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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1990, p. 14

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14-Oonu WeekIy L'imes, Wednesday, September 12, 1990 SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone 983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM Main St reet, Orono(, "'983-9155 YVO-rýNNEMA[TLAýND We Delver NewtonVîlle> pon'typool, Oshawa,ý and Plac~es /,n Between 4"àHair With Flair" Foi LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Lt ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs -Hi.lFis Sales and Service Hotpoint -RC A. White Wetinghouse Frigidaire.- Whiripooi WVood's Freezers Magic Chef Hoover 983-5108' MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat In or Take Out Main Street, Orono 983-5310 "The Iatest in fashions for a/I times and al needs L 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quaiity Body WNork and Refinishing INSURANÇE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newdastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 F LO WERS PL Us FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 Kinlg Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983 5908 Wiida Middieton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Ororto, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy I _______________________ -D ouble D Gis & Crafts MAIN STlPEET, ORONO) 983-9585 Handicrafts Accepted on Consignment JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST, ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office ancl Residence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc. Chiropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL, ONTARIO LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTTIVMA. COUNSELLING Specîalizig n MARRIAGE COUINSELLîNG PARENT-CHILO and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medîcai Centre Oron o. Ontario LBÔ 1iMO Appoîntents aid inquiries 983-9792 "WHEFiE QUALITY AND SERVICE COME FIRS T" WENDY B's DEPARTMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 WVendy Partner, Prop. (416) 623-8161 Sportswear & Gifis Suppîiers of Teams, Schoois & Clubs Corporale Gift Packages 102 Queen St, Bowmnanviiie, Ontario, LiC 1M6 J Wayne Assen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE 'THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEIEDS Feiuýring si Specîalized Lîne of Marins, Compiete Extruded Horse Rations and Suppiements Double Cleaned OaIs, Bended Swei Fçpci and Pot Food Your Martn Fed i/s Da/ n urhlîam egion, 5Mi East nf Oronoc/Hwy. 115 on) Conc. 5 786-2578 FOR SALI 1985 Mustang, new tires, muffler, $4000.00, phone 983-9552. Truck inserit campe feet, a/C, 1awninlg, fu frdesoveý, pr( 12V'- 0 lisower, toi!i racks, laddler, TV $4,000.00, 416-983-9552. Tbr[ee large ,cbest for sale, catI 983-977ý Contents Se 143 C'orbett Dr-ive, P. 9:00 'a.M. - 4:00 Sat, Septembi W as ber, snowblower, consol( sion, dining roomn set, stereo, chesterfield,1 suite, Franklin stove, set, garden tooJs, ga que, and more. For earlier appointi 416-98-3-9383. FOR REN' Newly re-decoratt bedroom -apartm( Orono, $600 per utilities included, fii last months rent, cati 9 or 983-5147. vmot or, parnt, AUCTION SALES Salurday%, September 15(h ai 11:00 a.m. (416) At Epsom, west of Port l2,ac Perry, east of Uxbridge on Region Road 8. Watch for Signs. et, 121/2 Property of Dorothy Whit- irnance, ty, giving Up housekeeping. opane, Antiques, furniture, ap- let, roof pliances, tools, dishes etc. in- aerial, cluding gas stove, fridge, phone freezer, couch and chair, 12, ac black recliner, portable T.V., Ckitchen table and chairs, T.V. freezer s and stereo stand, Finlayvwood stove, braided rug, h1vs 12,ac beds, dressers, antique copper and brass pieces, small kit- chen appliances, garden tools, ale laýn mowers, garden tractor, ýontypool old books and magazines, oil p.. Blacksmith tools, antique tool er15 chest, shovels, old wcker, dryer, sealers, card tables, wooden le televi- chairs, rocking chairs, lawn Lconsole furniture, old sbadow box bedroom (presswood), antique drawing ýkitchen room table, old time hutch, as barbe- old bottle collection, wooden butter box, cutlery, glassware, ýmentcati disbes, linens and numerous 12,ap other items. Everytbing must be sold, no reserve. An in- teresting sale to attend. T Terms: Cash or Cheque (with proper LSD.) AUCTIONEER :ed two Don Stephenson 416-623-1726 ýent in Owner and auctioneer not month, responsible for acciden t or injury ïrst and incurred at this auction. 12,ac 83-5301 tfn One bedroomn furnished apartmnent on grouind floor in country homne. Non-smoker. Use of' garden, washer and dryer. Available Novemnber. First and Last. Phone 983-5196. 