. ......... 10 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 5, 199 Kendal Column Sumrmer hiolidays have come and gone, the kids are back to school, the miothers are heaving a big sigh of relief, dads at work, and she bas the house ail to herself. She stands there listening and suddenly she realizes howý silent it is; once again to be home alone. The 2 months of sumimer seem to go by faster than any other mnonthis of the year; mayhe because they are so hectic, activitiy aIl the time. Kids basebaîl, swimming, camping, then towards the end of the hiolidays, trvingt find somnething newv to keep them interested. When you ask themi if they are ready to go back to school, most of themn will say, yes. 0fl course 1 arn thînking of alI this, from memnories of myv children when they were growing up, but these things do flot seem to change. 1 often wonder if some women go out and find a job, when their children go off to school just because they can't stand the stillness in the house, unfortunately they miss their children coming home and telling themn everything they learned, that day, and pretty soon these children stop telling their parents anything. In this day and age parents have a hard choice to mkake, do without, just exist, both work or one stay home. When 1 was going to school, no mother went out to work unless she was a wvidow and had to support hier family, so momn was always hom~e when you needed hier. When 1 had mny children, unfortunately I work- ed, but 1 always tried to be home either to see themn off to ýschool or be there wh'len they came home. Thank goodness that l'miflot rais- ing kids in this time. Every parent must show their care and concern for thieir children, there are so nanyý out there that would try t-o get these children on drugs, and once on thern these samne kids try to get others to use them, if onlyý to miake enough money, to support their own habit. If they could only see the end results of taking drugs and wxhat it does to then, l'mi sure that would go a long way to stopping thiem. Boy, arn 1 sounding off, I didn't miean to write aIl this, but Once started it just kept coming. Now to get back to basics, have you noticedJ how the leaves are turning colour and the lawns are becoming covered with dead leaves? There is one tree Fali 1wIFinged farewell Birds of a feather fly south together. To bid farewell to these feathered friends, C.L.0.C.A. is holding its an nual FALL W INGCiED FAREWELLS DAY on Sunday, September l6th, 1990 at Lynde Shores Conservation Area. Participants are invited to gathér between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00) p.m. in the parking lot. C.L.0.C.A. staff will be available to assist nature watchers in identifying uip to twenty species of waterfowl. A spotting telescope wiIl also be available for those peo- ple interested in a dloser view, of in- dividual birds. Binoculars and field guides wvill corne in handy and photographic opportunities rnay be available Io those with cameras. lt's free. The Lynde Shores Conservation Area is located in Wh'Iitby on the south side of Victoria Street, ap- proximately 2.5 km west o f Highway 12, south of the 401. on the east side of the hill on Main Stree on Cobb hilI, every year it starts to turn colour first , then others start, they look so pretty but they remnind us that cold wýeather- is corning. Weatherwise this was a perfect weekend, mnaybe thiat is wýhy there was not as mnany out to church, or maybe the balîgamie last wýeek was ton rnuLChI for themn Aflter the Caîl to Worship, the choir sang thec anthern, 'This is the Day that the Lord hias Made.' Rev. Ranson's story for the children was started byv his asking then what did they need to make mnusic? The children answered with f, horns, pianosý, voices, somieone to write the mnusic, and also the wordls. Rev. Ransom told themn if you fit these aIl together you have music, take one away the voice, the instruments it hurst the whole. If a church hiad no people it would cease to func- tion. Rev. Ransor's sermon was based on "1t's no Joke.'