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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1990, p. 6

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6-Orono Weekty Timnes, Wednesday, A ugust 15, 1990 From Around the -Region Train car derail at Nichols Bridge CNR track Two rail cars deraiied at the Nichols Bridge in the Ncwtonville arca eariy Saturday morning.*1 Although the one car was an empty butane tanker and other car- ried chemnicals there were no ieaks. Bowmanlville man killed in plane crash Woody Procknow, 59, of Bowmanvillc was killcd in a small plane crash into the Gatineau River on Saturday. .,A passenger ini the plane, Geraid Reynolds, Orillia, was also killed in the accident. Thse plane had ieft Oshawa and had landed in Ottawa before proceeding on into Quebec. Borelians Theatre group to make presentations The' Borelians Community TheatreGroup of Port Perry are of- fering three events again.this year with one in the fail,'TIse Glass Menagerie, one ini February, "Thse Cheaters" and one in, May being a Festival of One Act plays. Last year the group met with great success in their offerings. Fur- tIser information 985-0611. Unit One at Darlington being readied Work is underway fueing. up Unit One at the Darlington Gencrating Station. Initial testing is expected to begin in Septmber with full power in the spring of 1991. Thse Unit Two reactor is now pro- ducing enough hydro power to ser- vice a community thse size of Durhanm Region. GM workers watchlng U.S. talks If a strike at thse GM plant in Flint, Michigan, is not settled a shut-down is expected in the Oshawa truck plant affecting some 3500 auto workers. The shutdown in Oshawa couid corne as soon as Thursday. New information centreë-- belng kept busy The Town of Newcastle's Tourist Information Centre, opened since May 22, has answered questions for 2,072 people since that date. Karen Simpson, public rcceptionist at thse centre, sald most of the visitors have been motorists comning off the highway looking for information. Fuel bundies load TIse first fuel bundles were ioad- ed into tIse second reactor unit at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station last week. Loading of the 480 fuel channels began on'August 2 and the task is expected to be completed on August 16. The first loading of tIse reactor is beîng donc manually but ail subse- quent fueiing will be donc by machine. EacIs bundie of fuel contains 1, 110 two cm. long uranium dioxide ceramic fuel pellets. Each fuel bun- die has a lîfe span of one ycar. Flower Show today Bowmanviiie Horticultural Socie- ty art, holding their Flower and Vegetabie Show on August 15, at Trinity United Church Hall. Wayne Hingston will discuss orchids and the awards wiii be presented at 7:.30 p.M. Opposition to new building grows Hamilton Township addedit support to the position of five other municipalities 'opposing 'tIse new Northumberland' County ad- mi nistration building proposai. Council unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday supporting the position taken by Haldimand Township and thse towns of Cobourg, Port Hope and Camp- belîford in opposîng the plan. Named senior judge A Northumberland County pro- vincial court judge has been ap- pointed senior court judge as part of the first phase of court reform in Ontario. Judge John D.D. Evans was named to the newly created ad- ministrative position of regional senior judge of Ontario court (pro- vincial division) Monday by At- torney General Ian Scott. He is now responsible for tIse assignment of judges to various courts within the Central Eastern region, an area which includes Nor- thumberland, Durham, York, Sim- coe, Muskoka, Peterboro ugh, Haliburton and Victoria. New name for police Effective immediately, Port Hope's police department is of- ficially called the Port Hope Police Service. In a letter to tIse town's protec- tion to persons and property con- mittee, Port Hope Police Chief Ron Hoath said "police department" is an American termi for police agen- cies controiled by a city-manager type of government. With the new Police Services Act, recently passed by the provincial legisiature, ail pro- vincial police services are answerable to a police services board, Hoath said. Banks to open Sunday- likely TIse Toronto Dominion Bank an- nounced last week that it's con- sidering Sunday banking hours, but would not ikelydo it unless the trust company went first. At the ,Cobourg Toronto Dominion Bank, Manager Roy Thompson said he didn't know Sunday hours were be- ing studicd until hearinig it on the news iast week. Hc also said, "Cobourg was a small town and I don't sec that people need to do their banking on Sundays." Funding freeze problems Thse federal governmcnt has frozen funding for a skills dcvelop- ment programf, lcaving people comn- mitted to the training schemc high and dry, charges Northumberland MP Christine Stewart. The govern- ment agrced to continue funding the program for those alrendy in- volvcd in re-training, but no new workcrs will be admitted. The pro- gram serves the unemploycd and those in dcad-cnd jobs. Identity Crisis TIse Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Heath Unit's Home Care programn is suffering from an identity crisis. Programn supervisor Bea Read said that some people t hink thcy are homemakers or the Red Cross help- ing people wth Isousework, meals andi shopping. "It's amuch biggcr umbrella than that" she said. The programn provides health care nursing and other services to pre- vent people from being hospitalized in tIse first place, or to allow them to cone home fromn an institution. Waste survey results Almost 94 per cent of respondents to a county-wîde survey beieve recycing mandatory and available to every househoid, business and industry in Northumberland. That's one of the findings frorn a questionnaire tir- cuiated by the Northiumberland