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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1990, p. 2

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MdainStroet 'Oro ray C. FûrreÉmr.Edtor Town favours growth in Orono The Town of Newcastle Planning departmnent bas made their comments to the Regional Officiai Plan amend- ments and have presented such to memnbers of Newcastle council. The Newcastle department cails for growth within the Village of Orono area to a population of 7000 people which is contrary to that being offered by the Region of Durham. The Town calis for Orono to be a Small Urban area while the Region calîs for Orono to continue as a Hamlet. It appears that Town council gives their approval for the increase in population in Orono but have tabled the report for public input over the next two weeks. It does give in- terested parties in this area, and especially the Orono Development Committee who have called for Orono growth, the opportunity to comment and support the plan being of- fered by the planning department. It bas to be realized that the Town is only commenting on a Durham Region document and altbough the TFown may favour 'Orono growth it bas been demnonstrated tbrough tbe Regional report that the Region does not. The Orono Development committee is going to have to give the Town ail the backing and support it can at the local level. But the support and push wilI also have to carry-over to the Regional Planning dcpartment and Regional council. Make no bones about it tble case bas by no means been won for further growth in Orono at this stage. Irv Hamilton representing a couple of developers in the Newcastle -Town area bas already objected to the growth proposai for Orono and more may arise. Hamilton also ques- tions if the Region will spend the money to bring water and sewers to Orono to feed and make the growtb possible. If the Orono Development Committe won a sm-all battie in their efforts SAGA (Save the Ganaraska Again) also took a small step forward with the Town planners calling for more stringent rules governing approval of Estate Residential lots. There may be battie done in counicil over this mnalter for as with the Orono plans the Region is only calling for special site approval for Estate residential with little backup. RECOUNT GIVES GORD MJLLS THE NOD - NOW M.P.P. Gord Milis retains bis bold on the Durham East seat in the Provincial Legîslature having survivedi a recount last Tuesdayand now baving a majority of 55 votes over bis nearest rival, Kirk Kent, Progressive Conservalive. This will be the second time the seat bas been beld by tbe NDP witb Doug Moffatbaving beld tbe seat some eigteen years ago for on~e session of tbe legislature. "BUSTLES AND BEAUS", conling to Orono Town Hall this Satur- day starrnng Kathie Guselle and Harry McKew. The show features hit songs froin the days of the horseless carniage and the Nickelodian. The show is being presented by SAGA and froin a number of press clippings the audience is in for a treat as the duo present a ively pro- gramn of music. Somne tickets available at the Orono Times and possibly at the door. Gord's View by Gord Milîs Prior 10 my cîeccion 10 the Provincial Governinent, I often wondercd what Uic MPP for Uic riding did eacb wcek. My own feelings were amrplified somewbat last weck, during a conversation I bad with an Orono resident. Ibis person, wbo shal remain anonymous, caughî me riding my bicycle up Uic village, Uic day after Uic recount. "Well" lie said, "now Uic recount is donc wiUi, 1 gucss you cas start to work for us." 'l lry" I said, as 1 cycled on my way. These remarks sîuck witb me, and in a way mnade me just a little upset. Aftcr ail, badn'î I been working as tbe MPP since Seplember the 7th. As I Uiougbî more about Uic rcmark, I began 10 think many people must wonder how the MVPP puts in his time. Since my wages corne in part from taxpayers in Durham East, 1 thought that I would attempt to keep you informed, as-best 1 can, of the things 1 do weekly. 1 hope you like the idea, and as time passes, 1 hope you write either to me, or as a letter to the Editor, about things of interest to you. The past week look me down 10 thc Solicitor Gcncral's ini Toronto, on Monday, Tuesday, Wedncsday, and again on Friday. Most of that lime was spent bcing briefcd by the Depuîy Minister and bis staff, on proposed legislation 10 be inlroduced in Uic new parliamrent. On Wcdnesday afternoon 1 was plcascd t1, greet grade 10. studenîs in the Legislature, from- St. Stcpbcn's Scbool in Bowmanville. Wedncsday evening was spent aI the Bowmanville Mrena Complex, waiîing for Uic judicial recount t0 be made final. Thursday was spent ordering fumniture and arranging Uic installation of telepliones at Uic Letter to Editor Dear Roy: I would like to take this opportunity to respond t0 Pat Lycett's recent "Letter to the Editor" in which were made many comments regarding the garbage crisîs. It is cncouraging to sec that more individuals arc beginning t0 take an intcrest in this serions malter. However, there are a fcw points wbicb require sorn-e discussion. 