At the Kirby landfill meeting Oroffo Weekly Times, Wedtesday, October 3, 1990-9 A.nnoun"]ce funding for arts-in-education plan Almost $750,00 has been comn- mitted by the Ministries of Culture and Communications and Educa- tion to provide arts training to elementar-y and secondary school teachers, Ontario Culture and Communications Minister Hugh O'Neil announced today. The three-year pilot projeet wîll help finance joint initiatives amnong school boards, arts organizations and artists for in- service training of teachers who are flot specialists but who are responsi- hIe for teaching the arts. "One of the aimns of this program is to encourage ongoing practical arts experiences in the schools," said Mr. O'Neil. "We hope to enhance the artistic experiences of school children by integrating the arts disciplines throughout the cir- riculum.," The mirtistries will provide $249,000 per-year for each of the next three school years for suitable projects. School boards workinig with local artists and art organiza- tions are being invited to submit their proposaIs for consideration. - The first group of approved pro- jects will be announced by November U, 1990. This programn is the result of col- laborative efforts between the two funding ministries in responise to needs identified by their clients. The cooperative nature of the pro- jects will significantly improve com- munications between the b local ar- tistic and educational communities. rielen Jackson, a nydrologist and tne Regionat Solii waste commit- Thne audience was much attentive John Reid, project manager for the tee face a packed auditorium at the than a meeting the night before in current land investigation of five Kirby Public School last Wednes- Biackstock where the meeting was candidate sites throughout the day evening. finally called off. Region along with Ken Donnelly of Orange AHal New"s FEATHERHORNe, SAWMILL The Junior Lodge met on Thurs- day, Septemtber 2th, when they received two new members. Once again they are making plans for a float, to enter in the parade in November. On Wednesday, September 26th, the men held the Scarlet Meeting, they held a Degree practice. On Saturday, September 29th, the Ladies of Kendal Hilîs L.O.B.A. went on a bus trip to St. Jacobs and to the market nearby, what an interesting timte that wýas. 1 had been to the market before, but not on a Saturday, one couid buy almost anything. The Village and the way they have put the oid buildings to-use are also sornething to see, but don't plan on buying any clothes there unless you are able to spenci a lot of money. Fromn there wve went on to Guelph, to a big Mail, we stopped at the Fifth Wheel, at Milton for supper, the food is always good there, then on back to Kendal and home. Rememiber. . .the Men's Lodge mneets this Wednesday, Oc- tober 3 the Junior Lodge mneets on Thursday, October 4th and the Ladies Lodge meets on Thursday, October llth. The first euchre of the season, will be on Friday, October i2th. Comle on out and join us for an evening of cards and lunch. Sec you thiere! by P. Lowery CUSTOM LUMBERMILL WORK Will corne ta your land and cut your logs wrth portable bandsaw miti MUEN VOUE LOGS INTO VALUABLE HUGE CLUrING cAPAcrrY LUMBER FOU: CUTANY " Landscaping Timbers DIMENSION LUMBEIq " Turning Blocks MR " Barn Timbers LUMBER, PER LOG " Log Cabins HAUIN EE * Cross Ties " Fencing " Shakes e Paying with fire, by Gord Milis Taking 'up strenuous sports in middle-age is playing wvith fire. In particular, squash is the mnost dangerous sport of ail for anyone over 40. It puts tremendous strain on the heart and respiratory systemt, anid many doctors advise mniddie- aged people not to take up the sport. One of the main concern's is that players rarely warnm up properly before a gamne or allow the body time to cool down afterwards. Thiis heîghtens the strain on the body during the vulnerable after-exercise period before heart rate and temperature return to normal. Nigel Hook of the Central Counicil for Physical Recreation, said: "Squash is a convenient lunchtime sport, but middle-aged men should consuilt a doctor or instructor hefore picking up a racket. To piay squiash miost people are usually in a crouched position and comnpletely t ense. They also tend to hold their breath as they rush_ around the court, puitting great strain on the heart muscle and depriving it of oxygen. Tennis and-badminton promote flexibility and muscle strength,,but can be hazardous for the unfit. Doctors say they should be combini- ed wvith a programt of running and swimming to avoid injiury. Remember the old airforce 5 BX programs? They are stili recom- mended as good forms of exercise. 983-9390 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Plan to visit your Fire Department during Fire Prevention Week OCTOBER 6TH - 13TH, 1990 Open House wiII be held daily commencing October 8th, 1990 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 pa. at Station #1, 132 Church St., Bowmanville' Station, #4, Truils Rd. north of Nash Rd., Courtice Antique and Modern Fire Apparatus Display * Station #1, Bowmanville Saturday, October 6th 10:00 a.m. until 12:.00 p.m. Auto Extrication Demonstration 11:00 a. m. Visit the Fire Prevention Display at the Bowmanville Mail and see:"Sparky" the Talking Fire Dog Thursday, October 1111th, Friday, October l2th 4:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, October l3th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.rt,. ~lo M.,Creighton, Fire Chief, Town of Newcastle Dates of Publication: Wednesday, September 26, 1990 Wednesday, October 3, 1990ý P-0. 4902 e 7mwp4 n 4ea9aq, OFFICIA L PRO TEA MSHOP JERSEYS, JACKETS, HATS SWEATSHIRTS, PANTS, T-SHIRTS BOWMANVILLE 4~SPORTS SHOP 121 KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Phone (416) 623-0322 Open Evenings 1. wq,àll.