County waste management master plan public liaison committee. The committee distrîbuted 28,0010 ques- tionnaires in May and received 897 responses to the 10 question survey. Thse master planis currentiy being developed by M.M. Dilion Ltd., a Toronto-based engineering con- suiting firm. The master plan is ex- pected to be presented to counceil next spring. Going to court Zircatec Precision Industries Inc. faces seven charges of breeching Atomnic Energy Control Board regulations. Hugh Spence, the AECB's chief information officer, said the Port Hope company is charged with fail- ing to provide annual medicai ex- aminations for each of six atomic workers. The seventh charge is failing, to maintain a full and complete list of atomnic workers employed at the company. The Provincial Court docket shows the offences occurred in January 1989. Spence saîd they came after a routine inspection of the company by AECB officiais. Mayor is fine Port Hope Mayor Don Chaimers is in stable condition in Port Hope and District Hospital after suffering a miid hcart attack last Tuesday. Fran Chalmers said her husband suffered the attack after ieaving a meeting at the town hall. Realizing something was wrong, he drove himself to the hospitai. Tests and evaluations are stili being conducted. PCs decide on Read Northumberland Progressive Conservatives chose Cobourg Mayor Angus Read as their provin- cial election candidate last week, giving hima neariy double the votes cast for his closest rivai. After com- ing up short by seven votes in the first ballot, Read took 174 votes out of 305 ballots cast on the second ballot. Read wasn't surprised the vote went to a second ballot. "I had hopes that we might be able to go on the first ballot, but I realize that when you have four candidates there's going to be a split, " he said. County reforin option A Northumberland county coun- cil sub-comrnittee is iooking at the possibility o f a county-wide police force, committee chairman Roger Wilson said last week. The county is considcring re-organizing itself following the release last year of a provincial policy paper advocatng county reform. Wilson said the sub- committee intends to look at the possîbility of setting up a regional police force paid for by the Ontario goverilment. Arena repair effort A newly formed fundraising committee intcnds to raise'at least $50,000 toward the installation of a new floor for Bewdiey's Vincent Massey Memorial Centre arena. The brine pipes that keep the ice surface cold have leaked repeatedly over the past few years and each ime the floor had to be ripped up for repairs. The townships were quoted a repair price of $240,000 carlier this year. The group is hop-, ing for a $ 120,000 grant from the province and that the balance will be debentured 'by the municipalities. No swimming Thrce more area beaches have been added to the list of those clos- ed due to high bacteria counts. B oth beaches in Port Hope, as wel as the beach at Prcsq'uiie Park closed -as-of noon last Friday, thse local heaith unit reports. They will remain closed until weekly sampies fail t o acceptable leveis.. Other swimming spots which re- main closed on Rice Lake and area arc Harwood, Bewdiey and the north side of Hastings Beach and the Warkworth Miil Pond, Pentecostai Camp beach east% of Victoria Beach in Cobourg, and the Garden Hill Pond in Hope Township. Hydro funds opponents nuclear power station i n Wesleyvilie. Christine Rowland, a spokesperson for the Nor- thuimberland Environmental Pro- tection Group, said last week a coalition of three local organiza- tions got $2,500 to start preparing its case to present to the En- vironmentai Assessment Board within the next few months. The group is one of many across the province expected to appear before the board to discuss Ontario Hydro's 25 year plan to cxpand ser- vice within the province. Franchise bid Iags lt's now a race against time for Port Hope's chances of securing a National Hockey League franchise. Councillor Ron Smith, the driving force behind the bid for an NUL team, said 'thse town needs $25 million (US) by August 15 to meet the deadline for Caniadian franchise applications. Clean up after Fido Port Hope residents may soon have to start cleaning up after their pet - cat, dog, or any other animal - or face a maximum fine of $2,000. The town's protection to persons and property cominittee introduced a draft bylaw to prohibit depositing garbage or animai feces on both public and private property. Councilior Betty Collins said al town pet owners should be held responsibie for the public conduct of their animais. Tax protest to cost Haldimand Township taxpayers will have to shell out $35 per day in penalty charges if township coundil stands by a resolution to withhold its next tax instaiment to the coun- ty. Northumberland County council's general government com- mittee was told iast week that a 10 year old bylaw requires it to assess înterest at the prime leniding rate on any rnunicipalitY that defaults on its taxes. Armstrong to carry banner As expected, Judi Armstrong is the New Demnocratic Party can- didate in Northumberland for the Septemnber 6 provincial. election. (Continued page 7) Personalized. Housecleaning W Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Morithly -Professionally Trained & Bonded' -Reasonable Rates -Commercial & Residential For A Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cati 1-416-983-5325 or 1-7057997237 $10.00 Off i st Cteaning Offer Expires Aug. 30M9 10% Discount, For Senior Citizens Offer Good Anytime JKI <Thuanday & Salurday Sat., August l8th 3 YEAR OLD FILLY PACE EstImated Purse $100,000 is 1SRACE .7:OnàP.M. SIndoor &Outdoor Lounges - Dining Room KîA:WABRTKA DOWNVS MA CEWA Y FOH ,nformcton cal,; 1-705-939-6316 Hwy. 28 Fraserville 1 mile south of 115 ------------------------

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