Barina l f Home Check Vacatton Home Checktnq Let us mate your homne bot lved in Wedding Day Giii Sitting Reiable Reperences, BONDED Barb Shetilerina Gos NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 Farws Antiqes & Collectibies Antiques, Memorbilia & Collectibles from t/mes gone by WE BUY and SELL OPEN Thurs.-Sunday 10 -5 Mn 1 W ed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTý LOB IMO (416) 983-9806, *OTATN "Work Wanited"' D& R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 TENNANT DUCT CLEANING 1587 Popular Plains Or. Cavan, Ontario LOA 1 CO TELEPHONES - 705-944-5720 705-749-3174 416-433-2505 BYAMS Pumbing Hostng Incorporated Sale and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low Interest rates 263-2650 VAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Lçensed 25 Years Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS -DECKS ADDITIONS Ail Carpentry Reîated Work Orono - 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 Silver Streak Siding Introduces THE FACE LIFT * Siding * Soffirs * * Fascia * Lat'estrough* * Vinyl Windows * New Constructions and Renovations Excellent Workmanship Phone John (416) 983-8181 Mol Hartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 BULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEDS SAND - GRAVEIL TOP SOIL AL. HEARD Electrical Contracting New Construction Repairs Electric Heating Pole LUne Construction Central Vacuum Systemis ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 HIARVEY IC PARTNER & SONS PLUMBING and IIEATING MAY TAG DEALER Protessi'onat Goutd's Pump Deater Auttiorized lConsumer as De iýr Oit -Wofod -Etectuic Repars te att makes ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5206 or 623-2301 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUJCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario V-L CETT CONTRACTING LTD. General Carpentry, Renovatlons, Rooflnq Custom Homes and Commercial Buildings Phones (705) 277 3308 Box 598 Orono. Ontario or 1705) 277 2003 BARR'IS (416) 987-1445 (416) 986-4277 ROOFING - SHEET METAL SKYLIGHITS FLAT ROOFS SHINGLES PRE PAINTED STEEL iSIDING SOFFIT - TROUIGH SUNROOMS SOLARIUMS COLLECI CALLS ACCEPTED 20 ears Experience Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 19, 1990-11 NOTICE Wom)netî it Abuise Rela(i onshtp Foi HeIp (CiII 1The D)enise House" For Women and Children 1Toil Fic, 1-800-263-3725 ut 728--731 1, confidertitalhs a,.tec If you wanî 10 drink, that's your business. if you ssanî îo stop, IThat's Ours. Cati AIcoIiolics Anonymnois, To îalk o- tof- .Meeting Times and Places Lakeshore I)isfricis (416) 728-1020 t(fil Jean Simone School of Dance REGISTRATION 3 Years Old and Up TAPP, BALLET and JAZZ PHONE 983-8218 Aug. 15- Sept. 26 ai. M. T. STABLES Board - Lease 8uy -Se/I -Constgnment's (Horses and Tack) GANARASKA FOREST AREA Phone Marie 983-9736 WANTED TO BUY Stamps, Coins Baseball & Hockey Cards Worldwide -We pay top doil/v price- -We Do Appraisals- Mister Murray's 1.Box 340 1 Orono, Ontario LOB IMO [-oal Rc idciiiîi-l ,26 'i i I , pL1 ci'.. Sept. 19 Ot. 31 ap A good used hoat trailer' for a 14 foot aluminum fishing boat. Please cali(705) 277-2528 evenings,. l9,'26 cpi WANTED) Ladies wanted to sell ex- quisite lingerie for home par- ty company. Part-time, ful time, earn $3000 an hour plus, no deliveries, lots of fun, work own hours. Seen on Donaghue, call Cathy at 623-2652 between 4:00 p.rn. 6:00 p. m. 2,,21,6a Cleaning lady for large house, once a week. References required, phone 983-9496. (fil The Harvest Is Bountiful at Fred's Fruit Market, Hwy. 115, South of Orono Fred's Own Apples McINTOSH - PAULA RED BARLETT PEARS TOMATOES ALSO SQUASH A tasty selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fram Fresh Eggs- Preserves A