12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Septeniber 12, 1M9 The biggest smile ini the house For those that know the a solid majority. NDP's littie dynamo for Marg has been a candidate -Durham East, Marg Wilbur - it for the pary and has held about was the biggest smiie in the every position in the local house on Thursday evening with association as weli as being the election of fthe local can- associated with the Ontario didate, Gord Milis and a move NDP Association. to power in the legisiature with It was a great event for Marg. Non-mobille after competition For the public there will be wagon rides, face painting for the children, a petting zoo, air plane model demonstration, draws for prizes and much more! Plus admis- sion is free! -Just take Highway 12 in Whitby, to Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) turn west 1 km. to Country Lane Road, turn north and go to the end, foliow signs. Colour reports for changing leaves For those who enjoy viewing the beautiful colours of the changing leaves of autumn, the Minisfry of Tourism and Recreation, are now providing a bi-weekiy report on On- tario's fali coiour progression. For more information on places to go the publie may dial foll free 1-800-ONTARIO (Engiish) and 1-800-268-3736 (French), where a 24 hours taped report can be heard. Liaison Groups hold meeting There will be a joint meeting held by the Newcastle, Port Hope and Hope Township Communif y Liaison Groups along with i-epresentatives from the Atomic Energy Control Board,,the Sîtmng Task Force and Cameco (formerly ElIdorado), on September 18 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss perimeters of the lîcenc- ing for a low level radioactive waste site. The meeting is to be held in Can- ton, just outside Port Hope at the Batterwood Estate (home of Ian Angus). The meeting is open to the public, for more information you may contact the Newcastle Liaison office at 623-0720. County Holstein Show by Joei Bagg Farm Management Specialist Brent Snoddon of Sunnyfield Hoîsteins, Sunderland, received the Grand Champion honours with 2 year old "Don-A-Daie Sultan Dix- ie" at the Ontario Counity Holstein Show recentiy heid at Port Perry Fair. The Reserve Champion was Donelea Sultan Helen, a 3 year old owned by Howard Doner of Cann- ingt on. Both the Champion and Reserve were sired by A Pugent Sound Sultan. Stephen, Todd, Claremont,wo the Junior Championship while Scott Wilson, Port Perry, was Reserve. The Futurity class was won by Loa-De-Mede Farms of Oshawa. Premier Breeder and Premier Ex- hibitor of the show as Werrcroft Hoisteins, owned by Ron and Kevin Werry of Oshawa. A total of 31 exhibitors showed 135 head to Judge Maurice Jebson of Sunderland. Talés Told Twice SEPTEMBER 1943 Orono Creamery robbed for the second time in four weeks. SEPTEMBER 1958 Durham District High Board meeting at Orono High School. Refusai to build school in Orono. Desire new school midway between Newcastie and Orono. Orono Hîgh Schooil holding In- itiation dance. Orono, Drama Festival has good turn out. Spopnsored by Orono Fair Board. SEPTEMBER 1969 Tamldane Farms Premier Breeder at Orono Fair. William Tamblyn pictured with one of his prize- winning hoîsteins. Clarke Public Library catering to school children with special registration and entertaining film. Graduates - Lorna Anne Gilbank, nurse at Wellesly Hospital School of Nursing and Barbara Carman, nurse at Sool of Nursing. Kendial Midgets enter finais for Ontario championship. Outdoor Educational Centre pro- gram outlined to board of educa- tion wif h the hope of establishing more centres within the area. SEPTEMBER 1979 Newcastle Lions f0 hold Oc- toberfest in Orono Arena. New ice pad in Newcastle arena to cost $65,200. Patrick Wood displays his trophy winning fat caif which had been shown at the Orono Fair. 1Yvonne Boersfra, Bowmanville, chosen Queen of the Fair. Runner-ups were Kathy Mayberry, Bowmanville and Nancy Pietmnuller aiso of Bowmanvielle. Town requests fluoridization of Bowmanville wafer. Mînîstry of Transport sends ouf notice as to the widening of Highway 115 to a divided four lane thoroughfaie. To be undertaken in five years. There were a tew spent bodies as Hardly in a position to be certified above after the demoition derby at for the road. the Orono Fair iast Friday evening. From--Around t he R egionî $110 million for GO Train News hospital change The- Ministry of Transportation A search is being held for an ar- wants the first phase of fuil, ail day chifectural firm to draw plans for a GO train service to Oshawa exemp- redesigned and redeveioped Whitby ted from a full environmentai Psychiatric Hospital, the cost wiil assessment for the extension, be $110 million. because they found "relativeiy The existing buildings' are more few" environmentai impacts. than 70 years oid, inadequate and The proposai cails for the GO non-functional, says hospital ad- train to follow a route south of ministrator Ron Ballantyne. Highway 401 beside the existing The program wiîî increase out pa- Canadian National tracks. The first tient psychiatric services in generai phase of the extension would go hospitais and providing medical front Brock Street GO station in care for patients who live in the Whitby to a station at Thornton community or in group homes. Road south in Oshawa. Some of the buildings have been No more long distance designed historical and will not be 1 Two way local calling between demolished until ail alternative uses Orono and Oshawa will be in- for them have been stiudied, says troduced on September 15, 1990. R on Ballantyne. This means that long distance _______________________ charges wiil no longer appiy on cails f0and from Oshawa. Two-way lod calling between Pet Show eonas ewtnvillean Ohaw w n e swill also be in effect in tena (Continued fromn page 11) Autumn Fun Day and, Tail - Pauline Morgan. Be sf Craft Show Groomed Dog - Hoiiy Morgan. The Centrai Lake Ontario Con- Dog with Curliest Hair - Christine servation Authority is holding this Banderstar. Dog who looks most event, raim or shine, on Sunday, ike owner - Ian Scott. Best perfor- September 23, from 10:00 a.m. to mance of "sit, lie, down, rollover" 4:00 p.m. at Heber Downs Conser- - Matthew Bars. Best trick per- vation Area. f ormed by a dog - Brent Logan. SaIIy Staples Home Mover For Professional Real Estate Information and Service Home 987-1636 Oshawa Office 1-416-576-3111 (24 hour paging service) HOME BUYERS GUIDE 5O\~¶~~jJ SOv9 ORONO.- $459,900 Restored to perfection, st'te-of-the-art kitchen and bathrooms, over 3,300 sq. ft., with coach house and il 1/ acres of A-i Iand - you can walk to town! BOWMANVILLE - $139,900, The huge private lot has a park-like feeling- in the cen- tre of town! The high ceiling 3 bedroom home has almost new roof and fur- nace - central air. Custom blinds accent the modern decor - this home shows like new, and includes a roc room. Easy 401 access from its choice wesf Bowmanville location. PLEASE CALI FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENTS TO VIEWI Oshawa - $107,000 Attention first time buyers! F re sh ly decorated 3 bedroom toWnh'ouse, backing on to ravine. 80Aho* t Vacant - immediate possession tre (t lPac)P.B ox 7 05 a. *i LlH 4J M M mm- SOI