- He told of a Sunday Schiool teacher who asked hier class, "h they carne to Sunt- day School?"" One offber pupils was the daughter of the Preacher, she answered, -1 guess it just runs in thec famiily,." Each person has a dif- ferent reason for going to Chiurch and every Church hias conflicts, it is how, the congregationi deals with these conflicts that is imrportant. Paul also faced the conflict his peo- ple were having byý asking them to reneinber a rnemiory, to rernember how it felt Mhen they heard the voice of' the living God, to remnember how it f'et when they gave their body to Christ. Unity is important, the indiidluazl is imipor- tant, for they brinig their gifts and abilities, but we mlust ail act together, \\e ar e ail part of 1the body ofCrit erlove any part and the %0ho1e, sufjfers. Suinday School starts ncxt Sun- day the 9th. Bring the children out, and stay and join us in the service. Phiilosof'acts. .. Remecmber it is not onîy what we d(o, but also what ýw do not do, for wNlicti \e are accýoun- table. by P. Lowý%ery Wild game BBQ at Orono Fish & Hunt The executive of the Orono- Fish sumnmer enler-gy hosting the suc- and Hunt Club spent their pent uip cessful annual "Wild Gam-e BBQ Gord's View Joining a Team by Gord Milis As faîl approaches mnany of us are approached to join a team. It could be, a bowling tearn, a non- contact hockey teamn, a curling teami, or any type of teami requiring players. Whatever team you join, you will encounter various types of players in your own team or those opposing you. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their idiosyncrasies. Befriending the wrong sort of per- son at your first day could lead to severe problerns later on. Take heed! The players most eager to greet you are the ones nobody else will talk to. They are to be avoided. Rernain detached from the on rush of the ostracized. Take youir time and work out wo the regular guys or gals are. To start off drinking with the tearn drunk could damage you physically. In your first week wvith the teami, you mnay benin- formied that you have nlot been selected to play. Do no despair; at- tend fuilly ready to play. Appear eager buit don't grovel when eniquir- ing if any of the other players have nlot tUrnied up. Should the team be complete, then curb your disap- pointment. Do flot strike the bridge of the captain's nose with yourT forehecad, swear or thr-ow a tan- trum. Instead, mnerely shrug your shonlders while releasing a sigh and looking wistfully downi-hieairted. Use this first gamne or match as an opportuLnity to observ e the different type.s who will soon becomie your comirades. Examine thei.r trenigths and weaknesses. The later, if ex- ploited correctly, will enable you to gain regular teami place. Finally, remnember that the psychology of man management is not, as a rule, ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST., '623-,5480 BOWMANVILLE OFF STREET PARKING AREA PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICS AVAILABLE #Personalîzed Housecleaning .~ '. - Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly e W -Professionally Trained & Bonded' -Reasonable Raies -Comr~mercial & Residential For A Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cali 1-416-983-5325 or 1-705-799-7237 $1 0.00 Off 10% Discount lst Cleanîng For Senior Citizens Offer Expires Aug. 30/90 0f fer Good Anytime 0 -0 0 one of' the strengths of any team captain. If youi do becomie the target of his practical jokes (wvhich usually hie considers to create a positive team atmiosphere) please refrain fromi buckling his box. Join your team, and have somie fun - as I have had! putting these thoughts on paper. and Corn Roast" on August 25th. Approximately 150 aduits and children turned out for the smorgasbord. The varied fare was a tasters delight - as an appetîzer corn on the cob cooked over an open fire and rolled in butter. The main course was roast bear, venison, mnoose, cariboo and antelope; sweet and sour moose and venison lasagna, venison steak ala mushroom sauce, moose bourguignon, venison chili, antelope sausage along with various salads and rolls'etc. After the meal you could sit back, put your feet up and enjoy a cup of coffee and while listening to some of the club mnembers play their guitars and other musical instruments. A very relaxing time to top off a busy day. Thanks to the mnembers who donated the wild game meat, salads, rolîs, etc. and to those who did cooking at home as well as those wvho spent the day at the club ten-, ding _the BBQ. ROKA, LUMBER &FIREWOOD CENTRE FIREWOOD DRY DRY DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST RETAILER Dry Hard Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS 4'x 4' x 8' - $40-00 4' x 8' x 12" - $55.00 Del. 4' x 8' xl16",- $60.00 Del. SLAB WOOD 40.00 FULL BUSH CORD 8' LENGTH Free DeIivery ta Oshawa Area MILL YARD 705-277-3381 OSH-ÂWA- 416-434-6665 ON HWY.-35-1 MILE SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOL, VIEWERS CHOICE VIDQEQ&T.V., INC, MAIN STREET, ORONO, VIDEO AND FA MIL Y EN TER TA 1NMEN T CEN TRE; VIDEO (1500 in stock) POOL TABLES ARCADE MACHINES 983-9890îî -i