FREE Pepper or Buttercup Squash with every $1 5.00 Order AT - MARKET- Highway 115, Haîf -Mile South of Orono 83 King Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA iHO Telephone (416) 987-3200 Matthews' Associates Pauline Mote. miIc O FFI1C E 983-5115 HOMEF 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 OROINO. ONTARIO LOB IMO "35 Years of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 4163-983-5767 416-623 4835 HELP WANTEJ NOW HIRING North End Gardenî 8 milesnorlh of 401 5 miles norîh of Orono on Highway 115/35 Exciting events comning HI Soon, to be the place to bc HURRY' Apply Within FULL-TIME, PART-TINt *Waiters * Waitresses *Cooks* DAYSand NIGHTS We also have openings fo our Chip Truck Phone 983-9755 :s P., e! 4E, if n Orono Figure Skating Club requires a music person for our 1990/91 season, to start September 30, approx- imately 9 hours per week; after school Monday to Thursday and I1/ hours on Sunday. Please, apply im- mediately- phone Gail McKenzie 983-9542 or San- drd Murphy 623-4834. 19,ac WANTED BABYSITTING Moîher of îwýo would like Io babysit in my home Orono area. Lunch, snacks and aclivities provided; clean home, companion(s) for my îwo year old; references atVailable, -phone, Joanne Hogarth 983-5606. 1.9,26 ap PERSONAL L.earn Vour Future Card or Teacup Readings By Appoinîment OnIy Phone 983-5532 ALTERATIOIN General sew >ing dressmaking in- myî Cal Wednesdays and ings 983-9761. COMING EVE NT Chatterton Electr ic Ladies Lobb-Ball Team DANCE October 6, 1990 Orono Arena D)J., Lunch -,Bar - Prizes $15.00 per couple For tickets caîl 983-5653 Aug. 15, 29 Sept. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3 cpn 4Oth Anniversary 1The family of Mr. and Mrs.. Derek Barnett of Orono wish to invite their friends and relatives to celebrate thieir parents' 401h Wedding--Anniversary Sunday,. September 30 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at their parent's home B est Wishes Only 12,19,26 ac OPEN BOUSE Thursday, October 2Oth 1:00- 4:00 p.m. and 7:00- 9:00 p.m Folk Art and -Decoraîtve Painting with Joyce Rosseau, Classes Cojnmencing Ociober lsi, 1990 86 Chureh Street, Orono 983-5312 i9,ap Education C lasses Cerptre for Individuai Studies 120 Wellington Street Bowmanville (Central Public School) NO CHARGE FOR COURSES E.S.L. - Learn Io speak English Classes start Thursday, September 27 6:30 pan. - 8:30 p.m. A.B.L. - Learn Io read Eliglish' Classes start Tuesday, September 25 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Adult Education Earn High School Credits Get your'Grade 12 Diplom îa or Upgrade your Office Skills 623-6505 12,19,26 ac FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x40', 40'x75', 50'x100', 60'xlOO', 75'xl5O' We can erect or deliver to site Supply is Lim ited Please Caîl 983-15872 or Fax 983-9179 Patio Slabs 19,26 a. 16" x16-' $1.75 20" x 20"'$3.25 12" x 12" $1'.00 Ns Well Tile 36" inside Diameter $44.00 and Other Sizes Available home. Ponlypool Concrete Producis Jeven- <Formerly Beîhany Concrete) (titi (705) 277-2442 tr' 1990 Lumina- Eurosport, loaded, mint condition, low mileage, phone 983-5046. 12,19 cpn 4 x 8 Trailer. Heavy duty frame and springs, lights, 2 foot sides, suitable for wood haulage, used twice, phone 983-5678. 19,26 cpn Plpit hound puppies, pup- py papers available, phone (705) 277-3695 after 4:00 p.m. or 983-5301 until 3:00 p. M. lin New double box spring $50.00, 2 wicker. Cobra chairs $15.00 each, phone 983-5416. 19,26 cpn Bauer Pro 80, size 9, ex- cellent condition, $50.00;, Bauer Supreme Custom 101, size 10, excellent condition, $65.00; phone 983-585'o. 19,26 epii CARS FOR SALE 197 *8 Chev Impala, 4 door, not certified, body/tmotor good co-nditiont, $500 or besi offer, phone 983-5322. 19,26 ac (Clontiiîued ýNTS