1) We do have a dump (not a landfill) i our midst to wbicb the writcr made reference, but I and many others consider it 10 be neither well-run nor operated by so-called "experts". Over the past several ycars, I have attended several "open bouses" hosted by Laidlaw, at wbich I had occasion 10 speak witb the so-called " experts". On onc occasion, wbilc speaking with one of Laidlaw's representatives, there was some discussion regarding thc possibility of toxic wastes going into the Newtonville dump. Hc was quite adament in bis assurances that tbis dump was flot suitable for toxic wastcs, and under no circuinstances would Laidlaw accept any. During thc discussion, ho was made aware that tbe single largest source of toxic waste is household garbage, to wbich lhc exclaimcd in a niost exasperated manner: "W.E DONT HAVE ALL THE ANS WER S!' 2) Tbis dump, has a wcll- maintained history of environmnnal infractions, and is fundamentally an environmcntally unsound site - in part because it is situated i an old gravel pit - wc al know now that these arc one of Uic worst sites for garbage dumps - they icacli like a sieve. I August of this year, our new Premier was presented with water samples from Graham Creck - one froin upstream of the dump, an one froin downstream of the dump. It was quite evident t0 any person that there was a very distinguishable difference bcîween the two samples. The downstreamn sample made a most striking impression Bowmanville Constituency Office at 68 King Street East. That ev-cning I went 10 Port Perry 10 attend thef r Library Board's Fund Raising Dinner and Auction. "Charlie Farquharson" f-rom Panry Sound enîertained. It was a lot of fun, including tbe cracks from "Charlie" about that DPca'er Gord Milîs, and his friend "Bob somcthing" who rcally is stili attcnding Higli Scbool some wberc. Friday eve-ning was spent at the Newcastle Community Hall as a guest of thc New Optimist Club at their Char ter Nigbt, and installation of officers. Saturday morning 1 met wiUi thc executive directors of Wilmoî Creek, in order that concerns of tUat comniity cas be properly addressed. And, on Saîurday evening I met with the Minister of Agriculture at Queen's Park, to become part of a new rural advisory council that will deal wiUi rural needs of Ibose MPP's representing rural districts. Tbis committee will be looking into many rural issues, including farm credit rates, fari land uses, and rural post offices. So anotier exciting week passes into the hisîory books. I look forward to keeping everyone informed of Uic Uings I do as your upon him - be was disgusîcd! 3) Companies sncb as Laidlaw are motivated by thc needs of their share-bolders - that is 10 make Uic bighest profit possible. Ibere is a nced 10 minimize expenditures on safety net, and maximizc income with HIGH TONNAGE; consequenîly, sharebolders are satisficd only as long as there are maximum profits 10 take t0 the bank. These profils are gcncrated by cnsuring great volumes of garbage. Ibus, it is in Laidlaw's best inîcrest 10 ensure that we all produce gobs of garbage. Do we really believe that tbcy are truly committed 10 minimizing thecir profits? 4) 1 agrce with Uic writer that Uic choice of Uic Ganaraska site is an atrocions onc. Howcver, 1 find il unconscionable that one can "finger point" from one site to anoUier. Eacb site must bc judged on its own merits in cnvironmental, social, technical soundncss - full Environmental Assessinent. Perbaps Uic wriîcr is unaware tbat Laidlaw bas beeni frantically attcmpting 10 by-pass tbe Environimcntal AssessntAct with the objective t0 undergo the lcss stringent Enviroiental Protection Asscssmcnt - Libere is a vast difference bcîwccn Ihese processcs, including virtually NO public input in Uic latter. 1 reside wiUiin equal distance of bolli sites, an dam of Uic opinion diat both cas easily bc proveni to be unsounid. As I sec il, Uic problem lies in the facî that we are not addressing the problem at ils source. Similar 10 somneone having left Uic door open and now trying 10 swat al Uic flics in Uic bouse, we arc producing t00 much garbage, and only now trying 10 determine what to- do wiUhiti. The crux of Uic problem, is that wc MUST, reduce Uic volume of garbage - first and forcmnost.hI other words, close Uic' door!1 lanners and polilicians have long known that Ibis situation was looming. Dcaling with ilý was not politically advanîageous, thus wc find ourselves in a elevcnth-bour scenario wberc "Uicy" are going 10 attcmpt 10 railroad Ibrougli a convenient, ill-conccived dump. Yours truly, Robert R. MacDonald St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OR ONO GA TES 0F PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Fuit Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L, West Office 983-9341 Personai Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling ORONO *PASTORAL CHARGE Minister:Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5208 Secretary: Marlene isebrough Organist at Kirby United Church Aulene Bolton Organist at Orono United Church Sela Morton IRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ORONO UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday-School 11:00 i.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall BIBLE STUDY Wednes-day 7:45 p.m. at the Manse UPCOMÏNG SER VICES Sunday, November 4th 11:00 a.m. U.C.W. Sunday Sunday, November 11th Remembrance Day Service Boo Buck Bobbles October 24 - November 3 Draw a coloured Disc and SAVE 10 -20 m 30% On Alil Purchases (ACCEPT CIGARETTES AND PRESCRIPTIONS> 983-5009

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