Saine prize winners at Orono Flower Show. Inez Harris receives the CIBC Trophy havmng the Most Points in the Show. The presentation is made. by. Isabelle Challice who was the winner of the, Most Points in the Decorative Sec- tion. Orono Horticultural Society (Continued from page 1) 1 The specilal prize winners were: Most points in Decorative Section - Isabelle Challice <prize donatedby the Apple Blossom 'Shop). Most Points in Vegetable Section - Carol Mostert (prize donated by Mrs. Eileen Billings). Most points in Specimen Cut Flowers - Cornie Deiong (prize donated, by1 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Milison). Judge's 'Choice. - Corrie DeJong (prize donated by Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Baird). New Exhibitor - Bob Nicholîs (prize donated by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Staples). Best Peace Rose - Carl Tamblyn (prize donated by Mrs. Inez Harris). Best Dahlia Show - Carl Tamblyn (prize donated by Isabelle Challice). Best Gladiolus. in Show. - Lorna Atkins (prize donated by Mr. & Mrs. Cor Mostert). Best Red Rose - Carol Mostert (prize donated by Mrs. Donna Hut- ton). Most points in entire show - Mrs. Inez Harris (prize donated by the Orono Branch of C.I.B.C.).' Following the prize. award ceremony, Andrea Clarke of 'the Department of Agriculture gave a talk and slide show on the preven- Orono Weekly Tinm, Wednesday, August_15, 1990-5 SAGA plans number- of fund-raising events The Save the Ganaraska Again (SAGA) committee have announc- ed a number of fund raising events they have compiled in order to meet expenses associated with an an- ticipated Ontario Municipal Board hearing which has yet to be an- nounced . .SAGA has filed an appeal against the Reid/Reynaert application to develop 14 estate residential lots near the Oshawa Ski Club property. Included in the number of fund- raising projects is a car cleaning and detailing service being undertaken during the month of August tion and control of pests in the garden. The Orono Horticulture Society's memnbership stands at 179 adults, 2 life members, and 23 junior members. The Presidenit for 1990 is Mrs. Donna Hutton. The 1990 Executive wish to thank aIl the exhibitors for their participa- tion. A special thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Slute who did the judging, and to ahl those who supported the society with prizes. A special thanks to Andrea Clarke for an interesting and informative slide show. The Society's Faîl Flower and Vegetable Show, plus an Auction is scheduled for October 4, 1990. through October. It's more than a car wash - it's a new look for that vehicle with cost ranging from $30.00 and up depen- ding if it's only for the exterior or a complete outside and shampooing of the interior. Caîl 983-9339 for further details. The committee is also to hold a giant garage sale on labour day. The event also includes entertain- ment, hot roast beef sandwiches, corn-on-the-cob, coffee, home- made pies. The event is being held Frîday and Saturday, August 31 and September i at the home of Elva Reid on Regional Road 9 east of Kt-irby. Anyone wishing to donate to the sale may do so by calling 983-5393 or by contacting members of the committee. SAGA then moves its program toý the Orono Town Hall for Saturday, October 27th for a-turn-of-the- century show featùring Kathy Guselle and her partner Harry McKew. "Busties and Beaus" is billed as an entertaining piece of Edwardian delights and has played in many dinner theatres, clubs and professional meetings. Ail proceeds from the show are to be donated to SAGA. Tickets available in August Corrie Mostert with the mnost Flowers and the winner of the points in the Specimen Cut Judge's Choice. Lawn tractors bulit to ,thýrive' and survive when the goig toug-h gets, Our complete line of John Deere Lawn Tractors are specially sale priced for a limited time only. So corne choose the one you've wanted for your home, farm, cottage. But hurry. Sale ends August 24th. Interest free terms until January 1991 ai no charge. 180 LAWN TRACTOR * 17-HP 4-cycle Kawasaki engine with full-pressure, lubrication., * 5-speed transaxie transmission. * 38-inch or 46-inch mower. * Overhead valves provide more torque and better fuel economy. *Sector-and-pinion steering and tight turning radius for superb handling.' *Full-strength, welded steel frame for durability *Mows one acre in about 45 minutes (with 46-inch mower>. KAM & GARDEN LTD. G JOHiN DEERE, SALESé Taunton Road, 2 miles west of Hwy. 11-5 &,SERVICE. i.1 (416),9813.9119 /.WIIL