Tornado knew no limits Orono WeekIl< Times, Wednesday, september 5, 1990 - 7 Christian Corner. by Marg West Lying Miracles Last week we seen that Satan puts will soon be past. The first electrici- ty, telephone, automobilesýand how they changed our lives forever. Depart Doon at 4:00 p.m. Arrivai Bowmanville Town Hall 6:00 p.m.; Orono Town, Hall 6:15 p.m.; Kirby 6:30 p.m. Fee is $30.00 'per person, Museum memrbers (10% discount) $27.00. Fee is payable on boarding bus. Seating is limited to 47 people, so caîl the Museumto reserve yours at 983-9243. just enought ruth into his lies that he can deceive people inito believing him. Did yô'u know he also has miracles? Remember a week or so ago we saw that Satan can only get you to sin by deceiving you? He makes or tells you everything is wonderful. But remember he's a liar and the -father of lies. He started the, wholè mess of lying. There is no lies-in heaven. God said that He was flot a man that he shouid lie;,Numbers 23:19. Have you ever heard of people receiving a miracle of healing or finances and in a short time they are (Continued page 9) Th neforce of -the tornacto on a short distance. Although trees were blown down Wednesday certainly knew no limit Literally they were torn up by the aside the Haliowell home (hey did and the largest of trees were roots. not touch the house. uprooted and in some cases throwni Starkville on the map Volunteer cdean-up crews help out There was camaraderie and com- mnunity spirit in the air as famnily and friends -(over 30 in number) gathered at the farm of Ross and Tanya Stutt on Thiursday evening to begin the giant task of cleaning up the surrounding fields which wýere full of debris from Tuesda's tor- natlo. Planks and ratters were strewn across the fields, some stuck in the earth like giant javelins. Here's a question, "What does one bring to a tornado cleanup? ' (l thoughit a pair of gloves wouIld be useful, bUt 1 forgot themi.) Chris and Rosemary Cooper broughitflot only work gloves, but also their own tractor and wagon! Within 15 minutes, twvo wagons were stacked highi with the scattered Devastation in the Starkvîlle area (Continued from page 1) saw a rood swirl into the air along with barn walls and debris. Inigrid added that the debris was flying well above the horizon line. After the havoc wreaked at the Hallowell's the tornado carried on its path of destruction to Ross and Tanya Stutt's farm. Mighty maple trees were yanked up by their roots and fell biocking the fifth line road untîl later the next day. Ross and Tanya with their daughiters took shelter in their base- ment as the syjnds howl,,ed, and wheni it was over, ail around themi was devastation. A large shed recently compieted by family and friends was knocked to ruins within seconds The devastating winds also f)rced the roofs off another machine shed and their two large barns. Nearby neighbours Pat and John Windatt watched from the homne as Stutt's barni roof wý,ent by floating some 200 feet above the grounid. lit a cleanup of surrounding fields the following day a shop vacuum was found over a mile away d aT ski-doo suit nearly two miles -àway. timber from the barns. By the time darkness vas falling, most of their belongings wý,ere recovered, and there were sorted piles of good timnber and a hutge pile of thre ruined timber and tin was tacked--waiting for thre Town ito cm and pick it up the following day. Mary Loui Fonik (Tanya's mother) said a shop vactuum, amiong other thiing-s, was found almiost a mile away and a snowsuit fouind o-ver 1 1/2 miles away. Friends and nieighhours of the Hallowell 's arrived early SaLturday- morning, working well into the afternoo)cn taking down the twisted and crumrpled mnetal walls of the barn, remioving nails, piling up_ metal and sawing up the large fallen trees. On Monday, more heip came, along with a large truck to colleet aIl the glass, timber and metal wýhich had been strewn across their fields and in nighbour%ý woods. The Halloweli's and thre Stutt's are very thanikfuill for the miany friends and neighibours who donated their time and worked 50 hard to help themn out. You ail know whioyour are thiank you su much! Cla rke Museum bus trip Clarke Muiseumn is planning a day bus trip to St. Jacobs and Doon Heritage Crossroads, with dlepar- turcs fromi Kirby at 8:00a., Orono Town Hall 8:15 and Bowmnanville Town Hall 8:30 a.m.. Arrivai is plan ned for St. Jacobs at approxýimately 10:00 a.m. Shopp- ing, browsing, the1 Mennonite Museumi andl lunch on your own. There are thiree restaurants to choose fromn Benjamin's located in an old inn, French/German cuisine, licensed. Stone Crock. .,.hearty farnily fare, Germnan/Canadian cuisine, flot licensed. Mennonite Cafeterria. . .located in the Old Mill compiex. Hearty Mennonite cook- ing served traditionally at comn- munai tables. Food thiat really, schmnecks, flot icensed. You mnay also bring your own lunch and pienie by the river. Buis departs St. Jacobs at 1:05 p.m-. SHARP! Aýrrivai at Doon Heritage Crossroads 1:30 p.m. Orientation and tour of Doon Heritage Crossroads. A turfi of the centuiry (1900-1914) crossroads community in Waterloo County. As you enroli through the village, observe the very beginnings of the century that Personal 0 31 Years of Age 0 Apple Farmer 0 Happily married to Sheila and proud father of son, Eric 0 Life long resiclent of the area Community Involvement * Director of variaus farm organizations 0 Director of Bowmanville Lions Club 0 Former Junior "C" hockey player Issues of Conoem " This electiori is needless and is wasting_$40 mjillion- of your money " Peterson has added 32 tax increases - Conservatives wilI f reeze taxes " Sunday shopping chaos For positive resuits on ait issues in Durham East , oin the Kemp campaign! For information, please cal -Bowmanvile-623-8090 -Port Perry-985-9721 Newcastle-987-3622 Authorized by the .F.O. for the Candidate of the Durham East PC. Association OntariofI/~ v Kirk Kemp KEMP,'.Kirk JAMES DICK 1I~ CONCRETE &1-800-263-37 11 AGGREGATES 416-686-3544 ________________________1416-655-3500 SERVING, COMMERCIAL PETERBOROUGH - LINDSAY INDUSTRIAL OSHAWA - WHITBY RESIDENTIAL 80 WMAN VILLE AGRICULTURAL PICKERING - PORT PERRY QUALITY PRODUCTS AT COMPETITI VE PRICES1 1 ý