lOOrnoWekI3 bimes, Wednesday, September 19, 1990 SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone 983-5301 The Shop APPLE BLDSSOM ' 1We Dontf Just Specialize" We Make Every Order Special .4. Main St reet. Orono *983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND I/îe Deiver Newtonviiae, Pont ypool, Oshawa and Places ln-Between With Flir" For LADIES andf GENTS Main Street, Orono ELE CTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- i 1Fis Sales and Service Hatpoint -R.C.A. White Westinghause Frigidaire WhirlPaalI Wýoad's Freezers Magic Chef - fHoover 983-5108 Corne to. MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat In or Take Out Main Street, Orona 983-5310 "The latest in fashions for ail t/mes and ail needs 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body and -Collision Ouality Body Work and Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R. R, 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWEPS PL US FLOWVERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Btty Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Double O Olfts& Crafts Hgndicrats AVcepted on f3onsignýient JEAN SIMONE SCHOCIL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST., ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL B. Sc. Chirapractcr R.R. 1 KENDA1L, ONTARIO L(416) 93-5510ý LLOYD SCOTTMA COUNS ELLING Specialîzing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLINC PARENT-CM ILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre orono, On/ario LBO iMO Appm/menti and lnquirei 983-9792 "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE COME FIRS T" WENDY B's DEPARIMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 Wendy Partiner, Prop. (416) 623-8161 Jo- Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queen St., Bowmartville, Ontario LiC 1M6 J, Wayne Asen PATRICK G. DEEGAN D ENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS ic Featuring a Specialized Line of Martins Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplemnents Double Clesned Oats, Biended Swee/ Fend and Pet Food Your i artitn Feed Muis Dealerl n Dram egion 5 Mi Fast ot Oronof/Hwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 FREE Free ta good home, 7 week old, long haired tabby kitten, female, phone 983-9637. 19.ac NOTICE CROOKED CREEK STABLES New facility, indoor arena, daily turnaut, large box stails. Individual care. 25 Years experience with Thoroughbreds, and show horses. Owner of lost watch at Durhiam Central Fair, please cýontact secretary, eveings, 797-21962. 19,ac ORONO BADMINTON CLB Tuesday, Septembher llth- 7:00 - 9:00 p1. M. ait CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Ne embers \Welcome 19,ap EXPLO0RERS Girls Grades 3, 4, 5 Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ORONO UNITED CHURCH Upper Auditorium 19,ap FOR RENT Newly re-decorated two bedroom apartment in Orono, $600 per month, utilities included, first and last months rent, caili983-5301 or 983-5147. tfn One bedroom furnished apartmient on ground floor in country home. Non-smoker. Use of garden, washer and, dryer. Available November. First and Last. Phone 983-5196. tirn Oronio stores for- lease, various izes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zonle, caîl Lyle or Marg West at 983-9.341- Res. 983-5962. tfil IN MEMORIAM REID, Grace In loving mremiory otf a dear friend, Grace. 1 miss ylOur smi/e Treasure youir.f-iridship You left a garden Of beautiful memories. Neta and Dora 19,ap TV - VCR - STEREO Service Calis ESTIMATES GIVEN JOHN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experience WANTED TO RENT Non-smoking, Young female, looking for spacious Orono apartment, reasonable rent, including utilities, re- quires fridge, stove, parking and hopefully laundry facilities. Reply ta c/o P.O. Box 261, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO. 12,19 ac CARD 0F THANKS On behaîf- of the Kidney Foundationr, the Harold Ransberry Family wishes ta thank each and eeyn who supported themn in the quiît draw, helci at the Durham Central- Fair in Orono. A very special thanks ta Marilyn and Alex Martini for. the donation of thebeuiu quilt. Thelucky winner fotei draw was Mr. Dan Gerardi, 43 Parkway Crest, Bowmian- ville, No. 421. I9,ap We wýould like ta thank Holiday Juice, Newcastle; Grundyv's Country Uphiolstery, Orono and Mlac's Kash and Karry, Cobourg for sponsoring us in the Central Ontario Summer Hockey Programn. It was great! Thank you! Scott and Danny MacDonald 19,ac The famnily of the late Stanley Baîl wish ta express their sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbours, for their kind- ness, baking, cards, flowers and charitable donations and expressions of symipathy. 1Special thanks ta Pastor Milnes, Dr. Cunningham, the nur-ses of First Floor and Emergency of Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, Leskard U.C.W. and Morris Funeral Chapel. 