4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 5, 199o Where Dreams Cor'ûine True The iaunch of Liberty Village in Bowanvlletook placed last Saturday wvith an officiai ribbon cutting ceremlony by Mayor. Maie Hubbard anid Regional Chairman Gary Herremna. Also in attendance at thle opening was Mr. Chris Mullin, President of the Toronto- Home Builders Association. In a short speech, Mayor Hub- bard said that the commiunity was the resuit of hard work by al levels "of government working together. Regionai Chairman Gary Herrema said that Newcastle Town council deserved top marks for their vision by Qord Mills in planning a commnunity dealing w-,ith the process io iprovide affor- dable housing.- MIr. Mulflini said the project was "good newvsî for- employment in the building induistry. He added, that the project is, geared to the first time bomeowneF, dealing -,with home ownership in a "runr away market place." When comipleted, Liberty Village will coàýist of 60)0 housing units ranging in price fromi $99,900 uip to $139,900. The sales office is located at the Flying Dutcbmnan Hotel on Liberty Street S., Bowmanville, telephone 416-623-4644. Tales Told Twice SEPTEMBER 1943 Clarke Township provides $5 and $3 for prizes for No. 9 School and Antioch Sehool for. having the best yard i4provements during the year. Dr. Percy Vivian, Port Hope, to open Orono Fair. Township pays out $883.00 for sheep killed in the Township during July and August. Mrs. A. H. Clarke honoured at Sunday Scbool meeting as she is leaving the school and moving with ber family to Prescott. Port Hope to spenfd $ 130,000 for flood control. Three from Toronto charged for theft of customer pay envelopes at the Orono Creamery. Charles R. Knox advertises radio repairs. Tyrrell Drug Store advertises scbool supplies witb the latest in pens-and Ink-O-Dip pen f'or 25-go for 200 words. SEPTEMBER 1958 Cavan Township withhiolds ap- proval for the Durham High Scbool Board to build a new High Sehool in Orono. A meeting in Millbrook, discusses the accommodation pro- blem for High Scbool students, stating the accommodation is now needed. The Board is to try again for the Orono site. Darlington Township told they cannot take their mnember off the school board because bc supported a new High Sehool in Orono. Clarke Public School Board pleads Township to give approval of $1 10,000 for two new public scbools in the Township. Those representing the board for the re- quest were Russell Osborne, George Morton and C. Farrowý,. Agricultural exhibits at Orono fair show considerable increase in needlecraft, domestie science and the Junior Departmnent. Many take part in hor- ,ssoe pitching contest. Sizeable farm implemient display. Four one-act pînys filI Orono Town Hall with between entertain- ment provlded by Bily Wade and the Oshawa Accordian group. .Orono High Sehool student counicil prepares for Initiation Dance with Cornelis Mlaartenise heading up the event. SEPETMBER 1969 Clarke Township bas been told by Darcy Mckeoughi, Minister of Municipal Affairs, that tbey wvill have to pay their share of a study concerning Regional governiment. Clarke and Pickering have agreed to pay if they finally becomne part of' the Regional system. Newcastle Village bias given a fiat - 'No'. Glen Rae Dairy delivering milk in Orono as well as eggs at .60c. a dozen. SEPTEMBER 1979 Town of Newcastle approves new ice pad for Newcastle Village arena at a cost of $65,200. The pad goes into the old arena. Doug Simpson resigns fromi the Orono Hydro Commission whichi is to be dissolved at the end of the year. Simpson resigns stating that the Town had not considered bis 15 years with the commission wben making their- appointment to the new Town of Newcastle Commiis- sion. Harvey Partner [romn Orono was appointed to tbe new commis- sion. Orono Merchants Slow Pitch teamn playing in the York-Durbamn league is eliminated [romn playdowns. The teatu was beaded up by Myles McLeod. Momn's Kitchen Atom Soccer team wins league chamrpionsbip. Those playing on the teamn were Chris Richards, Brian Souch, Steven Lycett, Shawn Bailey, Paul