lO-Orono Weekly T'imes, Wednesday, JuIy 25,9 1990 Newtonville Alive by Peggy Mullan Derek Barton 12 (left) and awhile back. The "pre-teens" got a Jeremy Armstrong il of Newton- first biand look at the damage that ville, eager to contribute to their can really ýhappen to a negligent community columin, took it upon' sleepy driver. themselves to snap a couple of pic- Thanks boys for your concern. tures of a car accident on the 401 M.E. Hancock Trophy winners Sara Newman and Derek Arnold, proudly pose with their principal David Gray. Continuing "happy" stories about pretty terrific kids cannot be shoved to the back of the file, just because school is out! 11 Each year the M.E., Hancock Award ik presented to the boy and girl of the senior class at Newton-' ville Public School achieving the highest academnic standings. It is presented on behaîf of the Newton- ville U.C. Women's Institute. This year, grade six personalities Sara Newman and Derek Arniold got top billing,, although both will agree there were some close runners Up for sure. We wish you continued success as you enter the Pines. 1Congratulations to Sara and her proud parents, Kelvin and Anita and Derek and bis dlighted mom and dad, Sid and Jean. Subdued? Whorme? Hummm..-,.maybe' just- a smîdgeon. After ail, kids are com- ingand going ail day into the even- ing, ahl kinds of kids. Plus, being the expert putterer 1 arn, 1 can very "Tea lime" pleasant (and quite tempting) Ap- time in many different ways, to the (1-r) Roberta Ransom, Yvonne prebiation Tea was given for parent school, ail in benefit of the kids. Bender (custodian), Anita volunteers. The entire staff expressed their Newman, Donna Adams and Out of about 80 families, the gratitude for ail efforts, and do in- Sharon Blake with Nicole. sehool boasts a healthy 44 deed anticipate a super 90-91 year Organized and served up by volunteers, who have given their to corne. Newtonville school staff, a very Little Scoops... - Hey kids, age 9-14 I Remember the dance at Newtonville Hall this Saturday, July 28 from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Refreshments available, go c'mon out! $1.50 admission. - An old fashioned country open bouse invitation is extended to the Newtonville community from residents of the restored old Presbyterian Church, for Sunday, August l9th l9th, frorn i p.m. - 3 p.m. Chris and Brenda look for- ward . to meeting you. Everyone welcome! - Happy Belated Birthday to Agnes Prosek and grandson Adam McLean, who both celebrated bir- thdays JuIy 22., - We ail wish Joyce Carrail, our Postmaster, a speedy recovery. Joyce has been very iii and laid up with broken ribs. Take Care!, "The Iatest in fashions for ail times and ail needs- 983-9341 easily succumbe to my gardens, get- ting totaily lost by the hour (me and mother nature - we're buds). So if, you are wondering (and I've been asked) if my pen is about to get (Continued page 11) MacGregor' AIRCTION SERVICS É8TëTe, dONSIGNMENTrS, HOO)UEF'OLOS ~BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE CaWkfQr.,FREE CÇçsfi"atial Consult1tion Mike MacGregor 4li-9ff-M42 Junior wost 416iý8$M5î V1EMW E R5 C HOQCE VIDEO& T.V.. NC MAIN STREET, ORONO VIDEO AND FA MIL Y ENTER TA INMEN T CENTRE VIDEO >(1500 in stock»ý POOL TABLES ARCADE MACHINES 983-9890 Af fordable Dream Vacations! é Free Vacation Planning Services " Discount Cruises 10 Cha rter Vacations * Airline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAI. CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES TraëlAgentsInternation 'ere with you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWVMANVILLE Over 300 Agenctes in North Amenica 6236600