19,ap Than ks ta f amily, relatives, friends for visîts,_ cards, flowers, etc. To Drs. Sachdeva, Rogers, and Nurses of 7M Oshawa. Fami- ]y mnembers for giving their dad rides. Thanks Roy for, doing a great job while I was in hospital and since coming home. To V.O.N. Nurses, yo'u were great. Everyones thoughtfulness will aiways be remembered. God Bless Marion Tennant 19,cpn Grist -Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Friday, September 21st 7:00 p.m. Selling the contents from two Bowmanville hom-es. Antique dressers, chests of drawers, washstand, desks, occasional tables, 3 pc. Knechtel bcd suite, maple bed and chest, pr. folding rockers, 10 trunks, white wîcker chairs, caned rocker, Pr. grey upholstered loveseats, metal sheli units, gardien tools, hardware, 30 ft. aluminum ext. ladder, 3 wood step ladders, 5 hp. snowblower, gas mower, numerous antiques and many other items. Ternis: Cash or Good Cheque 1, AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 1-416-786-2244 1 9,ac Corn Stove Sales DOVE SERVICES KENDAL, ONTARIO (4l6) 983-9442 AUCTION SALES ESTATh AUCI'ION Satin-day, Septeniber 22nd 10:00 a.m. Selling the household con- tents, antiques, machinery and equipment for the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tomlinson, R. R. 1, Orono (Farm located 1 mile east of Hwy. 115 on Clarke Conces- sion 6, or 3 miles, west of Newtonville Road). Kenmore (almond) fridge and stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, chest freezer, upright freezer, mîcrowave, gas barbeque, Electrolux vac, exceptional 9 pc. Krug walnut dining suite, parlour fur- niture,' wicker rockers, Vic- trola, reclinier rockers, plat- form rockers, accasional tables, games walnut table, gingerbread clock, ail lamps, cracks, lanternsîý, spinning whedouble ox -ýyoke, ext. dining table (8 lae) set 6 dining chairs, 5 pc. Kro-ehlecr bedroomn suite, dressers, chests of drawers, Pine cradle, aid tramps bench, David Brown 900 gas tractar (as is), Old Case parts tractar, Kverneland 3 furrow plow (3 pth.), cultivator (3 pth.), Mc- Cormick 46 baler, sickle mnower (3 pth.), 6 fi. rear blade (3 pth.), steelwhe eq ui p., lnt. 160 spreader (rub- ber), AIlied bale elevator & motor (rubber), 4 in. grain auger and motor (24 ft.), eut-, ter, horse harnessý, wagon parts, cemnent mixer, electric welder, 44 Stanchion ties with water bowls, feed caits, 1982 GMC 11 ton pick up with cap (auto, 8 cyl., as is), Lawnflite 1il hp. riding mower, Lawnboy gas mower, quanti- ty pille lumber, octagonal pic- nie table, Cooey Mod. .84-12 Ga. shotgun, Stevens Mod. 85-.22 semni, Cooey Mod. 60-_22 repeater, Cooey Mod. 39-.22 single, and many other interesting items. Sale Time 10:00 s.m. 1Wjth Household Firît TERMS: Cash or, Good Cheque Refreshinents Available AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 416-786-2244 12,19,ac Prvate home or Showroonliappointmeents avallable , Serving al taithl% References available .ofli reqIae8 After Hours Cali Oshawa i -416-ffl -116 CAUIFIED& Sunday, September 23rd 12:00 Noon . Agriculture Building Orono Fairgrounds (Note Earlyý Star t Time) Selling the partial contents from 2 local homes, with a number aof antiques and cal- lectables, household articles, workshop tools and 1980 Volvo car, sold as is. Partial list _ta include, M.T.D. 8 hp. riding lawflnmower, 36"? wood lathe, 12 speed, V2 hp. outboard, capabilities, 8" V2 hp. table saw, large selection of Na- tional Geographic's - 1930 ta, 1985, plus complete set of bound volumes 1962 ta 1977, Quebec blanket box, 5 pc. bedroom suite, single canapy bed, chesterfield and chair, tableýs, misc. ald chairs,, school desk, calour T.V., sterea, washer, dryer, freezer, cuckoo dlocks, misc, artisis supplies, aid tinsi Inî bottles, rnamed iik btis aid ail lamp and chimneysc,, aid hacalate chicken mold, Orono Creamery can, wicker trunk-, copper boiler, selec- tian of china and glass, in- cluding Green Depression glass, 30 pieces of Fiesta ware, cups and saucers, plus many mare collectable and useful pieces. Also a selection of tools and hardware, work benches, wheel barrel, fencing, garden tools, axes, ADZ, sledge hammer, woodlen clamps, aId wooden planes, wooden toal box, etc. Plus a number of basebal and hockey cards ineluiding several Rookie cards, Ray Bourque and others. This is a larg2e sale with a varied selection of articles, something for everyone, 50 came early and browse and enjay-aur hospitality. -Watch next weeks paper for our Saturday, September 29th sale at the farm of Felix Brudek of R. R. 1, Eni- niskilIlen. MacGregor Auction Services Mike MacGregor - 987-5402 Junior Mest - 98M-556 STAFFORD' MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanvllle,- Ont. Phone 823-8150 OuT ôF- TOWN CALL TOÔLL FREE Granite Monuments, Markers, and Cemetery lýettering