Pfeiffer, Jeffrey Sikmna, Eric Par- sons, Scott Barnes, Bradley Roberts, Bradley Woods, Jimi Sharpe, Darren Lewis and Stuar-t Ir- win. Coacbed by Everett Eberhardt Clarke Higb Scbool offering 31 evening courses at the school. Town of Newcastle offers hockey and figure skating along wîth other events including baton and dance. Demons., scheduled for the -Orono Fali Fair -Demnonstrations of various crafts and enltertainment has been added to the Orono Fair this year. These events are being held in a demionstration area in dhe east end of the Agricuiltuiral Buiilding in the iï-side of the track area. The series of demonstration.s are betng held, Closing your pool by Gord Mils Suimmer is just about over, the chidren have gone back to school, and the family pooi closes down for anothier year. What better time than to provide a fewN directions f'or clos- ing- your pool correctLly. The first st ep to take is to lower the water level in your pool. Inground pools sbould be drain- ed just below the return outiets. Above ground pool levels should be low,ýered between 18 inches to 2 feet. The next step is to drain off com- pletely ail water fines with a wet and dry vacuum. Suck out or blow out ail the water. Failure to, do this may resuit in dîgging for leaks in the spr- ing. The next step is to cap ail fines witb an ABS pipe plug. A couple of feet of foamn rope should be put in- sîde the skimmer (the main drain fine). For ail types of pools, take out the plugs [romn pumps, filter tank and heater. When plugs are remov- ed f'rom the filter tank, several gallons of water should flow ouit; if it doesn't, a uine is clogged. The line hias to be cleaned to let ail the water run out, If you fail to do this, your filter will explode during the winter. The final step is to prepare your pool for winter by adding a suitable winter chemnical kit. After you have closed your pool, wait about ten days and then check the water level. If it's dropping, you have a small leak that coulci cause major damage over the winter. Any leak mnust be fixed, do not wait until spring. Ail of these steps- will make for easy pool opening in the spring, and another happy swimming season. NOT JUST FASHIONS Main Street, Orono 9 83-9466 Corne in to tind out about Our On-going Promotion Something's always on Special. PLUS OUR Summer Clearance 50%/0Off Regular Pnice Friday thriough sunday. Posters thlrougbou)t thlefir grounds wýill out(linle the evenIts and th 1e timle siots,. Fr-idayI there will be a display of)I leather crajft, quilting, blde' entecrtainmilent, floral decor for thec home-, and Angora rabbit wool On Saturdaythe dmntai~~ will include: sheep shieaing, Lspïinni ing wool, cýlogginig, wýool and yarn] denentertainmient, folk art and formsý of dancing f-or youngsters. Sunday the events iniclude registration of the chiildrens' pet showý,bai dogL obedience, fly bail and again, folk art. Orono Figure Skating Club w1R EG ISTR AT ION Wednesday, September 12 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. Orono Arena and Community Centre ALSO Sale of Ued Sports equipment Phone Gail McKenzie 983-9542 or Sandra Murphy 623-4834 t,0 consign items KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 9351 Englistu Styale- Fish & C'-hips -'5m5O Th urs. 6:30 ci to 7:0( Mon.-Wjd. - 6:30 am. to 6:0 p.m. .m. Fr1. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 0 p.m. Sundày, Closed i I 50 cc Reg. $528.95 Sale $46595 38 cc Fleg~. $379..95, ý 61 cc Reg. $605.95 sale $349.1 Sale $51956 Up to $c70.00 OFF Retail Price Free Chain With Every 7aw Free Bar Guard and File kit 50-3.0 cu. in. 49«c Easy toe'use on toogh jobs, thts ch- -sawpots protess.onal performance lto the bands eofrn protenoonls Efficient, quit, ,cloraien dampened, the 50 s perfect for par t tîme sersr who demnaisd tultitme performance, lnertia actîeated chie braire stanrdard. 61-3.8 cu. in-.5.m Ideal for farmers, homferiiers, utlty workers. Buift fer feling anerge-sized timber and for imbeng. Electronic ignition,. chàîn catcher and inertea activated chair braire standard, RO0L PH Har dware Downtown Orono Phone 983-5207 .'