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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1990, p. 2

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PWd Evoy Wesy a h ficefPbl"iOn Main Streorono Insensitive After two years of study MacLaren Consultants have designated five candidate sites for a major, Iong-termn, landfill site. One such site just happens to be north-east of Orono on a 800 acre junk of land that has been actively farmed over the years. TIhe facts became known on Friday of last week and as ex- pected opposition to the plan was quickly mustered fromn area ian- downers and those who would be indirectly affected. The Town of Newcastle lias also joined the baffle. From reports of notification, sign now or be expropriated, to affected landowners the approach certainly would betermed as inisensitive especially knowing that many of these owners have been on the lands for decades and through their efforts provided the main source of income. Over the next nine months there will be much debate on the issue as the Regional Waste Management cornmittee proceeds through a schedule of events leading up to a final decision on the desired site and an altenative. It would be very unlikely that the process will change or that any site will now be pulled from the list of five candidate sites. To change in nud-streamn would surely tag the Region a buncli of donkies. Regional couricil can well be outvoted by the larger centres of Oshawa, Whitby, Pikermng and Ajax and the need' for the, dump cannot be'denied. Durham has been riding on .the coat-tails of Metro Toronto using the Metro. Brock West dump and at a reasonable cost according to other charges in this area. Newcastle is waging a verbal battie at this time but to do baffle over the process is futile as Newcastle lias been part of the process through the Regional system. Lîke other municipalities Newcastle lias had representation on the Regional Waste Manage- ment comniittee in the person of Counc. Larry Hannah. Further as late as August 28 the committee approved of the schedule of events and in fact a closed door meeting was held only last Wednesday with members of Regional coundcil and the Public Liaison commit- tee present to hear presentation from MacLaren Consultants. The Town does have a number of valid points to pursue however, which have already been expressed. That the landfill site is in the mnidst of the Oak Ridges Moraine certainly could be a good point of debate and the fact that consideration of the Kanter and Crombie report had no bearing in the decision making by MacLaren. Testing wil likely bring forth other concemrs as to the suitability. A strong front of opposition does help especially in the field of politics and if one out-opposes the other it just may be enougli to tip the scales. The Town of Newcastle lias ajob ahead of themn in just one more battle of wits and facts. They will be part of the finaleciso at Regional coundcil and then through Environmental Assessment prior to the first shovel going into the ground. Unfortunately counicil lias lost one of its battiers in Counc. Hamre through -the declaration of a conflict of interest . This may however be nullified tlirough the fact that lands designated in the candidate site does plot extend north of Regional Road 9 as previously thought. The counicillor had flot declared such an interest in a Estate Residential development which lies dloser to the Oak Road property. Neyer is there peace in this world of excessive garbage. PUBLIC SKATING OPENS AT ORONO ARENA Public Skating opens at the Orono arena this Sunday and the following Sundays scheduled between the hours of 2 to 4 p.rn. OSHAWA SKI HILL NOT INCLUDED IN CANDID)ATh DUMP SIT7E It was mentioned on Monday at coundcil by Mayor Hubbard that it was abswtl to include the Oshawa Ski Hill as a portion of the candidate dunip site north-east of Orono. It was revealed on Tuesday that the Ski Club property or any propertynorth of Regional Road 9 is flot included in any proposed purchase for dump purposes. NEW STORE FRONT A WINNER IN DOWNTOWN linda and Murray Taylor are to be congratulated for the new store front on their hardware business in downtown Orono. An excellent ap- pearance for the downtown. Certainly a job well done. ®RONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall, euchre results for Wednesday, September 19 was as follows: High scores Harvey Partner with 83; Leta MceAllister, Hazel Murphy and Ed Skinner each with 77; Gladys Greenwood and Tom Wilson e ch with 75. Low score Bob Bradley. Draw winners Tom Wilson, 7dgar Milîson (2) and Joyce Cowan. Euchre is held every Wednesday evening at,8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. ®RONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The euchre resuits for the Orono Town Hall card party held on Wednesday, September 12 were: High scores Art Compton with 84; Robin Alldread with 80; Shirley Moffat'and Norma Moffat each with 78 and Joyce Cowan with 77. Low score Jean Allen. Draw win- ners Gladys Greenwood, Art Compton, Shirley Moffat and Jean Allen. Euchre is held every Wednesday eveniny, at 8:00) p.m. Ladies please brîng lunch. Letters Dear Sir: Do we need a Newcastle Com- munity Liaison Group (NCLG)? To answer this question 1 would like to go into a little history on the Port Granby Radioactive Waste Dump, that is on the lakeshore in the eastern part of our Town. In 1955 Eldorado (now Cameco) started dumping radioactive and chemnical wastes at this site and con- tinued until June of 1988 when the Atomic Energy Control Board clos- ed the