Judy Climenhage and Eleanor glimpse of the triatholon. Magdar pose with their entries in Eleanor Magdar became so at- the annual duck races at the Orono tached to the ducks that she Fair. A good attraction for those adopted three who 110w live a com- who crowded around to catch a fortable life out on the farm. Ken Allin with his four-horse class. There was a good showing of hitch placed first in this heavy horse heavy horses at Orono this year. Tom Morawetz (right) of Evergreen displays some of their John Deere equipment at the fair. And the kids enjoyed the thrill of make-beleive sitting on the seats and vocally reving the motors. Public Liaison group ends off, first yea r ' The Public Liaison Committee (P.L.C.) for the Durham Waste Management Master Plan has been working since last, faîl to involve the public in the Master Plan process for finding a long-term Durham- only garbage solution. The commit- tee of volunteers from across the Region h as worked steadily to educate its own members and the public about waste management issues, as well as to report back to MacLaren Engineers and Durham Region staff and Councillors with its findings. The committee hosted 16 public meetings (two in each Area Municipality) to give the public an opportunity to have input into the process for locating waste process- ing/disposal sites. A total of 725 people attended these meeting, and their responses to questionnaires in- dicate that many people would like to see considerably expanded reduc- tion and recycling programs in the Region. The P.L.C. also held an informa-, tion session about the issue of com- pensation for those people adverse- ly affected by the siting of a landfill, where those in attendance learned about the policy drafted in Dufferin County for its residents. After that meeting, the P.L.C. was instrumen- tal in ensuring that Durham Region develop and adopt its own compen- sation policy. The P.L.C. next invited a panel of guest speakers to discuss the pros and cons of incineration as a means of garbage disposai, since there-is a strong, perception that many members of the public may not be well informed about this method of waste management. Many of the people who attended the session ex- pressed reservations about incinera- tion, chief among them being the fear that burning garbage may act as a powerful disincentive to waste reduction and recycling efforts. The whole, question of landfill vs. in- cinerat ion is one about which the P.L.C. needs more public input. People with strong feelings or ques- tions about this issue are encourag- ed to caîl the Master Plan Hotline Number: 1-800-465-4216. The P.L.C.'s next major task will be to assist in the process of notify- ing landowners when candidate areas for landfill are announced, which is due to take place in mid- September. Enclosed with this release is a pamphlet which contains more detailed information about P.L.C. activities, the Environmental Assessment process, and -3 R's" tips and information. YWCA offering new pro grams The YWCA is offering two new upcoming programmes. Winteriz- ing Your Garden is being offered at Bowmanville High Sehool, Mon-, day, October 1 at 7:00O 9:00 p.m. The fee is $7.00. This evening will be about how to prepare your garden for winter. The Do's and Don'ts on storing bulbs, what to save, what to prune and much, much more. The night will be hosted by the YWCA and Barb Brown, horticulturist. Bring your notebook, and pen and alot of questions. Crafts anid Laughs is also being offered at Bowmanville High Schoo', Monday, October 1 at 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The fee is $7.00 (plus cost of supplies at class $10.00). For aIl programmes register in advance at the YWCA office at 133 0r4»lo Weekly Timies, Wediiesday, Septeihber 26, 1990-11 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s, P.O. Box 27 R.R.2, Orono, Ont. (416) 983-5721 ~ ~ 4~<~ESTABLISFIZD 1881 4 DIVISION ST., 623-5480 0 8OWMAt4VILLE OFF STREET PARKING AREA' DRE-ARIRANGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAI SERVICES AVAILABLE The * CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CH EESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred& Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIýS. DIESÉL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1 ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOS1iMO ,-_ONHWY.115&35 PH-ONE (41 6) 983-9151 MERVYNB. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABt.E RATES; Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanvilîe @MR