Orono Weekly Times, Wednesdiay, September 12, 19%0-9 fNewtonville Alive by Peggy Mullan "Working the polis in Newtonville" A pretty, good turnout in voters Septemiber 6th at thie Newtonvllle -Hall; with a majority NDP govern- ment, we wýill just have to wait, perhaps with a gulp or two, to.see what becomes of Ontario in a year or two from now. Everyone will certainly agree, that by the most part, the'NDP got the surprise majority as a resuit of protest votes against the Conser- vatives and Liberals. No doubt even Bob Rae dîdn't expect this turn of events. He has a ready-made can of worms to sort through, and it isn't going to be a breeze either. The political chopping block will be rough and ready... "School Days! School Days" latest in clothes, 'hair fashion, home at Newtonville for his -second An,'yonie who 'happened to be backpacks and notebooks. ..News year anticipates a proud year for his- dlown at the school on the first day of new kids starting at Newtonville student body and teaching staff. feit the excitement just 'bouncing had- already got around, and Thie sign of stability and growth- off the kids. teachers were bombarded with the was quietly evident over the sum- The minutes before the first bell cheeriest of morning greetings. mer as new offices were built onto of the 1990-91 year rang, girls and Newtonvilîe Public School begins the front of the school. boys fromn grade one through six, hier second year as a separate identi- We ail should be proud of our perhaps noisier than usual, greeted ty. Studenits look forward, as do country school... .and 1 am sure that old chumis lonig-lost over the sumr- teachers, to many activities and throughout the year, we will have a mertime, waited eagerly for buises milestones to be conquered. Prin- chance to show it from time to time. to roll in, compared the absolute cipal David Gray, feeling more at Rah! RalÇ!,Newtonville! Littie Scoops.. - A reminder that September is Big Broth'er month. There are ten little brothers in our area who are in need of a caring Big Brother. For further information, please contact the Bowmanville Office at 623-6646... .and support Big Brothers whenever and wherever you can during their special mionth. - Newtonville Playgroup will start up again Wednesday, September 19th. AIl momns and tots welcome 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. For more informa- tion contact Patti Hutchinson 786-2232. - Everyone is invited to attend a uni- que evening of interest, Wednes- day, September 19, 8:00 p.m. at the church. The U.C.W. is sponsoring a Royal Doulton Demonstration and Film. Tickets are $5.00 each Thý fire department was called to a brush fire August 30th, just south of Jones Avenue, east of the sehool grounds. Police determined the blaze was set by youngsters playing with mat- ches. The kids had laid rocks in a circle and attempted f0 start a bon- firw. It got out of hand, stretching and available from Shirley Stapleton, 786-2286. There will be a draw for an exquisite Doulton figurine. AIl welcomne! - C'ircle October 27 on your calen- dar - it's the 1990 Church Bazaar. - Congratulations! Three cheers for the Brownsdale Girls BaIl team of the Newcastle Girls Slo-Pitch Association. These Bantam girls won their tournamnent for the se- cond year in a row, playing over this past weekend. The win wasn't easy, but the girls piayed hard refusing to let up on perserverance. Great going teamn! - Time to gather up those skates that are too smnall, along with any other ice-time paraphenalia and take it over to the skate exchange at Newcastle Arena, this Friday, September 14. All items must be mnarked with namne, phone number and price and be in for 6:00 p.mn. - Another great-idea event is hap- pening at the Clarke Museum next Saturday and Sunday, September 22 and 23 - mark it down! It's a giant second hand books sale. Paper- backs are a steal at 10 cents each, hiardcovers 25 cents or 5 for a dollar. Choose f'rom hundreds! Al prcesdirectly to thie Clarke Museum and Archives Building Ad- dition Fund. - Fuchre results of last Friday came in like this: Draw wins to Hfilton Peacock, Fileen Pearce and Ben Wright. Top scores from Muriel 'Burtch, with 84; Walter Murphy 82; Bea Hughes 77; Gwen Nesbitt 76; Ed Galipeau 75 and Art Bedwin 74. A fine time was had by ail. about 160 feet at the edge of the It is very scary. Children just do woods, and approximately 300 feet not realize how fast fire can igniteý into the bush. and spread. Local residents feared the fire Thank goodness there were no in- would spread to a disastrous size; juries. however, fircfighters were able tu Thank you for keeping quickly get it under control, re- "Newtonville Alive". Keep mie in- maining at the site for hours after- formed of those special dates keep- wards for safety's sake.. ing you busy, 786-2964 or Box 104, Newtonville. VIEWERS CHOICE VIDEO & T.V.. INC. MAIN STREET,,ORONO VIDEO ANI) FAMIL Y ENTER TA 1NMEN T CENTRE VIDEO (1500 in stock) POOL TABLES ARCADE MACHINES ROKALUMBER &FIREWOODCENTRE FIREWOOD DRY DRY DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST RETAILER .Dry Hard Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS 4'x 4' x 8' - $40-00 4' x 8' x 12" - $55.00 Del- 4' x 8' x 16" - $60.00 Del. SLAB WOOD 40.00 FULL BUSH CO'RD 8' LENGTH, Free Delivery to-Oshawa Area 705-277-3381 416-4346665' ON HWY.35-1 MILE SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOL MILL YARD OSHAWA