Please notice that Satan is the god of this world little g not big G. God is in authority over everything. But because of our lack of understanding of God's word. We, not God allow Satan to have place in our lives. Questions or Comments? Write Box 179, Orono. Bible Study, Tues- day 7:30 p.m., phone 983-5962. ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE Wednesday, August 8th Orono Park SERVING FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Aduits $8.O0 - Children 6 - 12 years $4.00 Under Six FREE For Tickets Phone 983-9561 or 983-5608 ENTERTAINMENT Orono and District Fiddler's Club PROCEEDS TO ORONO ARENA IMPROVEMENT AND PROJECTS FUND BOWMANVILLE 4 SPOR TS SHOP forleague-leading savigs athletic clothing, footwear- licensed products basketbal, soccer skates & hockey equipment. * equipment repairs * * skate sharpening * We look forward to serving Orono and area for all sporting needs. OPEN EVENINGS 121 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone (416) 623-0322 Hydro not in control of the weather