dump. This was only done after'many years of pressure put on Eldorado and the Atomic Energy Control Board by the citizens and Town Council of Newcastle. The reason for this closing is that the cliffs are eroding along the lakeshore and there is danger of the wastes washing into the lake, which is a source of drinking water for millions of people. The wastes could enter the lake at any time. Also, this dump site was not lîcens- ed until 1975, theretore there was twenty years of uncontrolled dump- ing at this site. ,After many protests and many meetings with all concerned, the Siting Task Force (Opting for Co- operation) was set in 1986 by the federal government to find a solu- tion to the problem, and one of the working parts of the Siting Task Force is the C9mmunity Liaison Groups (CLO). One of the tasks of the CLG is to educate the people of'this Town about the Port Granby waste site Dear Roy: Less than two weeks ago Mother Nature shocked our community with a devastating tornado. Over the last few days, shock has again struck this quiet rural area with the news that the Region of Durham has named an area east of Orono as une of several potential dump sites. Another potential site, it appears, is in the area north-west of Mitchell's Corners. This community seems to be deliriously strolling 'from one disaster to another, as did Alice in Wonderland. There is something of a sinister attraction to the Town of Newcastle for dumps '(garbage, nuclear), environmentally- questionable industry and pervasive development. ENOUGH 15 ENOUGH! Society has a respon- sibility to its environs - we, here in the Town of Newcastle, are trying to corne to grips with this very serious responsibility. However, "they" just don't want leave us Durham East recount (Continued from page 1) Milîs said the recount stops the winner from taking a seat in the legislature nor are funds available to operate an office, in which he in- tends to establish one in Bowman- ville and a part-time one in Port Perry. It is pointed out by Lorie Wells, Ontario's chief election cle rk, that in the past six provincial elections no recount has ever upset the of- ficiaI count outcome. Good and bad news in the car industry tussie In the UJ.S. the union and General Motors have settled their contract for the next three years and this is good news for GM and its workers in Canada. ht assures a sup- ply of parts for the Canadian manufacturer. On tl.e other side of the ledger he strike at Ford Canada continues with annoucements that the union and management is miles apart. St. Saviour's and to, find a safe way to move the waste from the Town of Newcastle. Now this is where the problem starts. First of ail1, 1 would like to say that most of the people sitting on the CLG are trying to do a good job at their tasks; but, do the people of this Town need to be educated about this problem after ail we went through to get the dump closed? The elected Town Council voted unanimously to move the wastes out of the Town of Newcastle. Cameco and the AECB know that it has to be removed, so why are we wasting time and money on this education part of the process? The problems of transportation and removal of the waste could be handled by experts from these areas concerned, but with a committee set up by the Town of Newcastle with members of Council and concerned people who know the history and problems of the Port Granby dump site to see that the material is moved safely. When I attend these CLG meetings, 1 always have the impres- sion that the federal government is usingthis committee to selI us on the idea of keeping the waste at Port Granby and do nothing about it. If we continue as we are in this Opting for Co-Operation procees, we will be a host community, which is the last thing we want! Yours Harvey Thompson alone. Job had only so much pa- tience - ours has reached its limit! 1 note that our Premier-Elect, Mr. Bob Rae, has some very strong policies regarding the environment - including the issue of garbage. Clearly, the electorate of Ontario have extended their hands in faith to Mr. Rae's ability to deliver the goods. My observations lead me to conclude that not only Metro Toronto, but also the Region of Durham, are holding the province ransom with the unknown monster called the _"garbage crisîs". The short -sightedne ss of plan- ners/politicians has corne home to roost - but, 1 note that roosting is exclusive to rural communities! In- deed, flot only is the faith extendcd to addressing environmental issues, but also in addressing planning practices. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Helen MacDonald Anglican Church'~ MILL STREET,, ORONO, ONTARIU Rev. Douglas, W. Ifal 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 a.m. ORONO GA TES 0F PRA4ISE BIBàLEINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Ful i Gopel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Minîstry Reêv. Margaret r .West. Res. 983-5962 Counselling 41 oRorýo PASTORA.L CHAXGE' Minister: Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Secretary: Marlene Risebrouëh Organist: Kirby Arlene Bolton Organist: -Orono Stella MoXtoft SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 1 1:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall UPCOMING SERVICES September 3th Kirby Anniversary Service 9:30 a.m. October 7th Thanksgiving and Worldwide Communion NOTICE Offical Board Meeting of the Orono and Kirby Pastoral Charge Thursday, September 27th Orono United Church 7:30 p.m. 983-500 1 Mal 111 lull'ill'ili 111 Il m 1

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