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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1990, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday,- September 5, 199 Newtonville Alive, by Peggy Mullan Woe is me... Maybe 1 should have voiced some of my opinions on the election earlier in the month. . .then again, maybe flot. Ever wonder whiere somie of these devoted, very quallfied candidates camne from? Doesn't it bother anybody else - even a tiny bit, that most of themn only seem to POOF! show up when an election is called? And what do we really know about themn - really? " Laugh able.." is how 1 could describe some of the pre-election literature that comres out. Some candidates actually believe that if they tel] everybody they go to church regularly, or belong to cer- tain organization or say that they are deliriouisly happily miarried, the <votes will pou rin. Where's the substance? Whiere are the guts and determrinationi to fighit for what concerned citizens and comniiesc need anid want? And whiat does sitting on a pew on, Sunidays, or hiaving mneatloaf wvith the in-laws e very, other wecekend - or anything else strictly on the pe- sonal level got to do with being, a resuLlt-oriented, no-nonsenise leader ofa apolitician? Beats me to rio end. It's alniost scary getting out there to vote. After al k mighlt be safe to say that when they start out, aspir- ing political types are probably, by the most part, incere. It's just that it seemislire further up they go, the less in touch they becomie vith reali- No matter which way you slice it, David Peterson, Bob Rae and Michael Harris are still the leaders of the three major parties... .and a vote for the candidate 'wý,ay down the line, is a vote for- the big cheese too. And that is flot anr enhightening thought. Because of or despite the sorry state our goverriment in genieral is in, more and more Canadians are, feeling the discontent,, and madi about it. Out of these numrbers, we must hope for change, and for a positive turii around in our leaders. If youi haven't already, do it - get out and vote on the 6th. It is your right and duty as a Canadian. Little Scoops... - September is Big Brother Month; the Association advises that they currently have ten little brothers in this area who are in need of a friend -a big brother. If you would be in- terested in learning more about get- ting involved, please contact Big Brothers in Bowmanville at 623-6646i. In support Big Brothers, the month' kicks off with a special Pet Show for kids, September 9th at the Orono Fairgrounds. Ail kinds of pets from birds to turties are up for prizes; ail dogs imust be on a ]eash and ail other animais contained. Circle tis date on your calendar - should be a super day! - Watch for the Big Brothers Sports Swap comîng September I th., - The Newcastle Figure Skating Club is pleased to annou-nce its 1990 Registration at Newcastle Area: Fni- day, September 14 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, September 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon; and Saurday, September 22 fromr 9 ain. - 12 Noon. Come out and join your friends from Newtonville and Newceastle villages for another enjoyable skating season. - Friday, Setember 14 is the date, set for the popular skate exchange; please bring skates, dresses, etc. clearly marked with naine, phone mnmber and price to the Newcastle Arena for 6:00 p.mi. on thre l4th. Jot down the date! - Regstration for the First Newton- ville Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfînders will be Wednesday evening, September 12 from 6:30 - 7JO0 p.m. at Newtonville School. Caîl District Commnissioner Marion Knapp if you have any questions, 786-2219. - Circle October 27 on your calen- dar. is the date of the Annual Newtonville Church Bazaar. A Period Fashion and Fancy Show is planned upstairs at the church with bake tables and, more downstairs. Everyone is welcome to attend this Iovely fali event. - Happy Anniversary, September 1l to Reid and Erma Wood. Our warmest congratulations. -A very happy birthday to Lena ClYSdale on Septemnber 12. It is nice to see Lena getting out more often lately . ..Many happy returfis! - Welcome home Ernie Knapp of Newtonville; Ernie and bis compa- nion Roger Cochrane of Bowman- ville took part in a lively Tractor- Pull competition in Syracuise, N.Y. last weëkend. -Fresh Eggs for Sale!" momn. . .you have to know that nine It is usually quite an event at the timies out' of ten, ail the chickens Armistrong househiold when Sarah 4 manage to find their way to and littie brother Ryan 1 '- offer to freedQrn, and a regLar gamne of tag. collect the day's eggs fromn the Passers-by- can pick up a fresh chicken coupe out back for dozen eggs for $1.50. Driving through the Alderville lindian Reserve at Roseneathi on the weekend, we were stopped at a "Peaceful Blockade" and handed literature, from 1hc quote: "The governiments of Canada and Quebec have been successfuil at manipulating the media to sway public opinion, flot just against the Mohawk people, but against the legitimate struggle of ah first na- tions to obtain recognition of their inherent rights. A-1l of uis stand to lose if things continuie the way they are going..." "Therefore, we thre people of Alderville First Nation condemrn any efforts by the Quebec and/or Federal goverrnment to Luse miilitary force to dismantie the barricades at Kanesatake or Kahnawake. If there is any use of violence against the Mohawk people of Kanesatake and/or Kahnawake, their go,.ern- E;LECT PEARCE M NEW IDEAS M NEW ENERGY DURHAM EAST NEEDS:- a A Strong Voice at Queen's Park a A Strong Voice Recognizing the Imiportance of Agriculture M A Strong Voice Recognizing the Need to Protect our Environment MA Strong Voice Recognizing the Frustrations of the Commuter ments'wfilI have to faàce flot only the reaction of our people, but native people nation wide..." The Native representatîve at the blockade spoke brietly and sincere- ly to each and every driver passingý through, as police c:ruisers quietly tlanked the gathering. It was peaceful, yet the message of unrest was clear. It is nothing less of disgusting and criminal itself that Robert Bourassa was given almnightly authority to cati in flhe armed forces. Just who does he think he This man is not representative of a Canadian. His ego is continually being boosted, to what end 1 dare flot imagine. He should be yanked out of his glorjous ranks for trea.son; or in the very least fired. If he was out in the real world of business, and flot working for fthc goverriment, he neyer wouild have made it past the water cooler by Friday. We cannot blame the Mohawks totally. Look around, they've got a black mark againist them already, they're not 'bilingual'. Tonight, 1 put the final words to this columnl, things' have quieted down sorte at our bouse.' The kids have gone to bed, ready and relue- tanly excited to begin another school year. Getting to the bathroom first, and deciding just what to wear the first day of school will be top priorities for our three, Tuesday morning. It bas been a good summer; Oc- curring to me more than once that boy, kids sure have a way of "quiet- lV" growing up, seemingly ever s0 slowly, but with each summiner that passes, they becomne more responsi- ble and less dependent upon us. And it ail brings to mid a wxonderful saying 1 came across awhlile back.. "There are two sPecial gifts we shoufld -give our childreni.. .One is roots, thie other is.wings ...."' ýquip yourself at the SPORTS SHOP with products tram the Best'in the Business, BAUER - C.C.M. - COOPER - TACKLA EASTON - KOHO - SH ERWOOD LOUISVILLE - and others Drap in Soon for the Best Selection BOWMI4NVILLE SPORTS SHOP 121 KingSt East 416-623-0322

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