'fil ORONO - 2 bedroom apart- ment, fridge, stove, wasber and dryer, first and Iast mon- ths rent. Write Box 120, Orono, LOB 1iMO. 12ac WANTED TO RENT Non-smoking, young femnale, Iookin'g for spaciouis Orono apartment, reasonable rent, including uitilities, re- quires fridge, stove, parking and bopefully lauindry facilities. Reply to c/o P.O. Box 261, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO. 12,19 se Corn Stove Sales DOVE SERVICES KENDAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 ESTATIE AUCTrION Saturday, September Z2nd 10:00 a.m. Sellîng the, bousebold con- tents, antiques, macbinery and equipmnent for the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. - Wm. Tomnlinson, R. R. 1, Orono (Farm Iocated I mile east of Hwy. 115 on Clarke Conces- sion 6, or 3 miles west of Newtonville Road). Kenmore (atmond) fridge and stove, wasber, dryer, disbwasber, cbest freezer, uprigbt freezer, mnicrowave, gas barbeque, Electrolux vac, exceptional 9 pc. Kru-g watnut dining suite, parlour fur- niture, wicker rockers, Vic- trola, recliner rockers, plat- formn rockers, occasional tables, gaines watnut table, gingerbread dlock, oil lamps, crocks, lanterns, spinning wheel, double ox yoke, ext. dining table (8 leaves), set 6 dîning chairs, 5 pc. Kroehler bedroom suite, cressers, ci'èst o draw'ers, pine cradle, old tramnps bench, David Brown 900 gl as tractor (as is), Old Case parts tracýtor, K(verneland 3 fur-rowý plow, (3 pth.), cultivator (3 pt.), NMc- Cormick 46 baler, sickle mower (3 pth.), 6 ft. rear TV - VCR - STEREO Service Calis ESTIMATES GIVEN 98B3 -5 08 2 JOHN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experlience blade (3 pth.), steel wheel equip., Int. 160 spreader (rub- ber), Allied bale elevator & motor (rubber), 4 in. grain auger and motor (24 ft.), cut- ter, horse harness, wagon, parts, cernent mixer, electric welder, 44 Stanchion ties with water bowls, feed carts, 1982 GMC 14 ton pick up with cap (auto, 8 cyl., as is), Lawnflite 1l hp. riding mower, Lawnboy gas mower, quanti- ty pine lumber, octagonal pic- nic table, Cooey Mod. 84-12 Ga. shotgun, Stevens Mod. 85-.22 semi, Cooey Mod. 60-.22 repeater, Cooey Mod. 39-22 single, and many other interesting items. Sale lime 10:00 ar. With Household First TERMS: Cash or Good Cheque Refreshments Available AUCTIONEER Frsnk Stapleton 416-786-2244 12,19,ac CARD 0F THANKS Special thanks to friends, neigbbours and. relatives, whose heip was much ap- preciated after our tornado damage. The Hailowells 12,cpn The members of SAGA (Save the Ganaraska Again) wish to tbank ail the donors and participants who helped to make our buge "GARAGE SALE PLUS" on Labour Day weekend a smasbing success. Because of many v olunteer participants, a hard-working and dedicated Committee, and the hundreds of items Which were donated, wewere able to raise quite a bit of.ýmoney toward our ongoing battie to SAVE THE GANARASKA AGAIN. Even the weather co-operated by giving us two almost perfect days. The winners on the raffle for the two used TV sets were: Ray Christopher, Pickering.and Mrs. Barbara Bowen, Oshawa. Con- gratulations! Our next money raiser will be the performnance of "BUSTLES AND BEAUS" starring Katby Guselle, at the Orono Town Hall- on Oc- tober 27th. Reserve your tickets early, as this promises to bc a seil-out. Caîl Niva Rowýan 983-5393 or Elva Reid 98-3-9339 for tickets. I 2,ac To ail the people who donated time, talent and energ-y in mnaking our Oronio Fair ventuire anotber success we extend incerest thanks. Orono Ar-ena limprov-,\ement and Projeet Fund Committee- 12,ac IN MEMORIAM MONAGHAN - Ini loving, memory of my dear father, Sonny, Who passed away September 12, 1982. He had a nat~ure, you could flot help Ioving And a heart that was pure and gold, And to those who knew and Io ved him, His memory wiII neyer grow co/d. Sadly missed by daugbter Kim (Cowan) GAY, Charles E. In ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Charles E. Gay, who passed to bis reward on September 11, 1986. Hazel Gay and Family 12,ac DEATH NOTICES DREW, Norman Lloyd - At Port Perry Community Hospital on Monday, September 3, 1990 at the age of 86 years. Norman Drew, beloved husband of the late Violet (Layton). Dear father of Bill and his wîfe June of Port Hope, Jackie and her husband Howard Parker of Nestieton. Loved grandfather of Barry and Lynda Parker of Nestleton, Dana, April, Jackie, Dawn and Billie ail of Port Hope, and 7 great grand- children. Dear brother of Kate Brown, Marie Brown, Rae Cameron and June Pollard. Friends were able to cati at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Wednesday. Funeral service was held in the chape! on Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 12,ac STORSBERGEN, William - At bis residence in Pickering on Tuesday, September 4, 1990 in bis 74th year. William Storsbergen, loved father of Ria Hutton of Lakehurst, Fred of Orono and Christi na Danikoof Blackstock. Dear grandfather of 8 grand- children and 2 great grand- children. Frien ,ds were able to cati at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Thursday. Funeral service was held in the chapel on Friday at 11l a.m. Cremation. Dona- tions to the Canadian Cancer Society in bis memory would be gratefully appreciated. 12,ac BALL, Stanley - At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Thursday, September 6, 1990 in bis 82nd year. Stanley, beloved busband of Elsie (lreland) BaIl of Orono. Dear father of Carman, Harold, Vernon, Joy (Mrs. Ted Wood) and Glenn. Loy- ing grandfatber of 14 grand- cbildren and 3 great grand- cbildren. Friends were able to cati at the Morris Funerat Chapel, Bowmanville on Fr1- day. Funerat service was beld in the chapel on Saturday at 1 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to, the Canadian Diabetic Associa- tion in bis memiory w,ýould be gratefully apprè'ciated. 12,ac STAF FOR D MON UM ENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150, OUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1 -800-461-4848 Granite monuments, Markers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or showroom nappointments availabie Serving ail faithsa Refer ences availabie on request Alter H-ours Cal! Oshawa

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