Handyman and Pos t Plans for park at <Offie striesBondhead Beach produce 'Af termath' The Bond Head Waterfront Park, has been includi by Gord Mils This past Friday, at "The Times" we experienced a technical problem with the machine used to type aul the printed word that goes to make up the newspaper. Upon my return to the office, our "President" in- formed me that a fuse was jammed i its socket, and he couldn't get it out. Upon heaning this I quickly volunteered to try and get it out. This offer brought an immediate exclamation from the "President" which roughly translated meant, don't touch anything. The follow up statement to that order touched me to the quick. He sa id, -I receiv- ed mhy warning last week in your "handyman" article." As a result, 1 want to go on record to corect two things, the first itemn is, despîte my tarnished image, l'mn really quite handy. After all is said and done, I can change electric light bulbs with either hand. Secondly, there was absolutely no slight meant against the really gîfted handyman. The story was just a "brain flaslý" 1 had, and if you are looking for things to write about every week, believe me, you need lots of them, "brain flashes" that is. The article concerning the future of our local post office, prompted several readers to cail me to ask the address of the President of Canada Post, to enable them to Write a let- ter aimed at discouraging the possi- ble closure of the facility. For your information the address is: Mr. Donald Lander, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Post Corporation, Sir Alexander Campbell Building, Confederation Heights, Ot tawa, Ontario KIA OBI. As> a matter of interest, the local town council in Temag ami, with the co-operation of the Postmaster, have been successful in having Canada Post close off operations at the local RPO, making all postal services available only at the town post office. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario is holding its annual convention in August, at which time the closure of smail post office will be debated. If you want to save the post office in Orono, petition Mayor Marie Hubbard and other council delegates to the AMO convention, to support any resolu- tion that may be in support of keep- ing small community post offices in operation. in soutn Newcastle Village, is to undergo some extensive changes with work expected to be completed sometime later this year. Joe Caruana, director of com- munity services, outlined the pro- posaI to council on Monday with full approval to proceed. Fundiniz O)ronlo WeeIdy Times, Wednesday, Juiy 25, 1990-7 ded in the 1990 budget. The Bond Head Waterfront Park is of 1.5 acres on the west side of the mouth of Graham Creelç. Included in the design'is a double boat launch with parking for.five cars and trailers and'a further fîve cars., Deciduous trees are to be pîanted in the area with benches in a pause area under the beach pergola. Provision is being made for tem- porary docking and a board walk will be constructed to the pier and along the front of the lakefront delineating the sand beach from the parking area. According to Caruana it will also allow for pier fishing and picnicing. The shoreline is to be improved with the removal of lakefront stone and gravel to be replaced with beached washed sand. Port Granby. dump nearer to lake bluffs Through field investigations and bore, holes it has been found that waste has been buried at the Port Granby low level waste dump dloser to Lake Ontario than previously thought. Dennis Heffernan, lawyer for the Town of Newcastle, who along with Larry Kotseff, CAO, met with the Atomic Energy Control Board recently told council on Monday that waste, at sometime, had been buried outside the fenced area at the dump. The result of the investiga- tion by Golder Associates Ltd. places the buried material some 4 feet dloser to the edge of the lake bluffs. Heffernan said it was old waste' which had yet to be analysed by the AECB. "We don't know what it contalns yet," lie said. Heffernan said it had been con- sidered that there was a fifteen year period before something would hayve to, be clone when the bluffs would have reached the fencecl -in area. The fact that a find had been madle tour feet 'south of the fence would shorten this time element saicl Heffern'an. It was pointed out that the operating licence for Cameco ex- pires as of September 30, 1990 and that the AECB was considering the extension of the licence so that Cameco could carry out its maintenance and stabilization of the bluffs. SHeffernan saicl this was a costly endeavour but much less costly than moving the waste. Coruncil accepted their lawyer's advice requesting the ARCB to ex- tend the licence only to the end of 1990. That the AECB be asked to hold a public meeting in the Town of Newcastle to discuss the exten- sion of such a licence after January 1, 1991. Fishing on TV m ý-really by Gord Milis Probably the most distressing re- cent developmnent on the local sports channel is the event of T.V. fishing. There are actually people in our society who are watching two grown men in a boat bobbing about in. some wilderness back water fishing. The other week I caught the show, accidently, while checking the start of a baseball gamne. The dialogue went somnething like this: Play-by-play angler: "Boy, Howie, that's a big 'un." Colour angler: "That is a big 'un." Where-upon they reel in a trout for a cameo appearance, hoist release it. This scene, is repeated throughout, the program, with the same "laid-back" dialogue. This type of prograrnming leads me into thinking what chance does L ur civilization -have-,for the long haul when we know that there are grown people who, presumably are licensed to drive automobiles and raise children, who sit for long in- tervals watching other people catch fish and turn them loose repeatedly. But then, 1I mustn't get carried away, after ail it takes aIl sorts of people to make our world go around, so we are told. Barnna Homne Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look ived ini Barb Shetter-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 762996 ...... . ....... 1 ........... . . ....... ............ loi